Asmudius Heng, on 08 December 2013 - 03:02 AM, said:
No there was no difference between balistics and energy weapons in TT raneg wise.
This is a mechanic designed for real time games for balance purposes.
If energy weapons were allowed the same range people would snipe with them all the time because there is no ammo loss and at sniper range you can hide n cool down easily.
If balistics had the same damage drop off as lasers then perhaps thier appeal might be much less in favour of non ammo based weapons which are much lighter.
I would be interested to see the accuracy of balistics weapons at extreme range though to see if firing at that range is actually pretty inefficient ammo wise - if so i think its all good and balistics users would be better off making sure they are targeting stationary targets at long range only
It's difficult to say, because we don'T have the weapon data drilled down to that level of precision.
But as an example, my personal statistics:
AC/20: 6,135 shots fired, 77,026 damage inflicted. 12.5 damage per shot. That means I have a damage utilization of around 62.7 % (e.g I deal 62.7 % of the damage on average that I could deal ,or 33.3 % of my damage is wasted.
Gauss Rifle: 3,488 shots fired, 31,652 damage inflicted. That means I have a "damage utilization" of around 60 %.
AC/5: 376 shots fired, 815 damage inflicted. 2.17 damage inflicted per shot. That means I have a damage utilization of around 43 %.
For the Large Laser: 1,799 shots fired, 7,830 damage inflicted. 4.35 damage per shot. That means I have a "damage utilization" of around 48 %.
For the ER Large Laser: 33 shots (yeah, I don't use it much), 143 damage inflicted. 4.33 damage per shot. That means I have a "damage utilization" of around 48 %.
For the Medium Laser:
6,630 shots fired, 16,711 damage inflicted. 2.52 damage per shot. That means I have a damage utilization of around 50 %.
My observations:
It doesn't really seem as range or projectile speed is a major factor in my precision with ballistic weapons. Despite the Gauss being used at longer ranges than the AC/20, the precision is similar. The AC/5 has however a much worse - but it lies range-wise between Gauss and AC/20. Its projectile is faster than the AC/20, and I believe most of those Gauss Shots where before the Gauss got its speed increase, so it the AC/5 was also faster. It seems unlikely a faster projectile speed makes me less precise. What is notably different however is its rate of fire. A faster rate of fire might make me less precise. That is something I always suspected (confirmation bias showing?) - if you need to fire more often, you have less time to aim and you also might need to take more risky shots since you want to use that ROF.
For Lasers, the differences are marginal, though there might be a tendency to be more precise at closer range (but it's just a 2 % difference. The ER Laser I didn't use very often, so I might have not really utilized its range?)
I wonder what other people's statistics say on this matter. I might be a unique snowflake. But I doubt that. (I figure there are plenty that hit better than me, but are there people that are masters with lasers but suck with ballistics?)