Search and Rescue
In standard-rules play, wounded personnel, ejected Mech- Warriors and pilots, or crews who survive the destruction of their vehicle, DropShip, JumpShip or WarShip are considered to be automatically recovered by their comrades after a battle. However, the recovery of wounded personnel can be difficult and complicated. To add a note of realism, players may incorporate search and rescue into their after-battle activities to recover any personnel left on the battlefield at the end of play.
Any units not involved directly in a scenario that just ended, or involved in salvage or repair and refi t operations (see pp. 191 and 181, respectively), can be assigned to search and rescue operations on one playing area battlefield (either groundbased or space based). These units will not be available for deployment in the next scenario where the force is deployed.
For each ejected MechWarrior or pilot, vehicle crew, escape pod or lifeboat, roll 2D6 and apply the modifiers from the Search and Rescue Modifi er Table (see p. 46). On a result of 8+, the controlling player has recovered the personnel in question.
Wounded Checks: Paramedics (see p. 341, TO) aboard the units attempting recovery operations apply the appropriate target number modifi er when checking the wounded status of infantry (see Mostly Dead vs. Truly Dead, p. 176).
Randall’s company of Draconis Combine BattleMechs is driven from the fi eld by the Elite McKinnon’s Raiders. Two Combine MechWarriors have been left behind, and Randall sends out a search and rescue mission. The base target number is 8. The enemy is in control of the battlefield at the end of the game (+2), but the SAR force included a Hiryo Armored Infantry Transport
WiGE (–1). The final modified target number is 9 [8 (base target number) + 2 (enemy in control of battlefi eld) – 1 (Hiryo) = 9].
Rolling for each MechWarrior, Randall gets 8 and 9, indicating that the SAR mission succeeded in recovering the second of the two MechWarriors.
Three of Warner’s Clan Nova Cat aerospace fighters are destroyed in a deep space battle with the Ghost Bears. All three pilots eject from their destroyed aerospace units and a Nova Cat Carrier-class DropShip participates in SAR operations. The base target number is 8 and the operation is taking place outside a planetary orbit (+2), but the searcher has a DropShip (–2). The final modified target number is 8 [8 (base target number) + 2 (outside planetary orbit) – 2 (DropShip) = 8].
Rolling for each of the pilots, Warner gets 9, 5 and 5, which indicates that he recovers one of his pilots.
Enemy in control of the battlefield...........+2
SAR force includes VTOL or WiGE.........–1
SAR force has Improved Sensors...........–1
SAR force has Active Prob..................... –2
Not in planetary orbit...............................+2
SAR force includes Small Craft*............–1
SAR force includes DropShip*...............–2
SAR force includes WarShip*................–3
* Use largest modifier only
Any surviving personnel not recovered during search-andrescue operations become prisoners of the victor (the player who controls the battlefi eld at the end of a scenario). Recovering these POWs can become the primary objective in a future scenario.
If players choose this route, the controlling player of those POWs must make Wounded Checks (see p. 176) to determine how many such captured individuals survive. Additionally, for every 100 prisoners, a squad of infantry or battle armor must be tasked to control them in jail; such tasked infantry are unavailable for any future scenario while those prisoners are kept, except if the scenario itself is about freeing the captured prisoners.
Rescuing aerospace unit expends thrust.................+ Thrust Points spent
Rescuing aerospace unit is the target of attacks..................+1
Ejected pilot has maneuvering pack......................................–1
Rescuing aerospace unit is Small Craft................................–1
Rescuing aerospace unit is DropShip...................................+1
Rescuing aerospace unit is WarShip....................................+2
The following rules provide a more complicated and realistic manner for SAR on a space map.
The SAR unit must end the turn in the same hex as the ejected pilot with the same heading and velocity (in standard movement) or with the same vectors (in Advanced Movement; see p. 64). In the End Phase of the following turn, the controlling player of the SAR unit should make a Control Roll, applying the modifi ers from the Pilot Rescue Table above. If successful, the pilot is recovered. If the roll fails, another attempt may be made in the next and subsequent turns until the rescue is successful or the attempt is abandoned.
Except from Strategic Operations pages 45 to 47