Posted 14 December 2013 - 01:06 AM
So I've had some time to process this all, and I think I'm gonna have to go with the Clan Packs being a bad idea, both from a business and ethical standpoint.
Now, I should say that I'm a Clan fan. I played the original MechWarrior and Crescent Hawk games so long ago, but it was MechWarrior 2 that really made me fall in love with the universe and the games. Some fans don't appreciate Clan fans, however. I've been called a munchkin and a power gamer in some BattleTech games I've taken part in, simply for being willing to play the Clan force in a game. Others have called me shallow for not being "head over heels" for one of the Great Houses (though I do find the Mariks and Liaos interesting, but I digress).
The truth is, I don't really love the Clans for their tech, or for their winning streak. I enjoy the flavor they have, that unique idea that if you are strong and determined, you can win your way to glory. It appealed to me as a nerdy little teenager, and I still enjoy the fantasy behind it today.
However, paying that much for undelivered content in a game that has a decided lack of in-game structuring to it, is wrong. It feels, as some have pointed out with better elocution than I, as a cash grab. Also, it once again targets fans who might be seeking to relive something that was important to them in their youth.
How many BattleTech fans were the sciency type in high school? How many were the quiet bookworms? How many used a game of big, stompy robots as fuel to escape what might be a mundane or even depressing reality?
That's what science fiction has done best, given people an out from whatever bothers them in the day to day. These are fans who might be desperate at some level to relive that escape, to become that powerless kid who suddenly was unstoppable.
I'm sorry for rambling, but this has gotten me a bit riled up. This is disrespectful to fans, plain and simple. Yes, many will probably willingly dump $500 for a golden, virtual idol to their childhood, but that doesn't make it right. In fact, I'd dare to say it's a rotten thing to do altogether, what with the continued lack of any substance, even minute, to give the game a sense of scale or scope.
Yes, this is a business venture. I understand that. However, I do legitimately worry about how much longer this state of organized chaos can continue. Eventually it will collapse, and there will be hurt feelings on both sides. I only hope that it doesn't damage people's love of the game on a larger level.