A Use For Command Console
Posted 27 December 2013 - 08:51 AM
Weighs 3 tons.
Takes up 1 slot.
Air strike and artillery are becoming super prevalent, maybe even a little overly so.
Make it so you need to have a command console equiped to use air strike and artillery.
Posted 27 December 2013 - 08:57 AM
Should enable remote use of a whole suite of modules like Artillery and Air Strike. Allow the use of the command map to use teammates' LOS to drop your module attacks. This would allow backline command 'mechs to field LRM and Artillery (as well as C3) to use scout metrics to really harass the enemy while the scout was equipped with advanced sensor range and the like.
Posted 27 December 2013 - 09:01 AM
Posted 27 December 2013 - 09:10 AM
How is it not fair? Everyone can use a mech that can use a command console. Seems perfectly fair to me. If you choose to use one of the mechs that cant use a command console, thats your choice, but its not an unfair choice, because you couldve chosen a different mech.
Command console should do the following IMO:
1) command console should be required to use artillery, airstrikes, and UAVs
2) command console should come with an integrated TAG for free.
3) command console should give you +25% sensor range and +25% detailed target info (but this bonus shouldnt stack with BAP)
I think that would make it worth the 3 tons and 1 crit slot.
Edited by Khobai, 27 December 2013 - 09:25 AM.
Posted 27 December 2013 - 09:21 AM
Posted 27 December 2013 - 11:07 AM
I might not make the CC a requirement for Air and Artillery Strikes (unless we decide they are OP on their own), but granting you an extra module slot for them, or adding an extra use of these abilities if you have them equipped at all.
Posted 27 December 2013 - 11:08 AM
Means a second like mustrums said, but not removing the timer.
Edited by Galenit, 27 December 2013 - 11:09 AM.
Posted 27 December 2013 - 11:34 AM
Khobai, on 27 December 2013 - 09:10 AM, said:
How is it not fair? Everyone can use a mech that can use a command console. Seems perfectly fair to me. If you choose to use one of the mechs that cant use a command console, thats your choice, but its not an unfair choice, because you couldve chosen a different mech.
Command console should do the following IMO:
1) command console should be required to use artillery, airstrikes, and UAVs
2) command console should come with an integrated TAG for free.
3) command console should give you +25% sensor range and +25% detailed target info (but this bonus shouldnt stack with BAP)
I think that would make it worth the 3 tons and 1 crit slot.
Previously I included possible Command Console functions in a posting I made about expanded information warfare.
My thoughts were Command consoles could perform a number of command related functions.
1) Mechs with command consoles have additional tools available to them while accessing the tactical map.While viewing the tactical map command consoles grant access to specific data on every known mech on the battlefield.This data includes currently known possition,current condition,variant and loadout.Moving the curser over the mech icon will provide this data on a sidebar.This will allow a commander to determine friendly strength/conditions and enemy possition and strength.
2) Issue movement orders by lance or specific mech.Mouse over the tactical map and mark a specified location as a move to/defend/attack objective.This objective is marked on the tactical map,mini map and is visible on the compass (HUD) of the mech issued the order.Betty will announce when new orders are issued as well as HUD display "Orders Issued" similar to how missile warnings are displayed.Completing an issued move order will grant an XP/C-Bill reward.
3) Request artillery/airstrikes from other mechs in the company.The Command Console user marks a map location as the desired place for the strike,All friendly mechs with currently available strikes are issued a strike request and can on their own discretion use their equiped strike module in support of the order.Completing a strike order will grant XP/C-Bill rewards.
4) Commanders with Command Consoles can mark specific mechs as priority targets.Priority targets will appear on all friendly mechs HUD in special brackets indicating the target is the focus target.
5) Command consoles can display the tactical map as an overlay over the mech's normal HUD.Allowing the pilot access to normal functionality of their mech.Non console users will have the current map display that replaces the field of view with the tactical map.
Posted 27 December 2013 - 12:04 PM
Posted 27 December 2013 - 12:20 PM
i would let the command console lock onto all mechs in sensor range. this grants indirect fire to all lrm users.
i think this would make it useful for role warfare. as it is a single mech can only target one mech.
Posted 27 December 2013 - 03:04 PM
Here is a thread that gives more detail as to what the Command Console did in BattleTech.
Also, here is an excerpt from a BT book that describes the Command Console:
So with MWO being a real-time shooter, I figure that the Command Console can be setup as being required gear for Strikes and that it could also be setup to provide bonuses similar to how BAP provides bonuses.
Then those bonuses can be made to stack with BAP and Module(s) (Target Info Gathering, Sensor Range and so on) bonuses to give a reasonable "initiative" bonus for it's three tons,
and to not necessarily have a 13th Player to be that commander in the CC, which could be too much of a headache for the devs to implement anyway.
Edited by Praetor Shepard, 27 December 2013 - 03:10 PM.
Posted 31 December 2013 - 10:16 PM
FupDup, on 27 December 2013 - 09:02 AM, said:
So ECM and tag and narc (not every mech supports those hard points) aren't fair?
I'm withholding judgment on the modules since they announced they're completely redoing that whole system although it really is just dumb to me that you have modules like this have been nothing but placeholders for this length of time
Posted 31 December 2013 - 11:29 PM
Edited by Tycho von Gagern, 31 December 2013 - 11:30 PM.
Posted 31 December 2013 - 11:33 PM
Tycho von Gagern, on 31 December 2013 - 11:29 PM, said:
I couldn't possibly disagree more. I fully admit its an opinion but I already feel light mechs are very strong simply due to the power of speed and mobility in this game. I don't see a reason to buff them further. If anything they could use a kick.
Posted 20 January 2014 - 01:10 AM
Giving the operator the ability to uplink to satcom for battlefield information, showing enemy mechs locations, and also give it the ability to launch remote probes (uav?) and direct precision artillery via the Map interface?
Relaying waypoints via company command does need improvement, both in how the commander sets orders, and how players can see and use that information.
Most of what the CC was intended, is occupied by modules atm, they'd have to totally rework that feature of the game.
and oof..
This would really screw up scouts and scouting IMO..
No wonder its taken them this long to implement it.
I'm just going over in my head how many things this 1 item would screw up if its not done just right.
At 3 tons, I guess that fair balance, I would personally put that 3 tons into cooling/armor/speed or firepower tbh.
Your average pub game, the CC sounds pretty pointless, nobody listens to anyone else, and its usually a cluster**** regardles, usually people see 1 target, and just BeeLine to it. Or play chase the light around the map.
I like the Idea of it scrambling targeting though with Ghost targets, that could be incredibly useful as a diversion for scouts as long as its done right.
TBH I was hoping for something simpler, like a Lead indicator for ballistic weapons and PPC's, or even to allow force firing of S-SRMS. Or for body Locational targeting of SSRM and LRM.
Or for relaying all targeting a mech is recieving to other teamates, instead of only a single selected target.
But that all goes against the "original documentation" for what the CC is for.
Edited by Mister D, 20 January 2014 - 01:13 AM.
Posted 20 January 2014 - 04:06 AM
1- Double the regeneration rate between air & artillery strikes for your teem
2- Populate the enemy team mech list, with mech type & last seen damage, information provide by any non-ECM member of your team.
3- Auto target all enemy mechs spotted by equipped mech or any mech spotted by any friendly mech with a (role warfare scout module).
4- Equipped mech may not have ECM
5- Command console adds 2 module slots to equipped mech
6- Extend the duration of UAV by 50%
7- A BAP may be integrated for extra tonnage, but no extra space (like heat sinks in a large engine)
Edited by Stardancer01, 20 January 2014 - 04:18 AM.
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