Obviously planets can have multiple environments but has anyone seen mention of this?
I think it would be cool to have a few maps grouped per planet as to give it a certain feel so they have an identity. For example:
Planet A:
Frozen City
Frozen City Night
Alpine Peaks
Forest Colony Snow
Forest Colony
As you can see it is mostly a cold planet drawing those maps.
Planet B:
Canyon Network
Terra Therma
Tourmaline Desert
So planet B is mainly a hot planet and thus the maps that can drop there are as such.
HPG Manifold can be thrown into any planet that should have a moon orbiting it.
Just for variety sake we could have some maps that could drop every map. It could add a layer of strategy building mechs knowing the possible drop maps.
Or, do you think I am over thinking this and any territory or planet fought over should just have all the maps available?
Edited by GRiPSViGiL, 27 December 2013 - 01:51 AM.