Mudhutwarrior, on 13 December 2013 - 11:23 AM, said:
I have a buddy who played this for a while and he does have epilepsy. He said certain situations make him feel wobbly during play. His option was to stop playing when it hits. He quit completely for other reasons though. I know myself I stopped using jump jets because I didn't like the shake. Might be my poor eyesight but its bit much for a lot of people.
I am of the thought if you have that condition you should be smart enough to stop whats giving you problems. Now the minors playing the game might be a different story though. If I built something that could cause harm I would be quick to correct it.
That has to be hard on your friend, but at the end of the day, ALL high-intensity video games provide high risk hobbies for an epileptic. Imagine if your friend played a casual game like Audiosurf, with its crazy 3-D equalizer effects...
Certainly not a reason to alter the gameplay in any way though.
Cockpit shake doesn't represent your mech being knocked around it represents your pilot bouncing around against his restraints as his mech gets pummeled.
Ive heard people complain this is a glitch
Sometimes when I get hit really hard by an AC\20 or a ton of weapons at once, my screen shake is so bad I'll see my pilots legs or the ceiling of my cockpit.
To me this is really immersive, and if anything I'd like to see them expand on the mechanic with pilot health tracking and the possibility of blacking\whiting out for a brief moment when hit too hard.
St4LkeRxF, on 13 December 2013 - 11:28 AM, said:
Shake is not problem, it is explosion from some weapons that are like anti-air cannons
I can agree with this a lot more, impacts should be more about sparks and armor chunks flying off, it almost looks like AC rounds explode a few feet before they make contact with the enemy. What the hell is a high explosive AC\2 round (50-75mm right?) going to do against mech armor?
I figure they are supposed to be HEAT or Sabot rounds, but they look like HE rounds from WW2