aniviron, on 26 November 2013 - 06:13 PM, said:
I'm afraid that this is exactly the problem right here, this is the million dollar post (well, some of the mediums are fatter than the heavier mechs, but we all know he means weight

). Good teams are going to be dropping in highlanders, victors, and jenners. Weight limits are probably going to spell death for the medium weight class more surely than all the horrible balancing failures that PGI has implemented so far. Not much will change in the short term, but as people buy and sell mechs, it's going to become obvious that lights hit far harder than mediums for the tonnage they consume. We're in a spot where lights do as much damage as a medium, but live longer and move faster, and now lights get the additional benefit of freeing 10-30 tons up for their teammates to run even heavier mechs, which is only going to help the team even more.
how is limiting weight going to make mediums extinct?
Another way to help was something we used in megamek.
It was a dynamic BV (works similar to the dynamic economy i've suggested in a few threads)
As that mech becomes popular and its use increases and players win with that mech its BV goes up. Mechs that don't get used or suffer from a high number of losses have their BV drop.
Mech A has BV of 2000
It becomes popular and pilots using it win a lot in it. Every 10 wins increases the BV by 50
So for example, highlanders are very popular in 12 mans. They earn a lot of kills and do well. It's BV beings to climb limiting its usefulness due to inflated BV. Eventually it hits 4000 BV. With BV limits in place eventually it will be very prohibitive to use this mech
Mech B has a BV of 2000
It isn't very popular and doesn't get used often. When it does it has much lower win and kill rate than Mech A. As it sits in hangars unused its BV slowly begins to depreciate. The BV then becomes 1000 and becomes more popular and useful due to its lower BV.
Think of it as a separate ELO for the mech itself. This is completely separate from a pilot's ELO but works in the same manner. The "better" the mech, the higher cost in BV. They "worse" the mech, the lower cost in BV
WarZ, on 26 November 2013 - 07:53 PM, said:
You had me and my enjoyment of your post until this. Can we please stop making a scapegoat out of people who just want to play and hang out and goof off with people they enjoy playing with? Players who group up have absolutely no control over who they drop against. They don't go out looking for anyone to stomp. Premades lose just like pugs do. Stop trying to make them into a boogeyman scapegoat please