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Seriously Disenchanted With Mwo

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#1 ShuRugal


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 10:05 PM

So, when I first found out about MWO, I was very excited. I'd been wishing for a good PC-based Battletech game for years, and finally someone stepped up to the plate to deliver.

But ever since release, it has just been one thing after another.

First, no joystick support (WTF?). This is a serious game-breaker for me, as a good stick-and-throttle setup makes the Mechwarrior series much more immersive.

Next was the realization that this game operates on a Pay-to-Win basis. I would much, much rather see a game with a monthly fee and all content is earned based on the player's individual prowess with their mech, not how deep their wallets run. Not being able to throw hundreds of dollars at this game, I end up with a paltry handful of mechs and no loadout flexibility.

Then comes the awkward, unbalanced, balls-to-the-wall 32-player barroom brawls that are the battles. The maps are too small and repetative to stuff that many mechs into them at once.

The inabality to know what map you will be playing on also makes it impossible to select a loadout appropriate for the environment. I would never, ever, take a laser-mech into a volcano map in MW4, or a gauss-toter into an urban battle, or a high-speed light into a wide open, low-cover environment; but i do these things every time i play MWO.

Next crusher, only two game modes. "kill them all clustered around 2 or 3 points on the map" or "kill them all before smartass light rushes around back to end the game early"

and now... the clan packs.... I had been eagerly awaiting this release. note my use of the past perfect tense. in the past, before this release, i eagerly awaited its arrival. then i saw it was out, and rushed to the store to snap up a few prized mechs.... and skidded in gracelessly on my face after tripping over my jaw at the sight of the price options.

this has really just entirely killed my interest in this game. the pricing of these mechs is absolutely abominable. On the best of days, i cannot justify spending $55 a mech for the 2 or 3 i am interested in, and certainly not $240 for the package that includes them plus a bunch more i'm not.

Then i saw the Gold mechs.... PGI has finally dropped all pretenses of selling an actual product and is now saying "give us money because we said so" with this. What could one mech bring to the table that even approaches a value of $500?
The last time i spent anywhere close to that amount of money on a piece of software, it was Autodesk Maya, and it does a hell of a lot more and then some than anything PGI has produced.
The most recent thing i have spent $500 own flies under its own power, at my behest, and does so IN REAL LIFE where id on't have to worry about the person that sold it to me becoming insolvent and taking the product with them.

add to all this the fact that PGI can't even be arsed to produce a DX11 version of the engine (which API has been in existence since before the launch of the game...), introduce a basic pre-game lobby system, or even come up with a useful method of balancing the ratios of various weight mechs in a single match.... My interest in even playing MWO is completely gone, to say nothing of my desire to support a developer which is not only increasingly clearly incompetent, but has now stooped to what amounts to public masturbation in an attempt to produce money....

#2 mualmoli


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Posted 24 December 2013 - 12:17 AM

Do only thing I can think about is that 'King of The Hill' episode where they let the young high school football player walk right into the endzone to break ____________'s record. I have the high school heroes' mechs and they score 2:1. A hardcore gamer may find the only way to move above and beyond this ratio is with an Atlas. :(

#3 ShuRugal


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Posted 24 December 2013 - 11:49 AM

View Postmualmoli, on 24 December 2013 - 12:17 AM, said:

[color=#959595] A hardcore gamer may find the only way to move above and beyond this ratio is with an Atlas[/color]

yes, that's one of the problems i have with the game as it stands: There is no tactical motivation for choosing anything other than an atlas, and the good atlas costs good money. the more you pay, the more you win.

#4 mualmoli


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Posted 24 December 2013 - 12:09 PM

I think future games will have 4-6 Jenners swarming an Atlas. Based on personality type there will be a ace Atlas pilot and a Jenner team going at it. This may be the basis of the inner sphere debacle. :)

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