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Clan Collections - Feedback

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#821 Stomp


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:58 PM

I wonder how the Omnimechs will work though. Wait THREE VARIANTS. lol gotcha ;)

I'm sure they're shoehorning in Clanners having to buy 3 of the same mech with different Configs on it simply because IS pilots have to have 3 mechs to Master, why make Clanners special?

Except you should make one Timberwolf, and make it 3 times as difficult to Master. Omnimechs, c'mon. They're big boys, they can switch their own loadouts.

#822 WM Jeri


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:58 PM

View PostOverkill C7, on 13 December 2013 - 08:50 PM, said:

Why not just make mechs available for $10 - $15 each and let us pick and choose the ones we want rather than have'n to buy 3 or 4 mechs, + 3 variants of each, that we don't want in order to get the mechs that we do want? One would think that you'd sell more in the long run by allowing the customer to get what they want rather than try'n a General Motors' move of "you'll take what we make...not what you want". Is the Canadian government gonna bail ya'll out if ya'll fail like GM did? ;)

Well...maybe they are trying to secure funding the only way they know how to be able to finish CW and UI 2.0. They really should just launch a kickstarter. (Yes I am being sarcastic)


Edited by miSs, 13 December 2013 - 09:09 PM.
off topic

#823 Xiang


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:58 PM

/puts on flame retardant suit

I for one understand the higher prices for the Clan mech pack vs the IS mech pack, the clan mechs are supposed to be more expensive to begin with. The model is no different than the IS packs, if you want a specific one, you have to buy everything below it, nothing different here so not sure why the uproar?

What i dont understand, is why release this info so early when soooooo many things are left undone. Many have already mentioned UI2.0, CW, merc companies, even the factions and bonuses earned with the Phoenix packages havent been announced yet and much, much more. Then to come out with a whole new set of bonuses that have no explanation at all just doesnt make any sense.

Personally I feel that you should have waited until March for this announcement, assuming of course that the rest of the stuff was put in place in 1Q 2014. And you should have fleshed out what the new items will do and shared that with the community at the time of the announcement (unlike Phoenix).

A true omnimech model for the clan mechs could have been accomplished in the same way the IS mech upgrades like DHS, endo etc were implemented, make them pay c-bills every time they change the hardpoint layout. Im sure people would have been much more receptive if these little things had been done first.

So, what does this mean? Well, my best guess is that you will see a lot less interest in this roll-out than if you had waited. Yes, you will still get money, and the information will eventually be made available, but that is not the point. Maybe as time goes on and things are put into place, and more info is available on the Clans and such, the interest will gain momentum, but i think you would have been better waiting on this. I will be waiting for things to fall into place before i put out my money, but I will be putting the money aside waiting eagerly for that day to come.

Please PGI, focus on what needs to be put in place first, then move on to the next item. If you have the resources to do one project faster than another, and 1 finishes first, think about the timing of releasing your info if it is more fluff than content. If it can wait, let it wait a few weeks and put it out in conjunction with your content....from what i see, the community will be happier that way, and more willing to put out the money at that time.

just my 2 c-bills


#824 Madara Uchiha


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:58 PM

@Chrono, yeah that pretty much sums it up.

#825 Stygian Steel


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:59 PM

View Postmint frog, on 13 December 2013 - 08:55 PM, said:

Actually, PGI is delaying the release of mechs that would presumably be complete by June and then selling them back to you like they're doing you a favor.

It's a familiar song and dance.

Remember when they decided to make it harder for mechs to climb hills, then sell you a module to partially undo it?

Don't feed someone a [redacted] sandwich and tell them it's fried gold.

kind of like when you go to a private gentlemans club thats byob and they charge you to store the beer you brought and charge you again when you want one brought out to you? does that still happen or is it an ohio thing?

#826 Ryvucz


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:59 PM

View PostSpekX, on 13 December 2013 - 08:32 PM, said:

I think this thread speaks well to what people think the game is worth right now, and right now the game is worth less than $10 per mech. Maybe if there was more to do, then people wouldn't be complaining so much about the price. Maybe it would be worth the $10 per mech. Unfortunately that's not the case right now. They should have waited on this until they had more game in their game.

Not so much that it's not worth $10 per mech, it's just people don't want the other mechs bundled together with the mechs they want.

This has happened with the Pheonix Package, people will get over it once these mechs are released as usual.

Too many drama loving rage filled posters here. Oh, and shills like myself apparently. :)

#827 MechFrog1


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:00 PM

View Postcrabcakes66, on 13 December 2013 - 08:56 PM, said:

It's just a beta guys. Settle down.

Don't worry. Heffay said that they're saving up a lot of content for launch day.

#828 Stomp


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:00 PM

View PostPwnocchio, on 13 December 2013 - 08:55 PM, said:

The gold mechs... really,... in the end they don't matter. If PGI can sell 100 gold mechs it's really no skin of my nose. I'll get a chubby when I see them in game. I'll do whatever I can to kill them, because 'feather in my cap', but at the end of the day they aren't going to hurt my game play and I don't begrudge well-to-do's who can afford that kind of conspicuous consumption.

If PGI is going to offer 'gold mechs' then they should throttle supply. I would if I were them. If they have 40,000 subscribers odds are there are a handful that will buy gold mechs to demonstrate their loyalty to the franchise (mechs, not PGI). They even added wording to tug at those heart strings.

Those loyal people aren't my problem. They aren't a barrier to my fun.
The barrier to my fun is the inevitable atrophy of my interest in this game due to lack of game modes, CW, SRM's that actually register hits.

I literally don't care about balance. It's a meta that will evolve over time to keep the game fresh. I just want the game to *actually* work as intended, work efficiently, and be good enough that when I'm at work... (dark secret)... I find myself thinking about the game, strategies, builds, how fun the game is to play.

It's not there yet, and it has nothing to do with which mechs I can or can't pay cash for.

Eloquently stated.

#829 DeathofSelf


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:00 PM

Chronojam, that made me laughcry.

Edited by Niko Snow, 13 December 2013 - 09:01 PM.
Discussing Moderation

#830 CtrlAltWheee


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:00 PM

If you want to charge $30 for a set of 3 mechs, that's ok. I'll *find* a way to justify it. Don't use the tier scheme though.

Even with all the nonsense delays and missing CW I would STILL pay $30 today for the stormcrow package.

All you have to do is respond to the feedback. I'm not angry so much as sad. The whole community was so ready to enjoy the clan mechs and you flubbed it.

There are infinite solutions here. Again, I can justify the $30. It's the $240 that is bad. Restructure the sale, put up full concept art, put up specs for the mechs, get back to me.

#831 Napoleon_Blownapart


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:01 PM

'Instead of spending 500 dollars on a skin, I'll just...you know, buy a new video card or maybe buy something worth my time.'
the new card wont play the game any better

'They have,infact, given you the ability to purchase something far before you'll get it,
and they finally put to rest everyone doubting the clans making into this game.'
the clans didnt make it into the game, only the sale

#832 Zureal


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:02 PM

Wait! i just remembured something, i just redownloaded MechTech again, the one that uses the cry engine 3, and man, is it still oh so good AND free! :) yea... totaly going back to doing that :D who will join me? cuz at this point they seem to be making far more progress than PGI is.

#833 Odwalla


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:02 PM

Ok, so I just ran the numbers and here's the deal:

Overlord Phoenix Pack
675 tons for $80 = 8.44 tons/dollar

Clan Collection Pack
1,500 tons for $240 = 6.25 tons/dollar

If you wanted the same value per ton as the Phoenix mechs, the top Clan Collection pack should be priced at around $178. So why is it costing an extra $62?

Also, the Saber pack was the best ton/dollar value at:
110 tons for $30 = 11 tons/dollar

(would appreciate someone else to double check my math)

#834 infinite xaer0


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:03 PM

i guess IGP/PGI are trying to feel out where their diminishing returns lie...phoenix pack sales prob indicated they weren't even close..... *sigh* oh well. I converted once, but i don't want more content -I want core features that still haven't been delivered.

#835 Zureal


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:03 PM

Also, as a unrelated note, i wounder if the PGI staff will read all of this or even take our concerns seriously or even comment on the ones posted, reposted, and posted again here repeatidly and respond to us. Or do they even care?

#836 Gihzmo


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:03 PM

View PostNehkrosis, on 13 December 2013 - 08:52 PM, said:

Guys And Dolls, chill.

Really, relax. PGI hasnt Hax0red your accounts and stolen money from you.
They have,infact, given you the ability to purchase something far before you'll get it,
and they finally put to rest everyone doubting the clans making into this game.
AND, nothing anywhere sez they wont have pressies for xmas.
plus faith.
have it.

also, dont say, "im sick to death PGi, sick to death, and i wont stand for it anymore!!"

because frankly, its a game, thats fun to play, and free to play.

Dont likey? then bail.

I see by your account that you are not an original founder. So I will forgive the fact that you were not sold the original pitch and sold a game under false pretenses. Founders were, we were sold on the idea of CW. That is why many people funded it. The problem is, they have not delivered ANYTHING they have promised. They have ONLY done TDM with capping and Conquest. They entire YEAR has been spent balancing the game, no new content. This is why people are pissed.

#837 Skwisgaar Skwigelf


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:04 PM

View PostZureal, on 13 December 2013 - 09:03 PM, said:

Also, as a unrelated note, i wounder if the PGI staff will read all of this or even take our concerns seriously or even comment on the ones posted, reposted, and posted again here repeatidly and respond to us. Or do they even care?

If they worried about our feedback we would have had CW and private lobbies over a year ago.

#838 dervishx5


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:04 PM

Clans are cool and all, but I'd rather see the MWO devs stop going full derp before I pilot a Mad Cat.

Edited by dervishx5, 13 December 2013 - 09:04 PM.

#839 Nehkrosis


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:04 PM

I...I dont even..
i mean...**** it?


**** it?

no? how bad is this really? is it rotting the skin from my bones? its certainly not ruining my gaming experience....

and further more, me n my buddies have been having SUBSTANTIALLY MOAR lols since they changed up the spawn zones.
Simple change, did allot.

my gaming experience is filled. and it shall be further gorged in a weeks time, when more **** is rammed into my gullet for free.
will i dig it? hell yeah.

dont give **** to the company for expensive clan mechs. we all knew they were expensive.
and dont give **** that they havent brought out UI 2.0 yet, cause ya all saw it and hated it and made them change it again.

just give em time, ffs.

and no, im not quoting, i don't generally, the effort..

but yeah, guys, im not a founder, but ive been here for a year, and heard the gripes, been pissed off, cooled down, had fun, gotten pissed again, and calmed down again.

im a person, and there people and they have to work, get paid, do there jobs, and gradually, make everyone happy.

ramming aload of {Scrap} into the game and having it not work would be a failure, the forums would burn, and the game would end.
they are taking it nice n slow. making sure things work, and well.
we dont have CW, because there testing it. why has it taken so long? because theyre working on it.
why not?
would you prefer {Scrap}? do you all like {Scrap}?
i dont. give them time, have patience.

Edited by Nehkrosis, 13 December 2013 - 09:10 PM.

#840 SoHxPaladin


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 09:04 PM

View PostNehkrosis, on 13 December 2013 - 08:52 PM, said:

Guys And Dolls, chill.

Really, relax. PGI hasnt Hax0red your accounts and stolen money from you.
They have,infact, given you the ability to purchase something far before you'll get it,
and they finally put to rest everyone doubting the clans making into this game.
AND, nothing anywhere sez they wont have pressies for xmas.
plus faith.
have it.

also, dont say, "im sick to death PGi, sick to death, and i wont stand for it anymore!!"

because frankly, its a game, thats fun to play, and free to play.

Dont likey? then bail.

faith was ruined long ago for pgi/igp when they still had not come out with ui 2.0, another game mode, community warfare, and teh rest of the "released core game package" that has been promised for....wait for it......A YEAR AND A HALF!!! its not that hard to come out with another game mode, or some other in game module for us to choose to do instead of what we have. People are finicky, and tired of waiting for something that most programmers can do within the time frames pgi has had to date.

go kneel before pgi and ask for more, but dont tell folks to relax, it only helps the trolls.

Edited by SoHxPaladin, 13 December 2013 - 09:05 PM.

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