Unfair and unreasonable ? Hardly ... it cost 40k C-Bills per use, you can only use it once and you have to spend a ton of GXP on it to make it work. All that combined with the ridiculous grind for money nowadays makes this a very costly one-shot weapon.
Can it be abused by big pre-mades? Of course, but so can PPCs, ACs, JJs, Zerglingswarms, ECMs, LRMs ... well pretty much anything can be abused.
Up your head armor, keep an eye on your surrondings and stop playing turret-defense ...

Headshot Artys Ftw!
Started by Chimperator, Jan 01 2014 05:26 PM
25 replies to this topic
Posted 04 January 2014 - 04:14 PM
Posted 04 January 2014 - 07:12 PM
Kind of funny watching a 12 man. Everyone with airstrikes, EVERYONE. Not until then did I see money literally explode.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 07:32 PM
You know something that seems to happen when I read the arty/airstrike threads is that there is the group that says "This happens all the time/waay too often." and the group that says "This never has ever happened to me." While I happen to be in the second group, might I propose that this is possibly related to ELO levels? Lower level players may more prone to roll in large slow groups, where higher level players do the same thing, but have a less dense group that branches out and regroups for flanking, maneuvering, etc...
Edited by MarauderBronze, 04 January 2014 - 07:32 PM.
Posted 04 January 2014 - 08:04 PM
MarauderBronze, on 04 January 2014 - 07:32 PM, said:
You know something that seems to happen when I read the arty/airstrike threads is that there is the group that says "This happens all the time/waay too often." and the group that says "This never has ever happened to me." While I happen to be in the second group, might I propose that this is possibly related to ELO levels? Lower level players may more prone to roll in large slow groups, where higher level players do the same thing, but have a less dense group that branches out and regroups for flanking, maneuvering, etc...
Posted 05 January 2014 - 05:27 AM
it'll happen more in higher elo brackets as those players (mostly) have all the mechs they need, and more cbills than they know what to do with so arti/airstrike is an obvious choice.
For most other players those things are off limits for the most part.
For most other players those things are off limits for the most part.
Posted 05 January 2014 - 09:01 AM
I actually see it more when playing in a team than when I PUG. And I'm not sure how it's related to how often Airstrikes/Arty are used anyway - you either get hit or you don't.
The issue here is when we do get hit, the head seems to get hit disproportionately often.
The issue here is when we do get hit, the head seems to get hit disproportionately often.
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