Heffay, on 14 October 2014 - 10:54 AM, said:
There could be ways to implement this via through-shield criticals, or damage reduction. But on a gameplay level, having a resource that you have to manage (power to shields for example) provides a lot more opportunities for trade offs than a blanket % damage reduction.
Of course, the damage reduction could also be dynamic depending on how you power your shields, but then combat becomes pretty RNG based, where you are in a war of attrition hoping to not lose a critical component early in the fight.
Eh. It could go either way. I think brick wall shields are plenty cool and don't interfere with my mathemagical sensibilities at all.

Well, in the real "force field" model, you could implement an energy battery that is depleted depending on how much actual work (force * distance) the field applies. Bullets would just be deflected away from the centre of the field and may or may not hit the ship depending on the angle and velocity of the bullets until the shield runs out of energy. You would also not have to animate glowey transparent shield textures (which I think looks silly anyways).