luxebo, on 09 December 2013 - 08:35 PM, said:
Pretty much correct. The only Centurion that should ever mount arm weapons is the 9AL, since it can mount a couple SPL or ML in there. However, the 9AL is probably the most lackluster Centurion in the mix anyway, largely because of this.
Arm mounted guns on a Centurion are asking to be neutered in seconds, period. Torso mounted weapons are a must-have on the Centurion and if you're spending tonnage armoring and weaponizing those limbs, it's going to hurt your agility and overall performance so much that you will be inferior to a proper Centurion build in every way.
luxebo, on 09 December 2013 - 08:35 PM, said:
The thing that people seem to keep missing is a good 'mech is a good 'mech is a good 'mech in this game.
With a handful of exceptions, there's not a lot of 'mechs that are "very good, in the right hands and when used in the right situation." For example, the Blackjack - it's a very good AC/20 'mech in light tonnage league drops if the pilot is good at evasive jump jetting - is a 'mech I would say that is not recommended to newbies, but can be very good.
However moving onto things like "Golden Boy is bad" and "Shadow Hawk is good" - these are going to be the same for people in ALL skill brackets. I tell newbies to pick up a Shadow Hawk because it's a great 'mech now, and later, no matter what they're doing with it. Why would I ever steer them towards a Hunchback which is an inferior 'mech... now, and later?
That's what this list is about.
If someone wanted the "full top tier 'mech experience" I would recommend they buy:
Shadow Hawk
Then they can branch out from there. Delete weight classes you aren't interested in (i.e. remove Jenners if you don't like lights, Highlanders if you don't like assaults).
On top of that I recommend:
Recon pilots: Cicada, Raven, Spider
Recon Extras: Trebuchet 3C, Centurion 9D
Sniper pilots: Jagermech, Blackjack
Brawler Pilots: Jagermech, Catapult K2, Blackjack, Centurion
LRM Pilots: Shadow Hawk, Centurion
ECM Special: Atlas DDC
But I'm recommending those core 'mechs first, hands down, before even looking at those other niche 'mechs. And yes, I'm steering people outright away from Dragons & Kintaros.
They have every right to ignore my advice, but I think a reasonable review of the 'mechs should be available and accurate for newbies. I don't buy into the "Newbies should get something terrible first to 'build character'" philosophy.
Edited by Victor Morson, 09 December 2013 - 08:49 PM.