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Clan Collections - Feedback

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#7481 Artificer


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 03:56 AM

It was a very difficult decision for me, and it took weeks of trawling forums to arrive at it. I did a lot of reading on what we might expect of each of the clan mechs and the customization restrictions, checked expected C-Bill costs and even how much 30 days February reward premium time is worth to deduct from the cost. - Seeing that twitter post reminding us to buy now for that limited time offer was all too much like detestable salesman pressure.

I find that for the number of mechs and the higher C-Bill value of clan mechs (assuming MWO follows TT source materials on that), and compared to existing MC mech costs, it's actually a near-correct price for the package deals.

But it's more than I'd choose to spend on a game, especially with no proof of community warfare after so long a wait. I'm not a serious enough gamer to throw hundreds of dollars at them for virtual goods. Also, there aren't enough details about how clan mechs will be restricted to make an informed decision on such a large investment. I don't want to spend that much on mechs that seem likely to be terrible. Can I test drive one on the test server?

However, I don't want to have to grind for 75 million C-Bills for 3 Timberwolf variants either, or wait until probably September for the C-Bill release of that mech. I never have any spare C-Bills. I have one Battlemaster left to upgrade then I need to save 12 million for 2 modules (Cap. Accel. and something else), so I'm not likely to have any to spare for a while.

If they release much more detailed information and restore some confidence about armour value adjustment, I might consider going for a Summoner too. But otherwise, I'll just stick to the Timberwolf and save C-Bills for anything else.

Whilst I'm not happy about paying $55 for one hero mech and its two variants, at least I've not paid $210 for lots of trash/(incompatible to any of my play-styles) mechs I'll never use.

TLDR: Let us test drive or see more about them before attempting to pressure us into pre-ordering an unknown technology.

#7482 RG Notch


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 05:32 AM

View PostArtificer, on 27 February 2014 - 03:56 AM, said:

TLDR: Let us test drive or see more about them before attempting to pressure us into pre-ordering an unknown technology.

Why should they? You just admitted they pressured you into spending more money than you'd like. You think you are the only one to fall for it? They know what they are doing. This is exactly why they offer these incentives and don't give out info. People will feel pressured to buy in and then will be unlikely to ask for refunds if things turn out to be unpopular. All your story does is let them know their strategy is working.
Not buying in would be a more effective way to try to encourage them to change. The more people give in to their tactics, the more they are proven correct.

#7483 Artificer


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 05:50 AM

View PostRG Notch, on 27 February 2014 - 05:32 AM, said:

Why should they? You just admitted they pressured you into spending more money than you'd like. You think you are the only one to fall for it? They know what they are doing. This is exactly why they offer these incentives and don't give out info. People will feel pressured to buy in and then will be unlikely to ask for refunds if things turn out to be unpopular. All your story does is let them know their strategy is working.
Not buying in would be a more effective way to try to encourage them to change. The more people give in to their tactics, the more they are proven correct.

I agree and was aware of their ploy, but it was either just that 1 mech or nothing and I have a nagging sense that they'll eventually shut the servers down without ever launching CW. I'll be satisfied enough to run around in that for a while before saying goodbye to the franchise again.

You're absolutely right though, and one a la carte purchase instead of a full package is unlikely to make them reconsider their strategy. However, I doubt they'd lower prices due to lack of demand. They'd attempt to offer more added value bonuses to the existing options instead.

#7484 Kyrie


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 08:56 AM

I honestly wished I cared and believed enough in this game to buy anything at this stage. At present I feel far more comfortable blowing the money on anything else until I see a game with in-depth CW that I can actually play. With meaningful Houses and House to House warfare.

I find myself immune now to the pressures that worked during the previous great cash grab (Phoenix). They got me at the top tier then, but the big reveal about the licensing issues with the obvious implication that it delayed CW was just too much for me. While I certainly understand the business reasons, the lack of transparency from the outset was quite appalling.

#7485 Artur Valour


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 01:33 PM

View Postdervishx5, on 03 February 2014 - 01:37 PM, said:

I'm sure this has been repeated many times in this behemoth of a thread, but if you (PGI) put in content beyond new mechs and show us that you're building something worth buying into, then I will buy the $240 Clan pack. But I'm not putting in another dime until that happens.

I truly wish you guys the best, and I appreciate your efforts of trying to heal the hurt feelings. Keep it going to UI 2.0 AND CW; only then will you be getting more money from me.

What this guy said. Get our house in order and then ask for more money!

#7486 Canadian Attack Beaver


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 03:17 PM

View PostArtificer, on 27 February 2014 - 03:56 AM, said:

I find that for the number of mechs and the higher C-Bill value of clan mechs (assuming MWO follows TT source materials on that), and compared to existing MC mech costs, it's actually a near-correct price for the package deals.

It's actually quite a bad deal; click on the second link in my signature and you'll see the Daishi package provides less value for a 50% price hike from the Overlord package (the most similar package in terms of number of mechs and tonnage bought).

I would be astounded if anyone in their right mind would assume the endo steel/double heatsinks/xl engines on 12 mechs (given the lack of flexibility the Clan mechs have in changing their engines/armor) is worth $40 more with less perks and premium time included.

#7487 Heveric


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 04:04 PM

So if I was to pick up one of the A La Carte packs then get the $30 Uller packs, would that work? I want to get the Timber Wolf but still want to get the badge and custom title. So would just getting the Timber Wolf get me the badge and title or do I still gotta get a Collection to get them? If it is the latter then I'll get the Uller collection since it looks like a nice light 'Mech to have along with the Timber Wolf.

Just my concern is will I be able to do that or is it just one option only?

#7488 Heveric


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 10:12 PM

View Posta uberboy, on 27 February 2014 - 07:59 PM, said:

I went ahead & bought the timberwolf a la cart, and it will still let me bring up the purchase option for the uller pack, but it will NOT let me re-buy the timberwolf a la cart.

so it looks like you'll be able to successfully buy both.

Cool. Thanks.

#7489 Slechtvalk


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Posted 03 March 2014 - 08:34 PM

If i did a payment a la carte and now want to upgrade to the collection, it looks like i have a complete new purchase. How do i upgrade?

#7490 MaoutheGreat


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Posted 07 March 2014 - 10:33 PM

After I bought the Mechs I wanted off of A La Carte and I bought one of the packs that would cause me buy a duplicate of one of the Mechs I bought in A La Carte, would I get two prime variants and two standard variants of that Mech?



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Posted 08 March 2014 - 05:05 PM

Anyone notice that the gold mech are changing colors? Some are getting stronger colors while others stay pale. Maybe it has to do with popularity.

#7492 Imperius


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 12:45 AM

View PostDAYLEET, on 08 March 2014 - 05:05 PM, said:

Anyone notice that the gold mech are changing colors? Some are getting stronger colors while others stay pale. Maybe it has to do with popularity.

Been that way since day one... it's just an overlay of the color gold and when they first put them up they each had a different color. Some colors shined better though the overlay than others that is all.

#7493 KursedVixen


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 04:00 AM

Very dissapointed that I'll never see a true omni-mech outside of Mechwarrior 2. But if their not going to be true omni's the price on the black market for them should be dropped 3 mill or so because they are now worth less than they would be if you made them true omni. also If I find out that the Gold mechs are True omni and the normal ones arn't I'm gonna be mad. You already nerfed the weapons why nerf omni?

Edited by KursedVixen, 09 March 2014 - 04:00 AM.

#7494 ArctykWolf


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 11:40 AM

Funny how most MMO's can easily sell a game for 40 bucks, you get access to everything pay a paltry monthly Sub fee and enjoy it for Years, every other year an new 30 exp rolls out and new content for everyone.

Until PGI came along.....biggest ripoff artists in the buisiness bar none.

False advertising about free to play aside....as its not free to play...only free to be beaten to a pulp buy the filthy rich players. Other than that sorry.....I want to cry in despair at what they did to the franchise.

You'll make more money selling for less to more people, then selling extreme to but a few. Quit using the American butt tard corporate view and sales methods....you'll fail every time.

I could see 50$ a pack 35-40 would be better....your greed is boundless PGI
Only a complete and utter moron who's rich beyond belief would consider 500$ for a stupid mech colored gold. <Yes there will be a few...Natural selection hans't caught up with them yet.>

You want money? Make it affordable you MMO Design NOOBS!!!!! Yes pGI You are NOOBS!
Greedy pathetic ones at that. Change your model before you become just another pathetic Blip on the MMO's that coulda been great charts.

You have great Graphics, playability is good and and engine that could.....don't let greed and idiocy ruin this game that CAN be Very GREAT!

#7495 wanderer


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 12:26 PM

View Postnyknyk, on 15 February 2014 - 02:39 AM, said:

know your history...

otherwise you look silly...

Harmony Gold doesn't have rights to any of the Phoenix 'Mechs, actually. The Phoenix 'Mechs were Dougram and Crusher Joe. HG's litigation basically covers stuff like the oldschool Stinger, Wasp, Valkyrie, Phoenix Hawk, Rifleman, Ostsol/Ostroc/Ostscout, Crusader, Warhammer, Archer, and Marauder.

And THOSE license holders were much cooler about handling it.

#7496 Nekki Basara


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 04:50 PM

View Postwanderer, on 09 March 2014 - 12:26 PM, said:

Harmony Gold doesn't have rights to any of the Phoenix 'Mechs, actually. The Phoenix 'Mechs were Dougram and Crusher Joe. HG's litigation basically covers stuff like the oldschool Stinger, Wasp, Valkyrie, Phoenix Hawk, Rifleman, Ostsol/Ostroc/Ostscout, Crusader, Warhammer, Archer, and Marauder.

And THOSE license holders were much cooler about handling it.
Read the whole thread man, I got it covered.

#7497 wanderer


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 06:18 PM

View PostNekki Basara, on 09 March 2014 - 04:50 PM, said:

Read the whole thread man, I got it covered.

Noted, we're just up to 375+ pages so I figured I'd remind folks- it's getting a bit tough to navigate the full thread postcount at this point.

#7498 Colonel Fubar


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 10:22 PM

Unfortunately the Bank has refused a second mortgage in order for me to purchase PGI Clan Mechs. ;)

#7499 dervishx5


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Posted 15 March 2014 - 12:24 PM

View PostArctykWolf, on 09 March 2014 - 11:40 AM, said:

Funny how most MMO's can easily sell a game for 40 bucks, you get access to everything pay a paltry monthly Sub fee and enjoy it for Years, every other year an new 30 exp rolls out and new content for everyone.

Until PGI came along.....biggest ripoff artists in the buisiness bar none.

False advertising about free to play aside....as its not free to play...only free to be beaten to a pulp buy the filthy rich players. Other than that sorry.....I want to cry in despair at what they did to the franchise.

You'll make more money selling for less to more people, then selling extreme to but a few. Quit using the American butt tard corporate view and sales methods....you'll fail every time.

I could see 50$ a pack 35-40 would be better....your greed is boundless PGI
Only a complete and utter moron who's rich beyond belief would consider 500$ for a stupid mech colored gold. <Yes there will be a few...Natural selection hans't caught up with them yet.>

You want money? Make it affordable you MMO Design NOOBS!!!!! Yes pGI You are NOOBS!
Greedy pathetic ones at that. Change your model before you become just another pathetic Blip on the MMO's that coulda been great charts.

You have great Graphics, playability is good and and engine that could.....don't let greed and idiocy ruin this game that CAN be Very GREAT!

Wow, what a very persuasive and well worded argument. You must be a politician.

#7500 TurkeyMcCoolRay


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Posted 15 March 2014 - 02:43 PM

View PostArctykWolf, on 09 March 2014 - 11:40 AM, said:

Funny how most MMO's can easily sell a game for 40 bucks, you get access to everything pay a paltry monthly Sub fee and enjoy it for Years, every other year an new 30 exp rolls out and new content for everyone.

Until PGI came along.....biggest ripoff artists in the buisiness bar none.

False advertising about free to play aside....as its not free to play...only free to be beaten to a pulp buy the filthy rich players. Other than that sorry.....I want to cry in despair at what they did to the franchise.

You'll make more money selling for less to more people, then selling extreme to but a few. Quit using the American butt tard corporate view and sales methods....you'll fail every time.

I could see 50$ a pack 35-40 would be better....your greed is boundless PGI
Only a complete and utter moron who's rich beyond belief would consider 500$ for a stupid mech colored gold. <Yes there will be a few...Natural selection hans't caught up with them yet.>

You want money? Make it affordable you MMO Design NOOBS!!!!! Yes pGI You are NOOBS!
Greedy pathetic ones at that. Change your model before you become just another pathetic Blip on the MMO's that coulda been great charts.

You have great Graphics, playability is good and and engine that could.....don't let greed and idiocy ruin this game that CAN be Very GREAT!

"moron who's rich beyond belief would consider 500$" lol

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