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#1841 ove bababoke


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:59 AM

View PostGalen Crayn, on 14 December 2013 - 02:52 AM, said:

This game is still beta. it has no intro, not a good Ui, the same game modes since 2 years, only a few maps, no lobby... and even DX11!

Dear PGI! For this X-mas I heartly wish you bankrupt! You don`t deserve this franchise and have done nothing to reanimate this for this 2 years.
You still have a chance to sell you license to someone who really cares, who can develop games, who can communicate with society. You can do nothing and absolutely useless and incompitate.

#1842 MoonUnitBeta


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:59 AM

View PostGalen Crayn, on 14 December 2013 - 02:52 AM, said:

This game is still beta. it has no intro, not a good Ui, the same game modes since 2 years, only a few maps, no lobby... PGI is not only a bad company, they are totally incompetent! What are the 40+ people doing all day? What? Other small publisher are making one patch after another with new maps, game modes, mechs... So what the hell is going wrong with PGI?

Something about an island.

#1843 Stomp


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 02:59 AM

[ [REDACTED] intensifies]

Edited by Stomp, 14 December 2013 - 03:01 AM.

#1844 C E Dwyer


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:00 AM

View PostAppogee, on 14 December 2013 - 02:56 AM, said:

Posted Image

loving this

#1845 Demuder


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:00 AM

This last move of yours has finally convinced me that MWO is not an online computer game of the franchise we all hoped it would be.

It is just the experimental data collection of the thesis of an undergraduate economics major titled "How much money can a computer game that promises everything but delivers nothing actually make in the age of The Internets".

I've spent about 50 euro on this game, and boy I feel I wasted it. The really sad part is that I can't say that without getting a feeling of completely unintentional gloating against your poor customers that spent so much more. I guess it feels good to feel less cheated than others. Shame on you.

Edited by dimstog, 14 December 2013 - 03:05 AM.

#1846 MaxQuatro


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:01 AM

Nelson.jpeg HA-HAPosted ImagePosted Image

#1847 Stigson


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:01 AM


Please help me understand why should I buy any ingame stuff in a game which had no real development in a year?

Why should I spend more money for mechs to shoot random guys in the same boring gamemodes (skirmish and turrets are not a new gamemode) without any goal? Without real ingame social backround (lobby, corps)?
In this year you spend our money to "develop" the glorious UI 2.0 the vital 3rd PV and the stupendous DX 11 and all we got this year is 3rd PV, which people did'nt want at all... Oh, wait, I forgot the thoughtful "ghos heat" which cooking your new gamers because there's still no tutorial.
The player's number is dropping... See this topic - which is about the biggest announcement in this year - has only 280 people reading it, and it's weekend.

You've just stated that UI.2 is slipped, you haven't start to develop CW yet... and after alll this, you've just push into our face the biggest money grab the game industry ever saw. Really, how dare you mocking us that much? I guess you want new sports car for the holidays.

Let's see what is missing from this game 3-4 months after LaunchTM:
- communication from devs
- CW
- UI 2
- lobby
- corps
- achievements
- more than 2 game modes
- working hit detection
- stable connection
- game balance
- background music?!
- etc...

Seriously, a bunch of independent modders could do better than this.

Give us something that enhance player experience. I will not throw cash in a dying, vegetating game and I will not support this unethical attitude of yours either. No more money for you...

#1848 xSKYEx


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:01 AM

View Postove bababoke, on 14 December 2013 - 02:59 AM, said:

Dear PGI! For this X-mas I heartly wish you bankrupt! You don`t deserve this franchise and have done nothing to reanimate this for this 2 years.
You still have a chance to sell you license to someone who really cares, who can develop games, who can communicate with society. You can do nothing and absolutely useless and incompitate.

+1 000 000!!!

#1849 RunningPirate


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:02 AM

Nope... not buying.

Not even UI 2.0 out and now this???

#1850 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:03 AM

View PostMrWhite, on 14 December 2013 - 02:54 AM, said:

I'd love to have a good mech game to throw money at but so far you guys keep falling flat on that promise. Have you heard of Elite Dangerous? I suggest you take 20 minutes away from ruining a franchise we all love and watch this video http://youtu.be/pRSPJHIGdEY this game currently has less funding then MWO has, is in alpha, and looks a TON more refined then what your team has been working on for over a year now. I paid into the founders pack 120 bucks against my better judgement on a product that I didn't see. I saw a product and didn't like it and you keep promising to give me what I was promised, and sold me on an overlord pack to help do that. I bought into that... now you are asking for more money then I have in both of these to finally deliver what you sold me on over a year ago? How about no. I'll give my money to Chris Roberts (who already has over 500 dollars of it) War Gaming (who has around 100 of it) And War Thunder (who will have about 100 bucks of it)

240 bucks to get the mechs I want? how about you guys go pound sand till you pull your {Scrap} together then maybe you'll get more money, till then keep it. I don't care if you tossed in 50k MC into this pack, still not worth it if the game that it goes in is broken and should still be in closed beta. Then at least these golds who defend you guys so much will be able to use the excuse "but it's only a beta" again.

That's the thing.

I've been living in a MWO bubble for 2 years.

I started playing war thunder & all these other games, and I was like "holy ****, I almost forgot what a good game developer could do in 2 years!"

Now, I'm in toss up mode. Do I toss my dreams of being a mechwarrior in a great mechsim because PGI has fail written all over it, or do I toss my money into proven quality developers like Chris Roberts and War Thunder, which in Beta remains better than MWO is today.

Excuses no longer cut it. This clan pack is the final rear-ending for battletech fans who have endured this "Game" for 2 years, and everything PGI has not / done to it.

One thing is certain. Not a dime more until we see that miracle ui 2.0 & CW & it's at least 90% as good as war thunders. There are no excuses left for PGI.

We draw the line here, and we will go no further. My unit is boycotting this clan pack as of now.

#1851 Victor Morson


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:03 AM

View PostColonel Pada Vinson, on 14 December 2013 - 01:44 AM, said:

Summer 2014 Preview:

12 man Summoner jumpsnipe team of beached whales flopping on the ground waiting for community warfare?

What happened to you, Pada? You used to be PGI's white knight but lately you've been letting them have it with both barrels. It's a good change.

If PGI has lost people like you.. youch.

Edited by Victor Morson, 14 December 2013 - 03:04 AM.

#1852 xSKYEx


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:03 AM

I will not buy any of this game contents befor i will see the results!

#1853 SaltBeef


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:04 AM

You can throw rocks and tomatoes at me all you want I have spent some $ on this game already and I am going to spend more and get the 240 package.......... Duck, Block, Leg sweep ! I think it is pretty innovative and really there is nothing to get worked up about. C,mon I mean you can grind through it all and eventually have all the mechs and fun earlier or later your choice it is capitolism or do you want your mech issued to you!! Only thing I am worried about is replayability!Say 10 yrs from now when I am a bit crustier and I want to play my old game will I be able to. I recently rebuilt a old computer just so that I could play all my games from 1995 - 2003 again. I was born in the 70's grew up in the 80's and am a freak for nostalgia. I almost finished with my muslecar 1970 plymouth 440 cuda with a 4 speed and now I want to game in a game that is fun and take out some aggression on your arses for bringin RAP MUSIC, The TWILIGHT SAGA and OBAMA!!. I am getting good enough to drop 1 or 2 mechs in a rage fit.

#1854 Enth


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:05 AM

View PostAlexEss, on 14 December 2013 - 02:46 AM, said:

Well looking on the bright side of things (after actually reading through the thread) most people seems to be angry that they either A: Did not get their clans mechs for free (false by the way) B: Was not asked personally how the pack was to be designed or C: Have a very negative way of looking at what can be done in 6 months

That is a way better outcome then i actually was hoping for.

I do agree with that we need CW phase 1... Like... Now. But all in all if they get U.I 2.0 in before x-mas they can still get CW in before clan mechs are released.

@AlexEss: I think you're missing the point, Alex...we (the people who've ALREADY forked over obscene amounts of money for a product which has YET to be delivered) are not upset (outraged, irate, vehemently opposed to, livid, etc...) because IGP/PGI is trying to take advantage of the holiday season and introduce yet more (unrealized) promises in exchange for (Redonculous amounts of) cash. We're want PGI to deliver upon the promises they have ALREADY made to us for both New play modes, bug fixes, and real content...not more empty promises and dangling carrots designed to separate us from our hard-earned cash (ducats/moolah/do-re-mi/scratch/wampum/sheckels/rupiis/drachmas/pfennings).

I hope this clears things up for you. Happy Holidays!

#1855 Chronojam


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:05 AM

Posted Image

Quote this if you're down.

e: Updated because we already own the island.

Edited by Chronojam, 14 December 2013 - 03:35 PM.

#1856 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:05 AM

View PostColonel Pada Vinson, on 14 December 2013 - 03:03 AM, said:

That's the thing.

I've been living in a MWO bubble for 2 years.

I started playing war thunder & all these other games, and I was like "holy ****, I almost forgot what a good game developer could do in 2 years!"

Now, I'm in toss up mode. Do I toss my dreams of being a mechwarrior in a great mechsim because PGI has fail written all over it, or do I toss my money into proven quality developers like Chris Roberts and War Thunder, which in Beta remains better than MWO is today.

Excuses no longer cut it. This clan pack is the final rear-ending for battletech fans who have endured this "Game" for 2 years, and everything PGI has not / done to it.

One thing is certain. Not a dime more until we see that miracle ui 2.0 & CW & it's at least 90% as good as war thunders. There are no excuses left for PGI.

We draw the line here, and we will go no further. My unit is boycotting this clan pack as of now.


and some people don't get it

View PostSaltBeef, on 14 December 2013 - 03:04 AM, said:

spends money on fluff

this is what happens when you haven't been around to endure the many failings of this company. enjoying 2 game modes? been like that for nearly a year UNCHANGED!

View PostChronojam, on 14 December 2013 - 03:05 AM, said:

Quote this if you're down.

i don't take too much notice of the people who have nestled in an island of insane self misery but this controbution is much appreciated.

some of us would love to see CW and clans implemented properly, so that Kong and goons etc can raid this innersphere empowered by Kerensky to take the game back :)

Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 14 December 2013 - 03:10 AM.

#1857 The Amazing Atomic Spaniel


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:05 AM

Concept art is stunning. Captures the character of my favourites but adds a refreshing twist. Very nice work!

Buuuuut we really need to have some progress on other content to take us beyond a mech skirmish game with a graunchy interface.

#1858 Victor Morson


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:07 AM

View PostSaltBeef, on 14 December 2013 - 03:04 AM, said:

You can throw rocks and tomatoes at me all you want I have spent some $ on this game already and I am going to spend more and get the 240 package.......... Duck, Block, Leg sweep ! I think it is pretty innovative and really there is nothing to get worked up about. C,mon I mean you can grind through it all and eventually have all the mechs and fun earlier or later your choice it is capitolism or do you want your mech issued to you!! Only thing I am worried about is replayability!Say 10 yrs from now when I am a bit crustier and I want to play my old game will I be able to. I recently rebuilt a old computer just so that I could play all my games from 1995 - 2003 again. I was born in the 70's grew up in the 80's and am a freak for nostalgia. I almost finished with my muslecar 1970 plymouth 440 cuda with a 4 speed and now I want to game in a game that is fun and take out some aggression on your arses for bringin RAP MUSIC, The TWILIGHT SAGA and OBAMA!!. I am getting good enough to drop 1 or 2 mechs in a rage fit.

When those of us that played MechWarrior for decades think back fondly of MechWarrior, very little of it will be MW:O I think.

I mean come on, Microsoft handled things better. MICROSOFT.

View PostChronojam, on 14 December 2013 - 03:05 AM, said:

Posted Image

Quote this if you're down.

Posted Image

#1859 C E Dwyer


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:08 AM

I'm betting right now PGI are recoiling from how badly this cash grab has been received.

Guessing they thought the bank of greedy would be filling to over flow by monday morning, instead they have got what they have deserved this last year, contempt.

now give us a game or you get nothing..

View PostChronojam, on 14 December 2013 - 03:05 AM, said:

Posted Image

Quote this if you're down.


#1860 Victor Morson


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Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:08 AM

View PostRocketDog, on 14 December 2013 - 03:05 AM, said:

Concept art is stunning. Captures the character of my favourites but adds a refreshing twist. Very nice work!

Buuuuut we really need to have some progress on other content to take us beyond a mech skirmish game with a graunchy interface.

Funniest/saddest thing is PGI is either going to have to:

- Make missile pods new armor locations
- Make the Timber Wolf everyone is paying hundreds for the most hilariously bad 'mech in the pack.

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