Elite: Dangerous
Posted 22 September 2015 - 12:51 PM
Elite Dangerous is available until 28 of September with 40% discount. (Around 22,5 - 25 Euros)
Posted 22 September 2015 - 05:12 PM
Lily from animove, on 22 September 2015 - 03:13 AM, said:
It takes a bit of practice with the rings, but it's not as hard as it may sound. The best approach is not flying straight into the rocks (as you'll most likely either approach too slow, or too fast and then suffer an emergency drop due to proximity alert), but rather to skim the "surface" of the ring almost horizontally, slowly closing in on a soft angle. Once you see the ring resolve in individual asteroids, you should be able to drop out safely, arriving at about 20-30 km from the nearest rock.
Lily from animove, on 22 September 2015 - 03:13 AM, said:
I almost want to say it could've been a bug, but I have a hunch it's more likely to be a product of the convoluted and somewhat unintuitive current iteration of the bounty system. Did you perhaps have a dormant bounty from previous illegal action? Because those get reactivated once you commit a crime without paying it off, meaning that the cops would first try to fine you for speeding, then run your data through their grid and notice that you're actually a wanted murderer or whatever.
Lily from animove, on 22 September 2015 - 03:13 AM, said:
Hence the comparison to modern first world economies.
Lily from animove, on 22 September 2015 - 03:13 AM, said:

Lily from animove, on 22 September 2015 - 03:13 AM, said:
Ther eis in ED usually not even much people around. And they could have implemented FSD interruption for hyperspace. piracy and bountyhunting then would still take palce, just in a different way. E:D could have a general rule that hyperspacing can be everywhere, but only until 500Ls to any station or planet. And form there its Supercruise to the stations.
That would keep free jumping but still room for Pirating and Bounty. But nothing "kills" a station more than being 200.000Ls away from the sun because prices there are not juicy enough in their delta to justify the travel time. Such stations would cease to exist.
I recall the developer mentioning that pilots are also supposed to spend a lot of time in frameshift as this is an integral part of the gameplay experience and the "space is big" feeling. If it were otherwise, traders would just jump from waypoint to waypoint and spend more time in stations than in space. The devs just said they also want to make frameshift more interesting, so that people don't get bored as fast, especially on longer trips.
I agree that it'd be nice if stations that are ridiculously far away from the navbuoy (looking at you, Hutton Orbital) should have higher payouts to actually justify the trip, though. It'd be easily justified by supply and demand + government subsidies, after all!
Alreech, on 22 September 2015 - 07:54 AM, said:
Less stricter rules to selling of food. Even with mold on the surface fruits and bread are still edible. Sell them to a lower price to the poor. This may increase the risk of food poisoning (nowadays very uncommon in most developed countries) but hey, better than throwing food away, right ?

But very few food is thrown away by the vendor. If it's near the end of the shelf life, it will be sold for a reduced price or donated to charity. Or is taken away by a company that uses them to generate methane (because using it for feeding pigs is forbidden by EU-Law).
Here's an easy fix: reduce overproduction. You'll always have some waste, but there's no reason why we can't do what is possible to prevent it.
Of course, to reduce the overproduction, we'd also have to scale back on the consumerist focus of modern day society, which is unlikely to happen any time soon.
Alreech, on 22 September 2015 - 07:54 AM, said:

Alreech, on 22 September 2015 - 07:54 AM, said:
So even with a serve crisis of food, prices won't go up that much.

I'd certainly like to see more politics represented in the economy, but the default result of a shortage and a rise in demand should be higher prices, as described in the game's design documents.
Posted 23 September 2015 - 08:18 AM
I eman if I want I just remember all nice 70ls stations and keep only them for efficient trading, so it does not really solve the devs idea, it just biases to soem stations.
And the issue with the rings is, you don't have a range indicator telling you your location or the rocks location, so when you exit just 1.5Mm too early its a extremely time consuming flight at normal speed, or you cruise up again and hope to exit again at right the pixel being before the "emergency exit" by being too close I just want freaking coordinates.
I mean cmon, 20km? thats still like 60seconds to fly. THATS LONG in relation to what you can do within a minute in E:D when you consider costs of opportunaties into account.
I forgot to note the station down, but I remember that one 120k smuggle task that basically was at a 7ls station trip from the sun of the neighbour system.
About the food on the stations, well I doubt they are only "markets" Maybe those aroudn asteroid fields or thoseclsoe to terran planets. But a station far off at a lone gas giant at the end of the system with nothing else around? Such a station seems not to have any purpose at all.
LOL at that hutton thing xD.
Edited by Lily from animove, 23 September 2015 - 08:21 AM.
Posted 23 September 2015 - 08:37 AM
Lily from animove, on 23 September 2015 - 08:18 AM, said:
I mean cmon, 20km? thats still like 60seconds to fly. THATS LONG in relation to what you can do within a minute in E:D when you consider costs of opportunaties into account.
You have two range indicators.
One next to your navigation target, it shows range to target and ETA.
The second is left from the scanner, showing distance and speed.
And yes, 20 km are a long fly, but with some practice 10 km are possible.
Lily from animove, on 23 September 2015 - 08:18 AM, said:
Hutton is an insider joke for all players of Elite II Frontiers and Frontiers First Encounters.
Taking a mission to Hutton was almost every time a failure because the distance to the station was big - and the jump point always different, and so was the in game flight time.
In real time was very short. dropping out of hyperspace, activating autopilot, setting the speed of the simulation to max and 5 seconds later you was able to request docking. But space felled much smaller in Elite II and III

Posted 23 September 2015 - 11:27 PM
Alreech, on 23 September 2015 - 08:37 AM, said:
You have two range indicators.
One next to your navigation target, it shows range to target and ETA.
The second is left from the scanner, showing distance and speed.
And yes, 20 km are a long fly, but with some practice 10 km are possible.
the issue is, when you want to mine a mettalic belt around a planet not having a "ressource site" marker there is no target. All I then have is my speed and what I see.
I miss a feature allowing us at leats to set a own marker or beacon once we visited a location.
Posted 24 September 2015 - 11:31 AM
Lily from animove, on 23 September 2015 - 08:18 AM, said:
Your idea would work in a game that doesn't use "open world" hyperspace but rather has fewer planets with fixed routes between one another (like the settings of 40k or The Mandate), and there I think it'd work nicely! But with ED, there's just too many options.
Actually, I guess your idea could still work in ED if there was more traffic, so that pirates could prey on specific routes rather than randomly trying to catch anything that enters a system, whereas bounty hunters would be forced to do more investigation on their targets to find out their routes. Would be a cool strategic element for the game! Alas, this would require a lot more AI ships passing through space, which means you'd probably have to ditch system-wide sensor scans (as there are too many targets), and you'd meet even fewer human players than you do already (outside the major core systems).
Lily from animove, on 23 September 2015 - 08:18 AM, said:
And 20km isn't that much, but I guess it depends on perception and preferences. I believe that Elite is a game that is supposed to be taken slowly, where it should be considered normal to have long, calm journeys where you can appreciate the majestic visuals, irregularly disrupted by brief moments of intense battle or other hazards. It's not a game where you are supposed to fast-travel between waypoints. Just a different design goal, for a different and hopefully more immersive experience.
Lily from animove, on 23 September 2015 - 08:18 AM, said:
I won't discount the possibility that some stations could be better placed, though!
Alreech, on 23 September 2015 - 08:37 AM, said:

It's funny how space felt so much smaller just because you had that "fast foward" feature, which ofc isn't possible in a multiplayer environment.
Lily from animove, on 23 September 2015 - 11:27 PM, said:
Edited by Kyone Akashi, 24 September 2015 - 11:33 AM.
Posted 25 September 2015 - 03:16 PM

Also, this is amazing:
Posted 26 September 2015 - 05:08 AM
Up to now most games with that engine have had a cute look, but a realistic look is obviously possible too.
Posted 30 September 2015 - 12:13 PM
Must resist, too expensive. Will try harder ...
On the other hand, I have saved some money by not buying any content
(something that is to be expressed through some medium, as speech, writing or any of various arts

Posted 30 September 2015 - 01:12 PM
That being said, planetary landings alone are a pretty big thing, and personally I'm not sure whether it'd really pay off waiting half a year or so just to save 10-20 bucks. Your call!

Posted 30 September 2015 - 01:18 PM
ExoForce, on 30 September 2015 - 12:13 PM, said:
Must resist, too expensive. Will try harder ...
On the other hand, I have saved some money by not buying any content
(something that is to be expressed through some medium, as speech, writing or any of various arts

Take out a second job!
After the announcement of the Season 2 goals I'm even happier I dropped the money on Horizons. Especially with the current discount for pre-order to players that already own the base game. It's hard to pass up. Do what you need to do my friend. The glistening, unspoiled surfaces of billions will be there waiting when you are able.
Everything sounds great, it's exactly what I was expecting; In depth and size I mean, not specifics. What they have currently is a great/massive platform to expand upon however they please, enabling them to input content that has both depth, and functionality, without having to worry so much about structuring the 'game' itself, it's already done.
It's like buying a game that functions, but has no content, but you know will very soon, and that it will be great, because the developers already did everything to 'make' the game.. just not.. fill it up.. you know? You follow....erm.. get what I'm saying?
Activity update - 9/30/15
Got my ASP over the weekend, and now I'm working on grinding the ~27 million Credits for what I want to outfit it with. Been hanging around Lembava lately, smuggling and bounty grinding with my buddy who picked it up over the weekend, along with my girlfriend, who also purchased it. She picked it up on the XBone and I have to say, it looks pretty great on there. The locked frame-rate is especially nice. We're all excited for the server migration on the 6th. They're both sporting decked out Cobras after only a 2-3 days into it. It helps to have someone right there with you who's been at it for awhile already I suppose

Good luck out there CMDR's and Mechwarriors!
Edited by t Khrist, 30 September 2015 - 02:08 PM.
Posted 01 October 2015 - 03:39 PM
I just wiped my save after the game experience soured for me. Ended up grinding ridiculously from the get-go for an Imperial Courier. Then once I had it I kind of lost steam. So the save got cleared and a little break was had.
Now my CMDR is taking it slow. Slowly but surely A-rating my Sidewinder. Once that's done, who knows?
Also, all aboard the hype-train for Horizons! Watched the EGX video and just wow. The planets look even better than I could have imagined and BOBBLEHEADS. Fuzzy dice pls now.
Posted 01 October 2015 - 03:50 PM
Lunatech, on 01 October 2015 - 03:39 PM, said:
Instead, make your story. Pick interesting worlds and help their factions, all the while enjoying the fantastic sights and sounds.

Lunatech, on 01 October 2015 - 03:39 PM, said:
Still, had to buy the Brabenhead as a matter of course.
Posted 02 October 2015 - 09:34 AM
Lunatech, on 01 October 2015 - 03:39 PM, said:
I just wiped my save after the game experience soured for me. Ended up grinding ridiculously from the get-go for an Imperial Courier. Then once I had it I kind of lost steam. So the save got cleared and a little break was had.
Now my CMDR is taking it slow. Slowly but surely A-rating my Sidewinder. Once that's done, who knows?
I plan on using it much like I did my Cobra. Main focus being bounty hunting and exploring, but retaining the ability to haul a decent amount of cargo if I feel like changing it up for a bit without loosing out on too many Credits via load out swapping. It's working out pretty well for bounties without having many upgrades yet. Next ship will be the Python I'm thinking, but that's a ways away.
I can't imagine ever wiping my save for how far I'm into it now. I have a fully loaded Sidewinder, Eagle, Cobra, and soon to be ASP. That's just too much to let go of, without even mentioning rankings. I can understand your situation though, the game does currently have a 'make your own fun' vibe going on. How was the Courier though? I've been thinking of picking one up just for smuggling missions.
Posted 03 October 2015 - 06:22 AM
I have no issue to reward Horizons with real money, its just a Scrooge McDuck in me (for now

Tip: I give charity to every faction at every station. Loks like that also helps to get higher paid missions. Now I do missions for 150.000 Cr min, often combined to the same station!
Edited by ExoForce, 03 October 2015 - 06:28 AM.
Posted 05 October 2015 - 09:08 PM
Posted 06 October 2015 - 10:05 AM
Mister Blastman, on 05 October 2015 - 09:08 PM, said:
So the Mouse is the steering wheel of Elite?
Posted 10 October 2015 - 09:53 AM
Gives a great sense of scale -- especially when you keep in mind that this is just a minor planetoid like 4 Vesta! Actual planets will have you feel even more "lost".

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