Khobai, on 15 January 2014 - 10:38 AM, said:
Not according to forum polls. Around 85% of players on the forums hate the current UAC mechanics.
This statement is lacking depth good sir. When for one every uac thread onthe balance forum has been back and forth. Most complaints that are offered are also based off of people just hating that it jams even when its recognized that it still can do amazing things. Let alone the fact that a very small percentage of mwo players actually even post at all or vote. And keep in mind the vast majority of people that post on these forums mainly just spew rage and hate and generally just hate things because 'they' cant use it.
If pgi were to take half or more of the posters seriously they would have to impliment auto aim to make some happy.
Khobai, on 15 January 2014 - 10:40 AM, said:
Not according to forum polls. Around 85% of players on the forums hate the current UAC mechanics.
Thats the whole problem. Its not TT. But it uses numbers from TT. There is no logic behind that.
Joseph Mallan, on 15 January 2014 - 10:41 AM, said:
Sadly the awesome will probly continue to be ruined until CW. But they could easily reduce heat on it or perhaps cut back the ghost heat on it to make it more useable.
Sidenote, That is a leadership quote and has nothing to do with balance or accepting facts.