Teamates That Give Away Friendly Positions
Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:03 PM
we play nothing but skirmish any more becouse it was our chance to get rid of the cap warriors and the diaper league clans,go play another mech,untill the game is over,,but i dont want to here your pathetic whines and giving friendly positions away becouse you want the game over,,,my raven has proved time and time again the war wasent over,,and won the game singel handed many times,,even if it did come down the the last 30 seconds..you lost your war,,the war is mine now,,and we who are the last man standing will and have the right to play it any way we want.
its not a secret i have no respect for most of you,,you havent the intelligence to play the complex game of manouver that i do,,most of you havent a clue what im really doing out there for the team..your only tactic is get the big ship and guns and think you know something,,well you dont,,group up,,group up,,is all i here when there is so many tactical posibilities in all these great maps,this is a game of angles, you are so 2 dimentional that you play the same game,,every time..
also it really kills me they all go to the same open ground as they did when we had assult only,,,they have no clue about terrain and able to read a terrain map,,you bore me to death.all you do is get close with ur ac20s and gut people,,and think your so good,,well those 5 assults thought they were bad against my raven,,and with enough room to manouver,,they were children to me,,wasent even a contest,and you all will get an education if they ever have arena,,and when i build the 7th recon,,we will role your simpleton tactless 12 mans like a hot knive thru butter,,thats comming,,one more thing,,i commanded a company of all new players and defeated the veteran clans and premade on the other team,,they did what i asked them to do,and executed the battel plans as i instructed,,,i pretty much have a 90 percent win rate when im in company command,,however i 1st have to assess the level of the brainless before i issue useless orders,,if that level is to high,,i just go and play.
play a clean game,,dont be manipulating mm and play both sides of the game and we wont have a problem,,otherwise,,you will have a problem with me forever,,and the destruction of your clan will come...new players dont like to be taken advantage of,,and without recruits,,ur clan will die,,i catch you doing these things that is bad for the game,,it;s on,,is this any way not clear,,,veyron
Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:07 PM
Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:12 PM
Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:15 PM
Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:16 PM
3-5min is ok

5-7min is really pushing it

7-10min now u being a douche

plz just plz don't b that guy

Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:18 PM
Report players on your team that give away friendly positions. It's really that simple
Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:36 PM

Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:43 PM
Dock Steward, on 02 January 2014 - 04:08 PM, said:
Can someone please translate this?
Google can translate it into Mongolian.
бид юу ч тоглодог хэдий ч тоглоом дууссан юм untill ,,, өөр нэг механизмын тоглохоор явахаасаа хивс дайчдын болон живх лигийн отогт салахыг бидний боломж байсан юм ус хөлдсөн ямар их skirmish , харин би таны pathetic гонгиноно энд хүсэж бүү , найрсаг албан тушаал өгөх цааш та гаруй тоглолтыг хүсэж байгаа ус хөлдсөн ,,, Миний хэрээ дайн гаруй wasent , олон удаа гардуулан тоглоомын singel ялалт дахин цаг хугацаа, цаг хугацаа нотлогдсон , энэ нь сүүлийн 30 секунд доош ирж байсан ч .. та алдсан таны дайн , дайн, одоо минийх юм , сүүлчийн хүн байнгын ба бид хүссэн ямар ч арга замыг тоглох эрхтэй болох юм байгаа бид .
биш байх нь нууц би та нарын ихэнх нь ямар ч хүндэтгэх ёстой , та би хийж байгаа manouver иж бүрэн тоглоом тоглох оюун ухаан havent , та нарын хамгийн их сайжирсан үнэхээр тэнд багт хийж ямар таамаглаж .. цорын ганц тактик havent эдгээр агуу газрын зураг дээр маш олон тактикийн posibilities байгаа үед том усан онгоц болон бууг авч, та ямар нэг зүйл мэддэг гэж бодож байна , мөн та нар бүү , бүлэг дээр , бүлэг хүртэл , бүх юм би энд , энэ өнцөг нь тоглоом юм та нар болохоор та нэг тоглоом тоглож байгаа 2 dimentional , бүр цаг ..
Мөн үнэхээр бид зөвхөн assult байсан үед тэд шиг тэдгээр нь бүгд ижил нээлттэй газар очиж намайг алсан ,,, тэд газар нутаг болон тухайн газар нутаг газрын зургийг уншиж чаддаг тухай ямар ч таамаглаж байна , та нарын хийх death.all надад гэрчилсэн авч байна Урын ac20s болон гэдэсний хүмүүстэй ойр , мөн , мөн эдгээр 5 assults тэд, миний хэрээ эсрэг муу байсан бөгөөд manouver хангалттай өрөө хамт , тэд надад хүүхдүүд байсан гэж бодсон нь уралдаан ч маш сайн wasent бодохгүй, тэд хэзээ ч тавцанд бол та бүх , боловсрол авч болно, мөн би 7-р дэвшлийн бүтээхэд , бид нь үүрэг дүн таны цайлган цөцгийн хүүхдийн чинь хувцас халуун knive шиг ес алдсан 12 эр хүний , comming thats , нэг зүйл бол , би зарлигласан бүх шинэ тоглогчдын компани болон бусад багийн ахмад Форум Холбогдох Бүртгүүлэх Кланууд болон premade ялагдаж , тэд миний хийхийг тэднээс юу хийсэн, би зааврын дагуу battel төлөвлөгөө гүйцэтгэж ,,, би нэлээн их 90 хувь нь ялалт хувь байхад анхаарах нь нь түвшин өндөр юм бол компани нь тушаал Гэхдээ би 1-р би ямар ч хэрэггүй тушаал гаргаж өмнө brainless түвшинг үнэлэх хэрэгтэй ,,,, би зүгээр л явж, тоглож байна.
цэвэр тоглоом тоглож , мм-ээс удирдаж байх бүү , тоглоомын хоёр талыг тоглож, бид асуудалтай байж дассан , өөрөөр , та үүрд надтай хамт нэг асуудал байх болно , мөн овгийн устгах болно ... Шинэ тоглогчид болон дайчилгааны авалгүйгээр, Урын бүлэг үхэх болно , би , тоглоомын муу гэж эдгээр зүйлийг хийснээр та нарыг барьж , давуу талыг авч дуртай бүү , энэ ярилцлага , энэ нь ямар ч арга зам нь тодорхой биш байна ,,, Veyron
Does that help?
Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:49 PM
Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:57 PM
Dock Steward, on 02 January 2014 - 04:08 PM, said:
Can someone please translate this?
It seems complicated.
But the OP seems to consider that most other people are in fact relatively stupid in comparison to himself and then goes on to wonder that as a result we then don't do intelligent things he would like to see us doing in the game.
This concerns me as it could set a new precedence for PGI where they then presumably have to balance to cater for stupidity?
Either way an issue seems to have arisen of people breaking MWO rulings about giving information to opponents at the detriment of the OP's enjoyment of the game. This normally handled by a posting to the support team.
Other than that a bit of "posturing" concerning skill, tactics and abilities that the OP has that separates him as a superior pilot but it's not very coherent at times.
Posted 02 January 2014 - 05:02 PM
Noesis, on 02 January 2014 - 04:57 PM, said:
It seems complicated.
But the OP seems to consider that most other people are in fact relatively stupid in comparison to himself and then goes on to wonder that as a result we then don't do intelligent things he would like to see us doing in the game.
This concerns me as it could set a new precedence for PGI where they then presumably have to balance to cater for stupidity?
Either way an issue seems to have arisen of people breaking MWO rulings about giving information to opponents at the detriment of the OP's enjoyment of the game. This normally handled by a posting to the support team.
Other than that a bit of "posturing" concerning skill, tactics and abilities that the OP has that separates him as a superior pilot but it's not very coherent at times.
Thanks. I'm gonna stick with the Mongolian though.
Edited by Dock Steward, 02 January 2014 - 05:02 PM.
Posted 02 January 2014 - 05:20 PM
1veyron1, on 02 January 2014 - 04:03 PM, said:
No one likes heavy bragging, especially not when combined with insulting other people's intelligence.
A couple sentences is all you need to describe your problem in a constructive and easy to read way...
You want people to understand your way of playing but you totally fail to do them the same favour.
If you call everyone an *****, what can you expect them to think of you?
Posted 02 January 2014 - 06:11 PM
Posted 02 January 2014 - 07:33 PM
He basically says that he hates people giving away his position while he prepares his final attack in a dark corner.
He also thinks he is a good Pilot and an Elite Company Commander.
Posted 02 January 2014 - 08:27 PM
Posted 02 January 2014 - 08:32 PM
If they are just running to power down and hide to be the sole survivor, or somehow believe they can take on 8 mechs solo, or dont want to sully their KDR, I'll think about narcing on them.
If they are afk, I will definitely call out their position. As far as I am concerned, AFK'rs are not teamplayers, not my teammates, therefore those rules concerning reporting on your team do not apply.
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