this is a storry i have been slowly writing over the las 7 years. i dont write often and i know there are mistakes but id like to share it with yall. i ripped it from the skulls forums. its unfinished.
Location: Planet Tranquil 48Long by 63lat Mountaninus forest area. Skull Home Base (AkA El Lounge)
Burn has returned to base after finishing patrols in his Puma. He walks in and looks around the lounge with his young battle scared face and the Machine gun he salvage off of a bulldog thrown over his shoulder. He see's Monk passed out on the bar, a JimBean in his hand. Pheonix and Razor are playing pool while Maddog is sleeping by the fire with a half-eaten sandwich and a picture of his girlfriend Journye next to him.
"Well looks like I missed the party" he says to himself, "HEY MONK WAKE UP!!!!!!" monk stirs and mumbles drunkedly "wub do you wunt Burn" "Just to report in sir. i took out a patrol of tanks on my route but not much else to report." "Well" monk replies,"cary on then” Burn sets down the MG and walks over to watch Phoenix and Razor’s pool game “Hey MUDDOOG" monk says a few minutes later as he gets up and kicks Maddog “yur torn to go on pertrol, so wake up” Maddog sits up and huridly tucks his girlfriends picture away, “Yes SIR I’m on my way out” and he rushes off for the mech bay, a fake tail sewn to his pants back. Pheonix breaks out laughing and says to Burn and Razor, “I wonder how long till he notices the tail?” “Don’t know,” Burn says “but I think his girlfriend may like it” a smile crossing his face because he had introduced Maddog to Journye a few weeks earlier. “Well, I hope it works out for him Burn.” replied Razor. Suddenly a voice thunders over the bases communications system. “ Lounge Come in, I REPEAT come in Lounge, Lounge Please respond, THIS IS Oxide.” Razor runs over and picks up the mic. “Lounge here what do you need Oxide.” “You had beter get up here to the spaceport control tower you may want to see this.” We are on our way Oxide, Lounge out” “Come on Monk.” Pheonix yells. Monk had passed out again where maddog had been. “I’m up, I’m up” Monk says, “whats going on?” “Oxide needs us in the Spaceport control tower.” Burn replies. Monk nods and they all take off down the underground tunnel connecting the control tower to the lounge.
Razor, Monk, Burn, and Phoenix burst threw the door to the control tower and run over to where Oxide is standing. Oxide turns and says, “We received a distress call from a jump ship requesting permission to put down drop ships because they needed to abandon ship sir.” “And did you give it to them?” Monk replied. “I started to” Oxide continued, “ but mid transmission another jump ship came on radar and opened fire on the first. Then we received this message.” Oxide turns back to the console in from of him and hits the replay key on the view screen. The picture of a muscular, dark haired man with green tattoos on his face appeared and he started to talk in a deep commanding voice, “ I am star colonel Rock Schroedel of clan Jade Falcon. The Jump ship you have just witnessed destroyed is only the beginning of our taking of your world. You have exactly 1 hour to surrender and join us, or you will be crushed in our claws. Ha ha ha.” Everyone looks at each other in disbelief. Finally monk proclaims, “ we have had this planet in our control for the last 10 years I don’t think we are gonna let those dam Jade Falcons take our home. What do you say boys? Are we going to surrender or are we gonna show them what the Laughing Skulls are made of?” In one simultaneous nod they all agreed. “Then its settled then, LONG LIVE THE LAUGHING SKULLS AND DEATH TO ALL THAT OPPOSE US!!!! Oxide, call all forces out on patrol to return to base. The rest of you get down to the mech bays and start outfitting the mechs for combat. Be sure to dig my assault out of mothballs. Its time for me to make Trash proud to have left me in charge. NOW MOVE OUT!”
Off in the deep forsests near the base of Skull Mountain, in a secluded bunker someone has intercepted the transmition sent by the Jade Falcons. After seeing it, the mysterous figure leaves the outdated communications room and heads for a small single bay mech hanger.
Meanwhile back at the Laughing Skulls base there are mechs and tanks everywhere as the skulls prepare to defend their home planet from the iminent Jade Falcon attack. "Burn, Pheonix" Monk yells through the noise in the mech bay as mechs are being armed, "Get your configs picked and loaded your going out first! Razor get in your mech and meet up with Maddog when he gets back. im going with the tank corp. send a notice to Oxide to get down here when he is done calling the rest of the units back. LETS GO PEOPLE!!!"
Just then the sound of a dropships reto rockets are heard firing in the distance. glistenig in the sun is the jade falcon emblem on the side of the ship before it disapears on the far side of the forest. Monk turns and yells to the techs in the mechbay as he jumps in his Gladiator, "COME ON WORK FASTER!!!!! THIS IS WHAT I PAY YOU FOR!!!!! Pheonix, Burn, if your loaded get moving i want my 2 best brawlers out there now" "Yes Sir" they both reply as the mechs power up and the computers list off the systems. "you ready for this Burn?" Pheonix says over the comlink. "you bet," Burn replies as he closes the cockpit hatch on his Couldron Born "lets kick some jade falcon ***!!" Just then Oxides voice comes over the comlink. "ive got some satalite shots of what looks to be 1 lance of scouts and a lance of heavies heading toward the hydro electric dam and three lances of assults heading for our base. if we lose the dam we wont be able to hold out for long. im designating the dam as alpha and our base as beta. base defences should be able to hold out till the dam is safe. Monk your in charge of deployment you choose who to send where. im heading down to the hanger now. im setting the tower to computer control. Oxide out." "Pheonix, Burn," Monk barks, " head to the dam and take care of those lights and heavies, Oxide get in a mech and stay here to defend, Razor meet up with maddog and then try to intercept one of those assult groups. Stay long range if you can, we dont need to lose mechs and people." "Rodger that!" everyone yells. Razor heads east to meet Maddog, Burn and Pheonix head north to the dam following the river through the northern forest.
" I'VE GOT PROBLEMS!!!! " Maddog yells, " CAN ANYONE READ ME!!! Damn it. You took out my longrange radio, You Sons of *******!!!! DIIEE!!!!! " Maddog, his mech walking backwards and returning fire, is trying to get away from the oncoming assult mech star as gunfire, lasers, and missles rain down around his mech and the other surroundings of the eastern woods, and rim of the crator where the city of New Vega is located. "Dam ********" He yells as the arm of his Black Knight Is shot off. "Weapon destroyed, weapon destroyed" the computer blares, Maddog yells at his mech "I THINK I KNOW THAT YOU PIECE OF **** MECH!" Sudenly a gause round hits maddogs mech and it falls over on its back and the weapons fire stops "Greatings mechwarrior," one of the Jade falcon pilots says over the coms, " if you surrender now ill spare you your life." "NEVER" Maddog yells back. "Now I wouldnt be so hasty there friend" the pilot says to maddog, "You move you...." Just then a Wolves Howling pierces the comlink. followed by another, and another and another. Then in a flash of blue light one of the Jade falcon mech explodes. "WHAT THE, Where did that come from!. the Falcon pilot exclaimes as the 3 remaining falcon pilots start scaning visualy for what is not showing on their radars. "There!" one of the other falcon pilots yells, "To the east, on top of the rim." "Its only a Wolfhound Ramus you fool there is no way one could have taken out an assult mech." the first pilot yells. slowly 3 more Wolfhounds appear next to the first and the howling pierces the coms again. More flashes of blue light and another Falcon mech is on the ground leg twisted into smoldering scrap. "GET THEM RAMUS!" the first pilot yells as they turn and start fireing. The four Wolfhounds vanish into the treeline of the woods heading towars the falcon mechs and maddogs BK still on the ground. As the falcons start to move toward the treeline on the edge of the clearing they are in, the wolfhounds in groups of 2 run out and past, the two falcon mechs between them and fire their lazers repeatedly at the lead mech removing both of its arms as they disapeared into the tree line on the other side of the clearing. By now maddog has managed to get his mech back on its feet and fires into the back of Ramus’ mech. "Take that Falcon Skum" Maddog yels as he limps his mech away trying to get some distance between him and the 2 remaining damaged assault mechs. "Sir we should retreat." ramus yells. "NO, WE WILL FIGHT, OR DIE!"
"If thats what you wish" A female voice says as the four wolfhounds emerge surrounding the 2 mechs, circleing them slowly. "FIRE!!!" the female voice says in a doglike bark. All four wolfhounds and Maddogs BK fire at the remaining mechs, they go critical, and in the explosion an ejection pod is seen rocketing skyward. "So" the female voice comes over the comlink agian. "Just cant stay out of trouble, can ya? My lil Maddoggy." "Journye?" maddog, shaken and confused, "I didnt know you were a mech pilot." "you never asked what i did outside of working at the club everynight hun." Journye replied, " Alow me to introduce, my light mech New Vega Combat tournament team, The ******* of War. BOW for short, I'm sure you remember my friends, Dawn, Widow, and Rosalie?" "Who could forget," Maddog says smiling, "that one night and it gave doggy style a whole new meaning" All 4 of the BOW members laugh. "Maddog come in maddog please respond" comes razors voice over the comlink. "Maddog here what you need" Thank god your still alive," razor replies, "I saw the explosion and i thought the worst becasue i couldn’t reach you on the link, im guesing your mech long range com is down.?" razor stops his mech next to Maddogs and looks at the four wolfhounds. Razor turns in the cockpit of his mech and looks at Maddog sensing his confusion to why there were the remains of four assult mechs on the ground and four unscathed wolfhounds on the other side of the burning wreckage, looks at Razor and says, "Razor, Meet, the ******* of War." again the howling is heard over the comlink. "Well," Pipes up Journye " you want an escort back to the base there hun, your BK is in realy bad shape." "that would’nt be a bad idea Maddog."razor says, " we can use a few more good pilots about now." they all turn and start heading west back to the base.
Pt 5.
As phoenix and Burn approach the dam they are going over their tactics on how to deal with the ten mechs heading toward them. “so,” says Pheonix, “ I’m playing the shield again huu?” “yup, like always, you’re a bit more heavily armored I pack the bigger punch, you know that.” Burn replied. “ besides, were here. get into position and go radar off. Visual targeting only, and radeo silence till contact. The lights will most likely show up first”
As the two skull mechs come to the foot of the dam, they split, and take up their ambush positions. Phoenix in his Avatar, positions himself in the shadows and mists at the foot of the dam, and Burns Cauldron Born in the edge of the woods about 300 meters away. A few minutes go by when slowly the falcon light mechs start emerging from the tree line in front of the dam. Pheonix in his Avatar flips the safty off his firing trigger and whispering to himself as he starts tracking the closest mech, “just a little closer, a little bit closer” his finger on the verge of opening up his heavy medium lazer packs and Three LBX 10 Autocannons on the unsuspecting uller scout mech. “ Come on. Come on, and….. NOW!!!!!!!!!” And on this he pulls the trigger emerging from the mists like a ghost blowing off the unsuspecting ullers leg. Then unleashing his Ultra AC 20 on the cougar behind it shredding its center torso knocking it down. ON the cue of Pheonix’s yell, Burn emerges from the trees opening up his twin LBX 20’s on the puma 150 meters from him ripping thru its right arm and torso sending it to the ground, then turning his Streak SRM6 packs LBX10 and Heavy medium lazer on the crippled couger in front of phoenix. “GET OUT OF THERE!” Yelled Burn “ITS GOING CRITICAL!”
Pheonix turns his mech and starts running but not quick enuf. As his avatart and the other falcon puma get caught in the blast wave. Destroying the puma and damaging Pheonixs avatar. “DAMIT BURN WATCH WHAT YOUR DOING” Pheonix yells as he fires his wepons at the remaining puma as its getting up causing its pilot to eject.”Sorry dude,” burn replies as he fires at the fleeing cougar stripping its rear armor as phoenix’s Ultra AC rounds finish it off. “ so much for the surprise, we need to get ready for the heavy mechs and fast. Im sure the scouts reported us even though that fight only lasted about 2 minutes.” “no **** shirlock” phoenix said, “its gonna be hard now that my mechs leg is crippled and im showing warrnings accrost the board.”
Well we better be ready cause here they come. At that moment a Vulture, Thor, Pitbull, Wildcat, and Madcat emerg from the trees. The com blairs with a females voice, “I am Star Captain Kira Pryde, you have ambushed one of my stars. So now YOU will be eliminated. KILL THEM!!!!” Pheonix and burn get the first shots off alpha striking the menacing looking wildcat destroying it before Kira finishes her cry. “We need to get moving Burn.” Phoenix yells as the arm containing his Ultra AC 20 is turned to slag by one of the opposing mechs. “were outnumbered.” Burn alphas the thor in the leg and the missles dissinagrate it as his Cauldron born takes a huge hit in the torso destroying his LBX10 and Heavy laser. pheonix opens up with the remaining weapons at the vulture tearing a hole in the side of its torso causing its missle pack to explode destroying its arm. “Were getting ripped apart! I know were good but dam you Monk and your drunken deployments.” Burn yells over the com as his mech losses an arm and SRM pack. Pheonixs mech goes down hard as the pitbull lays into it from the side. “**** IM DONE” He yells. Suddenly from above the top of the dam comes a flurry of SRM and Laser fire as what appears to be a giant flying trashcan comes into view. Destroying the crippled vulture of the falcon warrior and landing on the pitbull knocking it over. “WHO WANTS TO GO CAMPING!!” Yells a raspy old voice over the coms. “TRASH” yell Pheonix and Burn in unison. “where have you been hiding you perverted old *******!?” phoenix proclaims as Trash’s Urbanmech lands and unleashes rounds of LBX, Laser, and SRM missles into the surprised Kira in the madcat. “ How ya doing boys? You miss me?” “Man are we glad to see you.” Burn says as he fires his remaining weapons at the badly damaged head of the pitbull as its getting up off the ground. “STAY DOWN YOU CLAN *******” as the mech falls back to the ground. Alone and surrounded the clan leader screams.
“ENUFF!!” kira declares.“Enuff, of this slaughter.”
“Well,” replied trash. “is the star captain feeling a little outnumbered now? You know all I have to do is pull this trigger and your mech and you will be gone.”
“I Know. And im prepared to die.”
“I don’t think we are gonna kill you, you have to have done sumthing right to get that many mech under your command. Ill make you a deal.”
“And just what is this deal?”
“ill spare you your life, but you will work for us. All of these wrecks and any salvageable leftovers now belong to us.”
“so I am to be your bondswoman”
“and just who exactly are you warriors?”
“We are the mercinaries who have called this planet home since taking it from the Smoke Jaguars, we laugh at our enemies as we beat them senseless, we are The best that there is, we are, The Laughing Skulls.”
Burn looks out the side of his cockpit down at phoenix as he climbs out of his totaled Avatar and sais, “Heeess BAAaack” and smiles from ear to ear and phoenix nods his head.
“Well Kira?” Trash says.
“I submit I will serve you loyaly as your bondswoman from now on.” Kira replied. “Well its settled then,” Trash said, “ jetison all ammo from your mech Kira, phoenix, see if that vulture can be made mobile. it looks to be in better shape than your Avatar and the rest of the junk here. Burn contact Monk tell him we are bringing in a new pilot and lets get out of here.” Pheonix drags the dead pilot from the heavily damaged vulture and powers it back up. Keying in the correct identifying transponder so it wont be confused for a falcon mech anymore. They all start heading south toward the base guns pointed at the back of Kiras back as they limp back home.

Laughing Skulls Story
Started by ICUBurn, Nov 24 2011 02:20 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 24 November 2011 - 02:20 PM
Posted 24 November 2011 - 03:01 PM
L_Skull I was once part of this team, for a few days..... In MW3 I took in a Puma with M-Guns in a ToE or ToP idk, and I was shooting every one, Did not know what I needed to do......
Posted 23 November 2013 - 04:26 PM
Oh my god...this brings back a lot of memories...
Razor is my dad. He was a proud member of the Laughing Skulls. I was always too young to join, and I think they dissolved before I was old enough...
I always read his fan fictions that he wrote, and I remember being so little and watching while he played with the Skulls on MW3.
He's so busy now... But sometimes he finds time to play MWO.
God, though...seeing this is like the heaviest wave of nostalgia ever...
Razor is my dad. He was a proud member of the Laughing Skulls. I was always too young to join, and I think they dissolved before I was old enough...
I always read his fan fictions that he wrote, and I remember being so little and watching while he played with the Skulls on MW3.
He's so busy now... But sometimes he finds time to play MWO.
God, though...seeing this is like the heaviest wave of nostalgia ever...
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