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My First Opinion Of Mwo

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#21 Koniving

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 06:52 AM

View Postbabadude71, on 23 December 2013 - 06:41 AM, said:

Anyway Tnx all for your input and advice it has been most appreciated and taken on-board, i will check out some of the TS servers that have been suggested and you-tube vids.

Consider these for your missiles, ballistics, lasers, and other 'example' needs.

#22 Rumplestiltskin


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 07:42 AM

View PostKhajja nar Jatargk, on 23 December 2013 - 05:55 AM, said:

Sure feels trolltastic don't it? If I am trying out a new game and find it doesn't suit me I quit, uninstall, and find something else to play. I'm certaintly not going to walk into the forums and write a book about my gripes, ESPECIALLY when I didnt pay a dime for the experience.

I'd be very surprised if this post has any legitimacy and that OP isin't one of the drooling noper idiots
So many whiners. I have been playing for abt a year now & love it. The price is right, Have spent maybe $60 mostly on mechbays & a Heromech or so. Steep learning curve like there is no tomorrow ( still getting schooled regularly ). Read the guides, there are many pro-active players out there putting together these resources to ease the ride. I played TT back in the day & this has been great. Did I say it is free? Accept it as a work in progress and contribute when or if you can. Do not please join the cult of the over-entitled who feel that because they spent X number of dollars ( at their discretion), should now have a direct line to Commissioner Gordon. These people I suspect often spend more time stomping their little feet on the forums than putting ordnance downrange.

#23 Tesunie


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 09:00 AM

View PostLyoto Machida, on 22 December 2013 - 11:58 PM, said:

Only a few times? I see it at least once a day (and more than that).

Kinda reminds me of skipping a rock off a lake surface.

A page late of a reply, but...

I honestly only notice this a few times on incoming LRMs. Maybe it's because normally I'm the one sending LRMs down the range instead of normally taking them? Or I'm just more oblivious to this effect and ignore it? Who knows...

Yeah. I'll agree with that analogy. It does kinda make you think of a skipping rock.

(Is there any particular places you see this happen? The few times I've seen it has been behind the destroyed drop ship in Frozen City, where the shooter was on the other side of the drop ship and unable to directly see their target...)

#24 Koniving

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 09:06 AM

Lock acquired, fire, lock broken, then re-acquired can cause this reaction in LRMs. Usually it's a sideways jerk toward the target.

Edited by Koniving, 23 December 2013 - 09:07 AM.

#25 Tesunie


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 09:16 AM

View PostKoniving, on 23 December 2013 - 09:06 AM, said:

Lock acquired, fire, lock broken, then re-acquired can cause this reaction in LRMs. Usually it's a sideways jerk toward the target.

That could explain it very easily. Just before they hit the ground, they require lock and lift up again. However, when I've seen it happen, it seems to still spread out into a fan of missiles hovering over the ground, and not focusing in on one spot. Maybe: Gain lock, fire, lose lock, regain lock (to redirect missiles) then lose lock one more time to make them fan out before they can focus again?

#26 Modo44


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 09:20 AM

LRMs straighten up to a horizontal path just at the target. If you happen to stand behind a spot that lock-less LRMs were targeting, you are going to have a bad time (and no missile warning).

#27 MetalBacon


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 09:33 AM

When I first played, I had almost no problems with the controls and over all game feel. If you have any mechwarrior under your belt it all feels second nature.

#28 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 09:37 AM

Best advice for for joining Commands is to read the forum. Look at the Banners at the bottom of each post. If you like what the majority of post by a unit, click their banner. Find their TS and listen in. If you still like what you hear, ask to join em!

#29 Adrienne Vorton


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 09:40 AM

as for player communities: take a look at the clans, factions and mercenaries sections of the forums, especially the recruiting threats... there are dozens of units and some "semi-public" teamspeak servers running, not only the NGNG....

playing with others is the ONLY way i can really enjoy MWO... playing alone bores the hell out of me after a few days
additionally you can learn alot from fellow mechwarriors when you join a unit...most people i met were very helpful and welcoming, so don´t be shy xD




Edited by Adrienne Vorton, 23 December 2013 - 09:47 AM.



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Posted 23 December 2013 - 09:52 AM

Huh when new players do find their way into games im in, I rarely see them criticized. I generally give them one tip before the game is over ( press R to target and such). Maybe down lower in the beginner ELO brackets people are less patient, and thats too bad.

#31 TheCaptainJZ


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 11:39 AM

Extremely disappointed that the only goal in the game is to collect mechs and c-bills, xp and gxp by a mundane method of 3 game modes which become boring after you have done them a few times each.

Everyone is waiting on Community Warfare to be added. The battles themselves can be a lot of fun.

very frustrated that about 1 out of 20 people will try to give advice on how to play.

Most people I think are helpful. If you have a question in game, just ask. I'm sure someone will answer it nicely. Better yet, ask here on the forums in the new player section.

I tried to find a community to join and play with, clicked on the community tab and was faced with a wall of NGNG, and no other mention of any other gaming community within MWO so i can only assume that there aren't any and ngng is the only one.

For communities, there are numerous groups playing. I'm not a member of any but there's a section of the forum here that has all those groups. Best advice is to hop on one of the free teamspeak servers. That information is also around here somewhere...(I play solo, so not help to you on this point)

Game play and movement is good, not sure about the purpose of that 3rd person view drone, it does nothing but let the enemy know excactly where you are, that red blinking thing can be seen from across the map even if the mech is not visible, you can see that blinking red light just fine.

That's the point. It's supposed to balance it out against first person. Everyone here will recommend you never use 3rd person (F4 toggles. There is also a checkbox in options that controls whether you start the matches in 1st or 3rd)

I tried the training grounds and that is just a joke, stationary targets with no A.I movement just doesnt wash for me as a training grounds, pathetic really so it would be nice to be able to try different weapon load outs without actually having to buy the weapons first.

The tutorial just lol.

As a new player i dont feel as though there is enough in game help to explain what does what, why and how, and the general feel that i get from other players is not very good certainly nothing to be proud about.

Known complaints. Hopefully will change in the future. For now, it's better than nothing.

Some questions:-

Are the long range missiles supposed to avoid contact with the floor by suddenly changing direction and continuing to fly across the ground?

I think I know what you are talking about. No, they are not trying to avoid the ground, but more than likely, the missile lock was broken and later reaquired which lets LRMs change their course to the new location of the target. There are certain points in the flight path where missiles will adjust course. It does look a bit strange when it happens like that, but that doens't happen all the time or anything.

Are ballistic and PPC rounds supposed to go straight through enemy mechs without damaging them?

Of course not. Nothing is supposed to go through mechs, however, there have been known bugs where what you see on your screen is not what the server sees. There's a lot of factors going on here. The game is server authoritative which means you can't move unless it says you can and you can't hit anything unless it's calculations say it did. Factor in packet loss and connection speeds and latency over the Internet and you get instances where you think you should have hit that guy but the server says you didn't. It was way worse before HSR, but some users complain of bugs in HSR. It works well in my experience, but there are bugs.

Is there a comprehensive system in place to prevent hacking like aimbot etc?

I have never seen evidence of any hacks. Like I said, the game is server authoritative which makes such hack difficult to do. Whenever the team discovers them, they do try to eliminate them. There might be something out there, but the game is nearly completely hack free. Note that the seismic sensor does allow a mech to detect others around a corner, but it's range is limited and the mech using it has to be standing still. There are other ways to detect mechs too, such as UAVs or a scout mech with the sensor range module that can target you, but you can't target him due to range.

Is that the best tutorial and training area that the game has to offer or are there others i havent seen yet?

That's it for now. Commom complaint.

Is it true that no matter how abusive you are and no matter how many times you kill your team mates it's not likely to get you banned?

Not true. Rest assured, these instances are very uncommon. Currently, there seems to be a player or groups of players on a rampage against Russ, but this is very uncommon. However, it may take some time (hours or days according to the response to a support ticket) for the user to be banned (they take the time to dig up evidence to make sure the complaint is legit)

Is there a team monitoring this type of behavior and helping to prevent it?

File a support ticket support@mwomercs.com. Attach sceenshots or videos if you have them. Be as detailed as possible in your explaination.

I can only presume this game is still in beta due to the lack on real content, is that correct?

Content could be a matter of opinion. Yes, the biggest features are not in the game yet. Beta is also a matter of opinion. Basically, if they say it's a Beta, it's a beta, but if they say it's no longer a beta, it's no longer a beta. So really, does it matter? It's just semantics. Let's just say that right now, the game is what it is, and they have plans for UI 2.0 and CW and stuff, but it's not done yet. If that bothers you, don't play until that stuff is done. It is a F2P title anyway.

Is the game matching mechanism working, because i find it hard to believe that the matching mechanism will put completely new players up against seasoned players? it is completely demoralizing and makes me feel like un-installing the game and finding something else to play.

The matchmaker does not care how long one has played the game, it only makes matches based on skill level which is fine. It's not perfect, but it's better than nothing. It also takes several matches to figure out what your skill level is. Not all games are lopsided. In the long run, I have had a great experience with it. My win/loss ratio is close to 1:1.

#32 Nick Makiaveli


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 02:07 PM

View PostKoniving, on 23 December 2013 - 09:06 AM, said:

Lock acquired, fire, lock broken, then re-acquired can cause this reaction in LRMs. Usually it's a sideways jerk toward the target.

Quoted because A: it's the truth and B: I was gonna say that B)

The second thing I have to add is:

Yes it is normal for PPCs to go right thru someone IF it's a normal PPC (ie not a ER) AND the target is 90 meters or less away. That's because (due to BT physics) they have a min. range of 90 meters inside of which they do no damage.

#33 SiorAlpin Wolf


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 07:30 PM

View Postbabadude71, on 22 December 2013 - 06:28 PM, said:

Extremely disappointed that the only goal in the game is to collect mechs and c-bills, xp and gxp by a mundane method of 3 game modes which become boring after you have done them a few times each

** I do believe that 2014 is going to bring some of meta game content that was supposed to of been released in 2013 but i think it was all delayed due to some negotiations with microsoft and we all know what microsoft are like so no big supprise there

Concerned that players can be so abusive and brag that reporting a player results in nothing done so you can say and do as you please without any real concern, or worry about being banned.

** Ah yes the frustrated community lashing out, im not quite sure that nothing is done, i think that your experience there was maybe someone was on a rage binge and was trolling. The support team like to make sure they get the facts before they act so it can take a little time, but im sure the matter will be addressed and dealt with appropriately.

New players being put into matches where they are fighting against experienced players (who then verbally abuse you for being a new player and letting the team down because you got killed), so the first experience i have had is how to die a lot and get very frustrated that about 1 out of 20 people will try to give advice on how to play.

** I would have to agree partially in what your saying with new players up against experienced, i would like to see training maps where there are 4 experienced players teaching the new players in an 8 v 8 environment but 1 step at a time, lets get the meta game out first huh!! As for players giving advice i think that is more down to what time you choose to play, there is a distinct time when all the hormonal teenagers play, normally the best time to play is when they are either in bed or at school.

I tried to find a community to join and play with, clicked on the community tab and was faced with a wall of NGNG, and no other mention of any other gaming community within MWO so i can only assume that there aren't any and ngng is the only one.

**There are many Clans that are always looking for new recruits just hunt through the forums, i think someone linked it in a previous post, i joined up with the 112th Tikonov Grenadiers a friendly bunch of players who don't take the game too seriously.

Game play and movement is good, not sure about the purpose of that 3rd person view drone, it does nothing but let the enemy know excactly where you are, that red blinking thing can be seen from across the map even if the mech is not visible, you can see that blinking red light just fine.
** Lol yes well, i think most of the MWO community are wondering why it was introduced as well, may as well paint the mech in day glow colors and have a massive red arrow pointing down at your mech, but it is supposed to be an aid to help you control your mech as it has 2 directional mechanical functions, like a tank, you can move in one direction (legs) and view / fire in approx 300 degree arc based on the direction of your movement (upper torso).

I tried the training grounds and that is just a joke, stationary targets with no A.I movement just doesnt wash for me as a training grounds, pathetic really so it would be nice to be able to try different weapon load outs without actually having to buy the weapons first.

** Yep that would be a nice feature to introduce, but lets just focus on getting the fundamentals of the game released before we confuse the dev's even more with viable suggestions ;p
The tutorial just lol.

As a new player i dont feel as though there is enough in game help to explain what does what, why and how, and the general feel that i get from other players is not very good certainly nothing to be proud about.

** A lot of the community have been stung by delays and innuendo's, but seriously, get yourself into a good knowledgeable clan that has a good understanding of the MWO Lore, i think that will be your best and safest option on this matter.
Some questions:-

Are the long range missiles supposed to avoid contact with the floor by suddenly changing direction and continuing to fly across the ground?

** I have raised this issue myself with a post called "Swoop Da Swoop" i dont think anyone knows for sure why the Lrm's do this, but it does happen quite a lot that i have seen, the most common scenario i have seen it in is when the missiles lose lock and fail to regain lock, this was introduced quite some time ago and i think they tried to address the issue of light mechs being able to out run lrm's.

Are ballistic and PPC rounds supposed to go straight through enemy mechs without damaging them?

** There are 3 variables at work here, Host State Rewind, Ping (internet latency), and the type of ppc you are using as someone mentioned above the difference between erppc and standard ppc. But no they are not supposed to go through solid objects.

Is there a comprehensive system in place to prevent hacking like aimbot etc

** As mentioned above all the computations are server side so unless they can hack into the servers i doubt there will be any viable hack software, but it wont stop people trying that is for sure.

Is that the best tutorial and training area that the game has to offer or are there others i havent seen yet?

** At the moment it is all that is available, again i cant stress strongly enough how important it is for you to get yourself into a clan or group, your game play will improve much faster that way.

Is it true that no matter how abusive you are and no matter how many times you kill your team mates it's not likely to get you banned?

** No it is not true, you will get banned but im not sure if they have measures to I.P ban or just a ban on the username.

Is there a team monitoring this type of behavior and helping to prevent it?

** I'm not sure about this, i wouldnt of thought so given the state of other priorities but as a whole i think the players that care about this game kinda keep an eye out for that type of behavior and either deal with it there and then (normally by giving a warning and if it continues team killing them, then reporting them)

I can only presume this game is still in beta due to the lack on real content, is that correct?

**No it is a fully fledged title now, but it still does feel like Beta in the sense that there is still no meta game content.

Is the game matching mechanism working, because i find it hard to believe that the matching mechanism will put completely new players up against seasoned players? it is completely demoralizing and makes me feel like un-installing the game and finding something else to play.

** Again you have hit on a nerve within the inner workings of MWO, i would like to think that this issue is going to be addressed and tweaked abit to include weight as well as ELO, who knows but i agree it can be very demoralizing to be target practice for the experienced players but as many have said and will continue to say, it is all part of the learning curve, all good MWO pilots have been through it, it's character building and helps you to develop the all important survival tactics. But yes it can be brutal and a tough way to learn.

I think i have managed to answer your questions as best as i could and as accurately as i could, at this point all i can say is get yourself into a Clan and just keep at it, try not to run out there on your own, stick with the bigger mechs and watch how they take cover and use the terrain around them. I would try and stay with the biggest mechs that have ecm (they will have a little picture of an eye.
Oh just as a friendly note, watch your friendly fire ;p

Good luck BabaDude and try to have fun, hope to see you out on the battlefield on my team ofc ;p

(ah {Scrap} i messed up the editing bit and too tired to correct it sry but i hope you got the points i was making)

Edited by SiorAlpin Wolf, 23 December 2013 - 07:42 PM.

#34 travelbug


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 07:58 PM

Op, stick to this part of the forums. There are many helpful, kind peoplehere. TYou will learn a lot from them.

#35 Fang01


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 10:01 PM

Saw Baba in a drop tonight and figured I'd pop back in here and redact my previous statement. Seems he might be legit. Course now we have this other thread...

Stick to it, hope to see you out there some more

#36 Rebas Kradd


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 10:53 PM

View PostXmith, on 22 December 2013 - 11:55 PM, said:

You sure had a lot to say for only playing for 3 days.

Dropped against him last night. He was in a trial mech.

#37 babadude71


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Posted 24 December 2013 - 03:38 AM

Thanks again all for the help and advice :)

Hope to see you all out there at some point.

Made a huge mistake though by buying a cataphract for my first mech, talk about jumping in deep water when you cant swim, anyhow i sold that one and bought a commando lol, quite fancy the idea of a special ops mech.

Happy Holidays to you all and hope to share some laughs on the battle field :)

#38 CarnageINC


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Posted 24 December 2013 - 09:21 AM

Babadude, it is probably wiser to suck up bad mech purchases in the beginning and keeping the mech instead of selling it. You never know when everything starts clicking and you want a new challenge. The resale value you get for mechs is criminal and all that work you did for those C-bills is wasted.

#39 dragnier1


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Posted 24 December 2013 - 10:31 AM

View PostCarnageINC, on 24 December 2013 - 09:21 AM, said:

Babadude, it is probably wiser to suck up bad mech purchases in the beginning and keeping the mech instead of selling it. You never know when everything starts clicking and you want a new challenge. The resale value you get for mechs is criminal and all that work you did for those C-bills is wasted.

That is what i myself would recommend. Since you've gotten yourself a commando, we'll move on.

Just a quick brief on that mech you bought. Gets destroyed easily if you make a mistake or make a wrong turn (low armor), costs a fair bit (i spent like 7+ mil cbills on new engine, upgrades, weapons and gear) and has a fairly steep learning curve. Never regretted it though, i learnt a lot using the commando (edit: i actually improved using the commando). Would fit into your "special ops" tactics really nicely.

Have fun playing the game.

Edited by dragnier1, 24 December 2013 - 10:32 AM.

#40 Myomes


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Posted 24 December 2013 - 02:10 PM

View PostFirenze, on 22 December 2013 - 07:07 PM, said:

That might have been a glitch if you saw that. LRMs are like homing artillery. Arc through the air and hit primarily from above. They have a minimum range of 180metres (the missiles have to arm themselves) and a max of 1000m.

That is lag and HSR issues. Currently they are attempting to fix the best they can, but best way to get around it is just to stay cool if it happens, line up the next shot and keep plugging away. No need to fret about one unlucky hit.

I dont actually think there is an aimbot atm. That said, alot of the experienced snipers like myself have learned to target weaker areas of mechs with alot more precision. Its something you will learn in time more than anything.

Have a look on the site too, the in game one is a bit more for just learning the basic controls easier. There is some good tutorial videos on the site. And remember, practice makes perfect.

TECHINCALLY it has had a release. I personally dont count it as one, more a milestone than anything. There is more coming which is in the works, so its just a matter of time. I remember when Hawken was just 'released' and then got substantially better after a while. This hopefully is gonna happen here too.

On the topic of Units and community, NGNG is a great place to get to the hub of the community, which you are able to join them on Teamspeak. However you can also join units, like the Mercenary group I am in The Remnant. They can help you learn to play better, learn mech building techniques, learn maps, and maybe even get you good enough to take part in the unofficial leagues such as 'Run Hot Or Die' or 'Marik Civil War'.

In terms of people being harsh, its a competitive game, and some people get mean. Best way is to just ignore them. I was rubbish once too, and got shouted at alot. Now I get to play in league drops with my team sometimes. If you like how the game plays, I would urge you to stick it out a while, as its only gonna improve from here on in.

to be fair, a Milestone has to have meaning. Hitting 60 in WoW, that's a milestone. Nothing changing in MW:O except that they are claiming it's "released" to the public is not a milestone. It's just words and no substance. Milestones are based around actually having substance.

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