So after my delving into 3d printing MWO figures. I figure it is time for something else. So I'm starting a little animation project. Nothing too fancy, something in the 2 -3 minute range. since most Mechwarrior video's out there are very old and horribly dated by today's standards. So I want to try my hand at it.
It'll be a fight between a marauder and another mech which I've yet to decide on.
It is set right at the start of the clan invasion, the marauder will be part of a merc unit called the night watch. I don't know yet if the mech it will be fighting is clan or IS. The video will be set in a city so there will be plenty of destruction. and I'm also kind of sick of all the desert battletech video's. there will be some cockpit interior shots so i'll be doing some character design as well. I can already tell you that the pilot of the marauder will be female.
I'm currently still writing a script but I do have a basic outline which I might share at a later date.
The video will be produced using source film maker rather regular CGI renderers (although the screenshots below we're rendered with mental ray.)
This is because my background is in video games and I feel more comfortable using real time render engines, also for those wondering why i'm not using cry engine. It's simply a matter of I don't like how cry engine works. in my experience it is clunky and very user unfriendly and i'd rather spend my time animating than fighting the tools I'm trying to use.
I suspect production will take a while, 6 month's minimum and I intend to use this thread to post updates. and now for some screens and animation.
First off we have the Marauder going full speed. I animated it to go 84.6 kp/h (yes I know what sarna says)
I'm creating a set of looping animations for it before i put it in SFM so i can focus on the custom animations in sfm rather than having it walk around and other mundane stuff. (I plan on doing some running scenes)

And here we have the cockpit interior
As you can see it will have a custom paper doll, screens and colors are not yet final.

all of it is still untextured but that will change soon.

One thing to note though, for this project i am going for rule of cool not 100% lore accuracy. If it's lore accurate and looks cool then fine. but if i have to bend the rules in order to get a cool shot then that's what I'll do.
Any feedback and idea's and whatnot you guys want to share please feel free.
Edited by Sentinel373, 02 January 2014 - 08:40 PM.