Clan Collections - Feedback
Posted 06 May 2014 - 03:54 AM
Posted 06 May 2014 - 08:13 AM
Dragunz Pryde, on 15 April 2014 - 04:48 AM, said:
Just as an FYI, even if you do the Ala carte you are getting 3 mechs for each price point. I know everyone only focuses on the 'Prime' variant because that gets the bonuses, but you are still getting two other mechs of the same chassis and the mech bays for them.
To put this in perspective here ill lay out exactly why i have been saving up the past three months to get the full clan package.
Price is 240. This includes the following:
90 Days premium time
8 Prime mechs
16 Standard mechs
24 Mech Bays
And of course all the other gobledeegook that we honestly at this time have NO IDEA what it is or does, badges war horns etc.
Now i will only break down what i can monetarily here, and granted these are just rough estimates, but lets try.
90 Days premium time = roughly 40.00 worth of MC
24 Mech Bays x 300 MC each = 33.00 worth of MC
This means that JUST the supporting facets of this purchase make up 73.00 of the price, leaving just 167.00 to cover 24 Mechs, which equals out to just under 7 dollars per mech or 1250 MC each. Now i know that this is a rough estimation, but to my way of thinking that is NOT bad per Mech.
Now as fot the Golden Skinned Mechs....LMFAO come on, even if someone handed me 5 Benjamins right now i wouldn't buy that thing. Just to dayum gaudy for my tastes....plus lets face it, EVERY single pilot is going to be gunning to have the kill on those things. Our team could loose 12 to 1 as long as we killed that precocious shiny mech!!!
Not bad, eh? Math isn't your strong point then. These mechs are 50% more expensive per mech than any previous package with less premium time and perks that was was offered before. Look at my signature for the breakdown.
Kell Commander, on 19 April 2014 - 09:39 AM, said:
Exactly. People need to realize the exchange rate between cash and a fictional currency isn't set in stone. PGI has used different exchange rates in the past based off how they priced Phoenix & Sabre mechs.
Posted 06 May 2014 - 12:05 PM
CoffiNail, on 06 May 2014 - 03:54 AM, said:
Or, the Phoenix packs just sold more.
After all, people who bought the Phoenix packs:
1. Had a greater idea on what they were getting.
2. Payed much less for them.
Posted 06 May 2014 - 08:37 PM
Posted 06 May 2014 - 11:55 PM
Posted 07 May 2014 - 08:11 AM
Owning the overloard pgk I noticed we'd get a bonus, but I was like, WTF. A MUG? Not even a real one. Spending 80$ on overloard and 240$ on Clan top tier at 240$ should also pretty much unlock every collor and pattern in the game for every mech, current and future, atleast...
Posted 07 May 2014 - 08:15 AM
Karl Streiger, on 06 May 2014 - 11:55 PM, said:
So you will be able to sell it for 1 million C-bills instead of just a half a million?
Posted 07 May 2014 - 03:18 PM
CoffiNail, on 06 May 2014 - 03:54 AM, said:
This is pure speculation on your part. We are 5 weeks before packages are to be released and the social rewards are 60% to phase 2. It's just as likely the rewards have similar caps and people are, in fact, not buying these packages.
Edited by Canadian Attack Beaver, 08 May 2014 - 11:17 AM.
Posted 07 May 2014 - 07:11 PM
Color me *not surprised* on the slow social rewards growth.
Unfortunately, with regards to the pricing - it's too late in the game to change (the money has probably been allocated or used already), so PGI is screwed on that. The only way for them to increase sales of these things is to ADD value to the packages through CB, MC, or Premium Time.
If the Daishi package had 3 months of Premium (instead of two) and 5K MC attached to it, I'd consider the purchase. Hell, if the Masakari package had a full year of Premium (about $100 worth) I'd think about pulling the trigger.
Not happening right now, though. Nope.
Posted 08 May 2014 - 12:16 PM
Matheos, on 07 May 2014 - 07:11 PM, said:
Color me *not surprised* on the slow social rewards growth.
Unfortunately, with regards to the pricing - it's too late in the game to change (the money has probably been allocated or used already), so PGI is screwed on that. The only way for them to increase sales of these things is to ADD value to the packages through CB, MC, or Premium Time.
If the Daishi package had 3 months of Premium (instead of two) and 5K MC attached to it, I'd consider the purchase. Hell, if the Masakari package had a full year of Premium (about $100 worth) I'd think about pulling the trigger.
Not happening right now, though. Nope.
For me premium time is useless. Sometimes I play one day a month, sometimes several days a week. But I dont know when I'll be playing before hand. Activating premium time will as it is today will probably just waste the PT in lots of inactive days. Have lots ov unactivated PT. Activation should only trigger days played.
Buying an 240$ pkg should be revarded with items, like all collors in the game, and all patterns for all mechs. Atleast if you own overlord pkg too.
Posted 08 May 2014 - 11:52 PM
Especially after thy added new Phonix Mechs after they sold the Phoenix packages. I'm feeing ripped of.
Edited by Black Ivan, 08 May 2014 - 11:53 PM.
Posted 11 May 2014 - 11:41 PM
So in the end it doesn't matter neither you pilot IS nor clan mech, same **** different mech.
Posted 12 May 2014 - 05:48 AM
lets look in the details, 240$ for the Warhawk Pack.
it comes with 8 prime variants as described
16 standard mechs of unknown specs.
90days premium
4 unique Moduls
8 badges
4 hanging items
8custom titles
1 signed concept art
sound slike you get a lot.
but look at the details
it comes with 8 prime variants as described
16 standard mechs of unknown specs.
totally unknown what they are
90days premium
4 unique Moduls
totally unknown what they are
8 badges
maybe fine, is good for?
4 hanging items
totally unknown what they are
8custom titles
fine, but who needs that much?
1 signed concept art
totally unknown what it is
So from basically 64 things you get, there are actually only 10 being known what they are.
meaning that 54 items are either useless or possibly not wanted at all or even more worse, useless and unwanted.
Edit: A bit too many unknown things so short ( month) before the release of the product.
And why does the Daishi pack include 5 badges and 5 Warhorns, while the Thor package only 1 badge and 0 War horns. The "additional reward" shouldhave a lot softer progression than being that sudden.
Uller vs Blackhawk packages do not even have different Boni rewards, both come with 1 badge and one custom title.
A la carte. A la carte is only useful for getting higher Tier mechs solo.
Uller pack is 30$, Uller A la carte is 55$ ?? So no oen would pick a solo Uller via carte.
Nova is similar, its only 5$ if you solo buy a Nova to get the Uller too.
So buying a la carte should at least have an altered pricing staring with 45 instead of 55$. Or let every choice be 40$ instead of lowering the prices for each mech.
Or it should also contain specials.
like lets say, if you buy 3 a la cart, you also get the third tier boni of a single badge, title and 30 days premium. But for getting at least preium, you would have to take 4 a la carte.
Nothing in the pricing seems to make sense. Because in the end, the Variants will be available for regular C-bills, so all the money people spend is just for prime variants and the mechbays the other variants may come with. But a mechbay is so cheap it rarely makes up the price.
And now, listen to my process of thinking when I think about buying something.
I love the Nova, I may buy one. So I have two choices:
Taking one a la carte for 55$
Taking the collection, getting the Kit fox too.
But then what do I really get?
I get 6 mechs. 3 that I may not even want to use (The kit fox) if I would take the collection.
A la carte I would get 3 mechs. But two of them are some I would get ingame too later.
So all I really get for my money is some time saving for not having to farm the C-bills for these 2 variants and a single mech for 55$. A 55$ Mech thats colorpattern I can't even change.
Seriously? aside from a few really addicted guys and crazy fan, who as a rational thinking being is going to do that?
And now on top of that, lets have a look at the gold Skinned ones.
Well they are 500$ and come with a Warhawk pack.
Nice gold looks at least really cool, but thats basically 260$ for a single mechskin. Well its limited, but also unlike a Reallife good, its limitation will not be something that is really worth something.
So as a Nova fan I would maximum spend an amount of 100$ for such a Mech.
But no on top of that overpricing I would have to put on 240$ of which 210$ are spent on mechs that I do totally not want at all.
This is not how you sell some virtual limited goods effectively. It may work on the Timberwolf, since it is THAT MOST Iconic Mech ever. but I doubt you gonna sell much of the others.
I would rather much more like to see 150$ or maybe 170$ gold mech bundles including:
the gold mech
the prime and 2 variants of that gold mech
maybe also:
1 title
1 bagde
1 warhorn
1 artwork
1 unique Module.
That would make a reasonable still kinda expensive pack for just a golden skinned variant of a Mech.
But I guess main reason for people not to buy the gold skins is the massively overprized clan bundle it comes with. Also I heard that bundle was just a goodie after a failed aprils fool to price the gold mechs at this level? Because some people were crazy enough buying the goldies for even 500$ True or not, but seems that this backfires now by keeping your gold sales stuck
Just my thoughts as a costumer with a filled wallet, but also a brain not to throw money away brainless.
VXJaeger, on 11 May 2014 - 11:41 PM, said:
So in the end it doesn't matter neither you pilot IS nor clan mech, same **** different mech.
But the clan Mechs are more stylish when using that ****
Edited by Grimmrog, 12 May 2014 - 05:56 AM.
Posted 12 May 2014 - 10:36 AM
Grimmrog, on 12 May 2014 - 05:48 AM, said:
lets look in the details, 240$ for the Warhawk Pack.
it comes with 8 prime variants as described
16 standard mechs of unknown specs.
90days premium
4 unique Moduls
8 badges
4 hanging items
8custom titles
1 signed concept art
sound slike you get a lot.
but look at the details
it comes with 8 prime variants as described
16 standard mechs of unknown specs.
totally unknown what they are
90days premium
4 unique Moduls
totally unknown what they are
8 badges
maybe fine, is good for?
4 hanging items
totally unknown what they are
8custom titles
fine, but who needs that much?
1 signed concept art
totally unknown what it is
So from basically 64 things you get, there are actually only 10 being known what they are.
meaning that 54 items are either useless or possibly not wanted at all or even more worse, useless and unwanted.
Edit: A bit too many unknown things so short ( month) before the release of the product.
And why does the Daishi pack include 5 badges and 5 Warhorns, while the Thor package only 1 badge and 0 War horns. The "additional reward" shouldhave a lot softer progression than being that sudden.
Uller vs Blackhawk packages do not even have different Boni rewards, both come with 1 badge and one custom title.
A la carte. A la carte is only useful for getting higher Tier mechs solo.
Uller pack is 30$, Uller A la carte is 55$ ?? So no oen would pick a solo Uller via carte.
Nova is similar, its only 5$ if you solo buy a Nova to get the Uller too.
So buying a la carte should at least have an altered pricing staring with 45 instead of 55$. Or let every choice be 40$ instead of lowering the prices for each mech.
Or it should also contain specials.
like lets say, if you buy 3 a la cart, you also get the third tier boni of a single badge, title and 30 days premium. But for getting at least preium, you would have to take 4 a la carte.
Nothing in the pricing seems to make sense. Because in the end, the Variants will be available for regular C-bills, so all the money people spend is just for prime variants and the mechbays the other variants may come with. But a mechbay is so cheap it rarely makes up the price.
And now, listen to my process of thinking when I think about buying something.
I love the Nova, I may buy one. So I have two choices:
Taking one a la carte for 55$
Taking the collection, getting the Kit fox too.
But then what do I really get?
I get 6 mechs. 3 that I may not even want to use (The kit fox) if I would take the collection.
A la carte I would get 3 mechs. But two of them are some I would get ingame too later.
So all I really get for my money is some time saving for not having to farm the C-bills for these 2 variants and a single mech for 55$. A 55$ Mech thats colorpattern I can't even change.
Seriously? aside from a few really addicted guys and crazy fan, who as a rational thinking being is going to do that?
And now on top of that, lets have a look at the gold Skinned ones.
Well they are 500$ and come with a Warhawk pack.
Nice gold looks at least really cool, but thats basically 260$ for a single mechskin. Well its limited, but also unlike a Reallife good, its limitation will not be something that is really worth something.
So as a Nova fan I would maximum spend an amount of 100$ for such a Mech.
But no on top of that overpricing I would have to put on 240$ of which 210$ are spent on mechs that I do totally not want at all.
This is not how you sell some virtual limited goods effectively. It may work on the Timberwolf, since it is THAT MOST Iconic Mech ever. but I doubt you gonna sell much of the others.
I would rather much more like to see 150$ or maybe 170$ gold mech bundles including:
the gold mech
the prime and 2 variants of that gold mech
maybe also:
1 title
1 bagde
1 warhorn
1 artwork
1 unique Module.
That would make a reasonable still kinda expensive pack for just a golden skinned variant of a Mech.
But I guess main reason for people not to buy the gold skins is the massively overprized clan bundle it comes with. Also I heard that bundle was just a goodie after a failed aprils fool to price the gold mechs at this level? Because some people were crazy enough buying the goldies for even 500$ True or not, but seems that this backfires now by keeping your gold sales stuck
Just my thoughts as a costumer with a filled wallet, but also a brain not to throw money away brainless.
But the clan Mechs are more stylish when using that ****
Unfortunately, PGI has their heads too high up in the clouds that they cant be bothered about what we say, as they are still making sales. Honestly this game has not changed much since two years ago, think about it. The only main difference is more maps and more mechs. The stuff that we want arent getting fixed or changed
Posted 13 May 2014 - 12:24 AM
Esperax, on 12 May 2014 - 10:36 AM, said:
Here let me explain it to you ...

Posted 13 May 2014 - 12:32 AM
Because earning money is evil.
Yes i have the feeling that the clan package - was poorly carried out.
To - fast to soon after the Phoenix Package - that should generate LPs for CW
To soon after the release without CW
Horrendous prices - gold mechs
and several other "mistakes" that could be placed in a school book for marketing and public relations, to teach people how to loose the faith of peoples in your product faster as you can earn it.
Anyhow - its a company, company need money - its up to you to pay or not to pay.
and Zolaz - you have payed so much - maybe you are at the same "grey" zone as others .... spend to much for to few already - don't pay anymore - > risk of loosing the payed money - or you pay and risk that others don't do it and you also risk the additional investment.
At the end the decision is your own
Posted 13 May 2014 - 01:03 AM
Matthew 19:24
Posted 13 May 2014 - 03:40 AM
Because earning money is evil.
No, I earn money.
I just don't feel PGI is earning mine with poorly marketed "deals" and "ONLY 50 LEFT BUY NOW!" golden cashgrabs. It feels more like attempts to misdirect their customers to maximize short-term profits, and that in turn makes me look at "collections" like this as more of a shell game than anything else.
At this point, between poor product descriptions and underwhelming experiences from whatever stale crumbs of info have shown up, any Clan design I purchase will be with C-bills, if that.
Posted 13 May 2014 - 07:20 AM
Posted 14 May 2014 - 11:20 AM
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