So, considering that the original BT ranges were more for calculating the accuracy of the weapons at different distances, more so than listing their actual effective ranges against targets, I figured why not tweak weapon ranges along with tweaking/removing damage drop-off?
Ballistic Weapons
The idea here, that can sound controversial at first, is removing or reducing range limits and damage drop-off to have damage dealing in line with player use as the devs have mentioned in the past. On the one hand ballistics weapons are more realistic, and dealing damage is down to player skill and experience.
The elements that can be used to balance them besides range and using damage drop-off, would still be:
Projectile Speed
Rate of Fire
Projectile drop over Range
Damage per Projectile
Ammo per Ton
and Heat.
So leaving damage dealt to the player's ability to hit and not also to what preset range starts to decrease damage also places Clan Ballistics on a better playing field with IS weapons, since it will be about how the player uses the weapon than how the drop-off in damage is setup.
For example, if a player can still hit a Spider moving away at ~145 kph at about 540+ M with the 650m/s projectile speed change, shouldn't that skill be rewarded (assuming the hit registered)?
Energy Weapons: Lasers
With Lasers being hit-scan, these can retain a measure of damage drop-off after a certain extended range, but that range could also be extended uniformly for the types of lasers they are, be they
Regular Laser (could set the standard range at 450, for example),
ER Laser (standard range at 675)
or Pulse Laser (at 360)
And these standard ranges could potentially be the same regardless of if the weapon is IS or Clan, with the optics, damage, heat and beam length being the bigger differences between the laser being Large, Medium or Small.
So from there, lasers (for both IS and Clan) could do their full damage up to the standard effective ranges with drop-off at their 2x range: 900, 1350, 720, for example, with the other main differences then being damage, beam duration, cooldown and heat. So the variables to balance both IS and Clan can be:
Beam duration
Cooldown between beams
and Range before seeing damage drop off
Energy Weapons: PPCs
As for PPCs and ERPPCs, heat has helped them keep their flavor, and allowing them to be as effective as what the player can hit should be enough with removing their max range for damage fall-off and keeping their existing ranges.
So PPCs and ERPPCs would have as their main elements to balance:
Projectile Speed
Rate of Fire
and Heat
Missile Weapons
As for range, missiles should fly until they impact something, removing their air-burst at 270 M, 360 M and 1000 M.
So the variables to balance them will still be with:
Projectile Speed
Flight Paths
Missile Pattern (Rippling)
Ammo/Damage per Ton
and Min Range.
An alternative system for LRMs than current setup, is having missiles track to the crosshair / reticle during the flight until impact. With a speed increase, they should then not be as affected by ECM as they currently are. Then have Lock-On occur under specific circumstances such as on a TAG'ged or NARC'd Target, when the LRM user does not have a line of sight.
SSRMs could be where there would be a max range value maintained, along with the requirement to lock on simply to conserve ammo.
An Idea regarding Aiming differences between IS and Clan zoom
Regardless of any changes to weapon ranges, I thought that another way to have Clan weapons be able hit at further distances than IS weapons, is to provide them with better zoom options than IS mechs.
That way IS mechs can stay with x2 and x3, then the Advanced Zoom for x4.
Therefore Clan mechs could have x3, x5 and a special module for x6 or x7 to help hit at longer range than IS.
So, let me know what you think about the ideas on rethinking how range is used, and tweaking damage drop-off to ideally make the game more balanced, realistic and hopefully help lay a better foundation for trying to balance Clan Tech when it arrives; than trying to use the BT range charts that have more to do with accuracy than their potential effective range.
Edit: cleaning up post
Edited by Praetor Knight, 16 July 2015 - 05:02 PM.