Damon Howe, on 12 December 2013 - 07:10 PM, said:
Thanks for the awesome work Martino! We sent a few groups over to play tonight on the hub, having a good time!
Glad you had a good time. I looked at the server logs and noticed that there was more activity than usual

I actually woke up this morning to the server being dangerously low on memory, but I tweaked it to give priority to TeamSpeak since no one at the moment is using the website stuff.
PerryRaptor, on 13 December 2013 - 05:25 AM, said:
I stopped by your new FRR Hub TeamSpeak Server...looking good!!!
After you guys get a regular crowd going maybe we can schedule matches between FRR Hub and Steiner Hub to have some sync-drops and other fun! Contact Peiper to setup some events.
Also, you guys are welcome to join our Friday Night Sync-drops -- all you need is some beer, laughter, and the desire to have fun. We kick it going around 8:30 pm Eastern. I think our recent Fridays averaged about 30 players a night. Join us anytime on TeamSpeak => ts1.housesteiner.com
Shoot Y'all Later,
6th RCT Apache Division
Steiner Hub Admin
Thanks PerryRaptor. Yeah, that would be great. I'm sure we FRRs would love the challenge of going up against some Steiner Scout Lances

We just need to get more people in there, and find someone that would like to take charge of organising these things.
First off all I would like to suggest to members of groups who play on the server to use the general dropships outside of your unit's practice (or dedicated) drops. This way you might find it easier to fill a 4-man groups if there are players from other units on. It will also increase your chance of recruiting someone, which is something that has been raised to me as a reason why some groups still prefer to have their main presence on other servers.
Secondly, is there anyone that would like to be an events coordinator? Right now it's still a bit empty so there may not be enough regular users to fill an event, but I'd really appreciate it if someone could take charge of this and could start coming up with some ideas. These events could also attract more users in. I'd rather not do this myself as I've been busy enough with admin duties and getting the system setup. This should become less of a problem once the stuff will be in place, but even so I'd like to restrict my role (and time, since I would also like to play the game lol!).
Edited by martino2k6, 13 December 2013 - 06:45 AM.