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Battle Acronyms

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#1 Netra


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 02:23 AM


i'm quite new in the game and I wanna know which Acronyms are MWO players usin for speciific action :D I mean what and in which situation should i write some informations to my fellow team mates :rolleyes: So far i got used to:

LRM## - at the begining at the match (Hello, im LRM boat)
RTB - Return To Base
Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Julia, Kilo - Targets (NATO code)

#2 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 02:59 AM

There are those and
FFS: Used in various situations and covers meanings from
"Please try not to stand directly behind me when im trying to reverse out of incomming massed enemy fire" or
"If you have to stand behind me and target an enemy infornt of me... Please refrain from opening fire into my rear armour, it wont get the enemy killed any faster and mit disconvenient myself in the process"

Noob: Surrounded by some colouful words which would might make a Nun blush... usually typed in chat by someone with [DEAD] next to their name. and has the following meaning:
I most heartily welcome you to the online experience of MWO and hope your stay is enjoyable and worthwhile. I also hope you will have a better round than I just had. because I temporarily seem to have been inconvenienced due to a few user related judgment errors on my end which caused the online pixels amounting to my MWO Mech Avatar to cease functioning.

Haha, you suck: Written by a friendly opponent after they won a game and translates to
Thank you very much honorable sir or madam for that exciting and gripping bout of Mech warrior online. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I wish you all the luck and enjoyment for future rounds.

Press R you [Redacted]: Written by a friendly teammate and has the following meaning
Young sir, if you press the button R on your manual tactile input device infront of you, then you will be able to see and send information to all teammates (as long as you are not being jammed by ECM) regarding the composition and status of your current opponent which can help you to find a section of him/her which may yield to some well placed damage increments though the use of digital force from your or your teammates input in the bout of mech warrior online participation.

As for other other less common ones you have these;
LT, CT, RT Left, Centre and right torso respectively
SRM: Short range missiles Dumbfire missiles with a maximum range of 270 meters
SSRM: Streak Short range missiles: Short range missiles which require an enemy lock before they are able to fire and home in on the enemy through the shortest route while in the air.
ECM: Electronic counter measure: A system which is able to be mounted on a few mechs which allows them to jam any sending of data from an enemy mech within 270 meters of the ECM unit and any of his teammates.
BAP: Beagle active probe: Either a small inquisitive brown and white dog or an electronic system which allows a mech to target SSRM and LRM missiles faster and can cancle out the effects of one ECM within 170 meters.
TAG: Target aquisition gear: A energy based system which acts as a targeting laser for LRMs and which causes the LRMs to lock on target faster.

#3 SnowdogJJJ


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 04:27 AM

Rushin Roulette Love it ;)

#4 IraqiWalker


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 05:14 AM

JJ = Jumpjets.

NATO code is in use.

GL = Good luck

HF = Have fun

HH (or GH or any other variation there of) = Happy Hunting, Good Hunting ... etc.

GG = Good Game

WP = Well played (not White Power as some might believe)

#5 Craig Steele


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 05:18 AM

You forgot, "flank them" which means for all 12 mechs travel in a circular track towards a point near the enemies base. If no contact with the enemy occurs, continue "flanking" by following the circular path back to your base.

This is usually done at the same time as the enemy, and they go in the same direction, resulting in a 15 minute jog of the map by all mechs without actually seeing the enemy.

#6 sneeking


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 05:20 AM

dilligaf ymsmfswc....

#7 chevy42083


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 02:46 PM

AFK - Away From Keyboard

#8 Lochiel


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 02:53 PM

View Postchevy42083, on 14 January 2014 - 02:46 PM, said:

AFK - Away From Keyboard

Actually, that meaning is depreciated. Current Standard Communication Protocols have 'afk' listed as 'A Free Kill', said by the mech offering up that advantage to their opposition.

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