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Ui 2.0 Preview 3⅓ - Feedback Questionnaire

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#181 ToriStark


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:01 PM

1) Fullscreen front-end. Make UI v1.0 fullscreen and it will be ok or even great for me.
+ weapon groups loadout menu. But I was having trouble with getting exact values ​​from the diagrams.

2) Mechlab. Despite the fact it is anhandy overall, i want to point some things:

On example, i choosing an engine, but tooltips in the store are not showing up. So i don't have any info about size and space it is needed or how many heatsinks required and buildin. About the heatsinks... i was forced to count them manualy on my mech. With such usability it is preferable to choose stock config rather than getting headache customizing. Oh, i forgot about armor distribution. And i didn't found summary screen at all.

Parts can not be selected on the model. This not only cuts operating options, but does not provide a basic understanding of hitboxes. Oldschool selector is also ripped off.

3) What? There was such a thing? Oo'

4) SIX ITEMS IN ROW! Instead of 7, so all tabs (like mech selection, inventory and the store) will fit in exactly half of screen.

5) I thought that the glass would be two-layer model ...but as it is, feeling of being inside the mech - yeah, much better.
Looking forward for HUD compability with Oculus Rift thingy to finalize this.

6) I'm still begging for the camera rotating around a static mech in hangar...

Edited by ToriStark, 16 January 2014 - 01:20 PM.

#182 MasterC


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:04 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
--I like that it is full screen
--I like the larger visual representation of mechs. At higher video resolutions the displayed mech looks really good which is particularly useful when you are trying out camos and colours for your mech. This was a bit of a problem in UI 1.5

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
--The Mechlab in UI 2.0 is far harder and less intuitive to use than UI 1.5. I've been playing the game for over a year and I simply could not use the Mechlab on its own to build a mech. I had to use Smurfy's first then copy my design from there. If an experienced player like myself could barely figure it out, a new player has no chance to. He or she will simply give up in frustration. Half the fun of this game is building and customizing mechs. Using this new complicated, convoluted mechlab takes that joy away. It is painful using the mechlab in UI 2.0. Please give us an intuitive, easy-to-use, mechlab like Smurfy's.

--I don't get why 60% or so of screenspace is allocated to displaying engine, equipment or weapon icons. I find this makes things harder to find than a simple list of said items, which would take up far less space. A much better use of space would be to have a paper-doll of the mech like what we have currently in UI 1.5 or on Smurfy's.

--Configuring colours is downright painful. Again, far less intuitive than UI 1.5. Since the new UI is fullscreen, why not put all the colours on a giant pallet organized by type so that the user can quickly and easily pick and choose? Same goes for the different camo types.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
--Seems ok but social button needs to be more prominent. I had to really hunt for it. Did have a problem finding or adding friends who were online and also testing out UI 2.0. They didn't display in the friends menu so I wasn't able to send group invites and try that out.

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
--Didn't spend too much time here but seemed ok.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
--Was there a difference from what we already have? If so, I didn't notice it.

6) Any other comments or concerns?
--Again, my biggest beef is with the Mechlab. Please, please, please give us a simple and intuitive interface like Smurfy's.

Edited by MasterC, 17 January 2014 - 07:20 AM.

#183 Verbrand


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:05 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
Fullscreen mechlab (finally!). The ability to filter mechs by weight class. The ability to configure wepons groups in mechlab (although cannot set a group to chain fire). The UI is pretty. Much easier to go through a large collection of mechs.

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
Unable to see weapon loadouts or hardpoints in mechlab or when purchasing new mechs.
This is a HUGE problem. Lockups during switching between mechlab and skills tab. Looks shiny but functionality poor. It takes far too many clicks to change anything on a mech. There is no in game note about ghost heat. Also some mechs had weapons floating in mid air in front of them, rather being attached where they should be.

Statistics opening in a web browser and not in game is ridiculous.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
Awful. This version has less functionality than the current UI. Messages, friend requests and group invites can only be sent when both sender and reciever have the social tab open (which only ever happens when you have arranged as such on a 3rd party voip system). None of the tabs across the top of the social window work. Game mode selected should be visible on the group before launching (this is in the old UI). Queue selection should allow multiple mode select (so if there is one mode you don't like but you don't mind the other two you can drop faster).

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
Using the format "Owned:0" or "Owned:1" to distinguish between mechs which are owned and mechs which are not is a poor design choice. Something like "Owned" and "Not owned" would be better. If you insist on this format use the word "Stock" instead of "Owned". Camo interface is no improvement on old UI. It looks like it was designed for a console and I don't understand why you would do that when your license covers a PC version only. The store page did not impress me at all, and I feel I would only use the purchasing through mechlab, rather than the store tab. Auto sorts alphabetically, no option to sort by weight.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
New font looks good, pre game chat does not work.

6) Any other comments or concerns?
Unable to rename chasis (this was promised). There is no strip mech function in mechlab (was not promised but would be nice). Go look at smufy's mechlab, because it works well a large proportion of the players use it, there may be some ideas you can use (why haven't you tried to hire him yet?). The cash injection was very useful for testing.

This is all I can think of right now.

Currently this UI is worse than the live version (UI 1.5 ?). Having taken part in this test I now have no confidence that the UI will be released by the February date QQ

#184 Business


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:08 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
You can finally see the mechs in some good detail as well as the size difference between them more clearly.
Can sort by weight class
Home screen inventory showing available weapons/engines/etc that are not on mechs
Armor values can be adjusted for a particular part when you're already doing the loadout on that area, so no separate screen
Full screen mechlab, yay!

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
You can't see what your mech has in terms of weapons and equipment if you don't go in and check each part of the mech individually. A shortcut on the weapons is checking the weapon grouping but this is significant step backwards.
You don't know what a mech has for equipment, weapons or hardpoints before buying it.
Camo/color selector is terrible. You have to scroll through them one at a time instead of just having the palette of options and you can't even use the arrow keys to make it faster.
Inventory on home screen is the only place you can sell a mech---maybe not a bad idea to avoid accidentally doing that, but it is rather obscure
It'd be nice if the part of the mech you were working on was highlighted like the current UI.
Tonnage information as your building a mech is in a terrible spot all the way down at the bottom of the screen, same with firepower and heat.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
Did not get a chance to use it before the test closed.

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
Did not get a chance to use it before the test closed.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
Weapon grouping hud was instantly noticeable, as it seemed like a slightly different font or just more cleaned up. Otherwise everything in-game seems to be the same to me.

6) Any other comments or concerns?
Generally, building a mech is more of a pain in the ***. There's no design flow to this at all, like each screen was done by a separate team. Information you need is an afterthought in the design while information that's just nice to know is more upfront. I'd like to be able to sort by a chassis and not JUST the weight class, too, because the second you select one category it becomes an absolute mess of mechs in front of you.

Edited by Business, 16 January 2014 - 01:09 PM.

#185 Ricktor Black


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:08 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
  • The overall look is clean and more modern looking
  • I love that it works in full screen and that in the mechlab I can see a nice large version of my mech
  • The interface seems to run smooth and doesn't seem sluggish
  • adding and removing armor is much faster now
2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
  • Maybe I'm just so used to the existing mechlab because I've been playing for almost two years, but the new Mechlab actually seems to show less information and be more difficult to use than the existing one
  • There doesn't seem to be a quick way to display hard points on a mech!! This is extremely frustrating when I'm thinking out my build. Usually the most important information on a mech is where the hardpoints are and, unless I'm missing something, I need to click on each section of the mech to see which hard point are available in each section. In the existing mechlab I just highlight the number of hardpoints and it shows them in the paper doll.
  • The same is true for the weapons on my existing build. I used to look at the paper doll and highlight the weapons to see where they are mounted. I don't see a way to do this now. It's very slow and difficult to get information on the mech and what's on it.
  • Almost all the text in the whole interface is too small in full screen at 1080p. The text of the weapon names is very small.
  • In the mechlab, that box which shows the critical slots and where your weapons and items are placed is too small. It's so small that it's almost difficult to pull a weapon out of one of the slots. There is plenty of space around that box, I don't understand why it's so small
  • The grey background box for "dynamic structure" is the same shade of grey as the background for weapons. Those should be different colors to help distinguish between the two types of items
  • Weapon Groups - a weapon selected for a group has blue text instead of white, but the text is so small it is sometimes difficult to see (especially for people like me who aren't great with some colors). Selected weapons should AT LEAST be in bold text but should ideally show up in a highlighted box (similar to how it is in the game). It is difficult to see which weapon is in which group at a glance. Also the line and column showing where you are in the menu doesn't stand out very well either. It is sometimes difficult to see which weapon and group you are currently sitting on.
  • In general I find myself looking around a lot more for information. My eyes are constantly drifting around the screen looking for hardpoints, tonnage, heat... it seems like things are difficult to find.
  • Where do I see how many heatsinks I have in my mech? I built one mech and got a message saying I didn't have enough heatsinks. So I looked a searched at multiple levels of the interface and I simply could not find a place where the number of heatsinks was displayed! I'm starting to wonder if I'm just missing a section of the mechlab or if it just doesn't exist?
3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
  • I honestly couldn't find it until I asked somebody in a match where it was. I had no idea how to get to the Social system until somebody mentioned it was a tiny icon at the bottom of the screen.
  • Once I found it, it seems ok. I didn't have friends online testing to really try it out. That icon has to change though, it's too small and doesn't stand out.
4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
  • The store seems OK, but not great.
  • The sorting of the mechs seems a bit off sometimes.
5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
  • In game, the interface seems fine. No real complaints there.
6) Any other comments or concerns?
  • I am very concerned about the Mechlab because I spend a big part of the game there. Sometimes I'm in an 8-man group with my friends waiting on me and I want a quick way to see what my mech has, how it is equipped and what I want to change. The mechlab LOOKS nice but it seems clunky and actually more difficult to use and find information than the old mechlab. I love seeing the large image of my mech on the right side of the screen, but I wish there was a toggle button to switch it over to a paper doll of my mech showing the hardpoints and the weapons equipped. This is my biggest concern with the new interface, I feel like there are layers between me and the information I need. This area still needs a lot of work.
  • I would REALLY like a button to strip a mech of all weapons, items and armor. Or maybe a button for each.
  • Also... something equivalent to the Smurfy option to load "max armor" to fill up the available tonnage with armor.
  • Let me just say that I LOVE this game and I have been playing it fairly steadily since early on in closed beta. I have remained very positive about the game throughout development and I have been very outspoken about it. I really hope that UI 2.0 is just an initial release and it will be easier to tweak and change after release. Because, it's a nice first step, but it still needs quite a bit of work to make it as useful as I would like... and as this game deserves.

#186 xengk


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:12 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
  • Large and detail display of mech model.
  • Cockpit glass effect is interesting but risk getting "fogged" by light on some map.
  • Quick summery on Efficiency and Variant unlock in Pilot Tree screen.
  • Although no change to FPS, animation seem to be much smoother.

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
  • Cannot click on the mech model to select a component for configuration.
  • Doesn't not have the ability to view mech loadout without using the config feature on a mech.
  • Popup mech "stat sheet" does not display mech quirk.
  • Colour browsing in camo screen is tedious, should maintain the current list format or utilize a separate drop down menu for colour and patten.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
  • No friend online or available for test.

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
  • Premium Time booster need unique visuals to easily differentiate different day package. (possible progression: white -> gray -> silver -> gold)

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
  • The hologram blue design feels more suited for high Sci-Fi like Star Trek or Dead Space, it lacks the feeling of weight and grittiness that I associated with MechWarrior series.

6) Any other comments or concerns?
  • Allow double click to remove or equipment item
  • Allow new engine filtering; ALL, STD only, XL only, VALID only.
  • Allow Ammo filtering; ALL, Match weapon loadout only.
  • Mech quirks to be display in "stat sheet" or in mech configuration screen.
  • Mouse Setting slider should show position/percentage of the slider.

#187 Paddon Fain


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:12 PM

1.) Love the new getup! Additional mech info is wonderfull. Adjusting all aspects of a given body part on one screen like armor and all slots is a serious time saver. The ability to config weapon groups in mechlab is a long overdue and desperately needed feature. Filter owned mechs by weight class and hero/champ status is another feature that I share the same feelings about the former statement. Got to test the Grid Iron Hunchback before i bought and plan to get before the special edition ends! I learn new software U.I.s rather quickly so was not really confused at all. Thanks PGI/IGP keep up the great work. I know how much your future development and your bottom line rides on the successful implementation of U.I.2.0.

2.) Inability to obviously see basic mech load out before purchasing or even just scanning over owned mechs. Inability to chat during start of match countdown is annoying but I'm sure its either a slight problem or its an opportunity to fix break in chat issue that occurs between countdown and start-up sequence. Slight FPS drop during game play. Menu sounds slightly annoying, no big deal I would just cancel one of the more common ones.

3.) Sorry did not get to social front end. Anything would be an improvement.

4.) Store front end is nice and sexy. Need to make mech load-outs more readily visible. Although it would probably take a window system or major reworking of screen info placement. All and all good first impressions. Especially since I was using funny money! I hope...

5.) The interface is totally headed in the right direction. Camo-Spec rework looks great! Minor issues I think here and there but I can tell lots of hard work has been put into this.

6.) Very pleased. If it launched today like it is currently I would appreciate the some of the needed changes. Thanks again and keep on developing!

#188 The Yeti


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:14 PM

The UI is pretty

Kinda confusing

no way to see current loadout on selected mech.

no way to rename mechs.

I like the tweaks to the text, more easily readable. however i want a way to see what is equipped on my mech without selecting the mech, click configure, the clicking on each part to see what is in there. the functionality in the current ui where i select a mech and the readout tells me what is installed is extremely useful.

#189 Arc Viper


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:15 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? I love how you can full screen the mechlab, looks more professional, and I don't have to scroll through the mechlab wondering where my mechs are

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview? When I click to configure a mech, nothing pops up because it is waiting for me to pick a tab. I think something should appear by default, like the most frequently used tab option.

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End? I like how I can browse the store without having to have an empty mech bay.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?The window dust definately adds to the immersion factor. Love it.

6) Any other comments or concerns? There should be an option to strip a mech of all of its modules/weapons by the simple press of a button.

#190 Threat Doc


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:15 PM

Alright, now for the design portion and my follow-on notes…

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
It’s pretty. I’ll outline the good and bad, below.

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
There are parts which are not user-friendly, or are obscure. As much as I like to see a huge preview of my ‘Mech, I would rather have access to a chat feature across the entire front-end, where I don’t have to click a tiny social… oh, wait, that’s the next question.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
Again, it’s pretty, but overall it’s terrible to use. The social system should be prominent across all pages and tabs, as if it’s in its own frame. First, you have me clicking a tiny little square, not once, but twice EVERY time I want to get into it, then I have to select a friend and, rather than opening a box automatically so I can chat with them, I have to click their name to open a menu and then Chat. Counter-intuitive. Next, I cannot select my friend, after I have formed a group, to invite them, whether they are in-game or not, so they might have an invitation waiting when they get out. The Group blocks that come up when I form a group are radical, and it allows me to ready up from there, rather than having to close the social tab and ready my ‘Mech, so that’s nice. Also, the chat should remain functional until a game is found, after Launch, until we’re ready to drop into the match. I don’t know whether or not the horrible chat bugs from the old UI were fixed in this one, as only one other friend was on at the time; I’ll try again this afternoon.

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
I’ll outline these, below.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
It looks the very same as the old interface. I would like to see the position of my teams’ ‘Mechs on the mini-map, even as nothing more than little blue or red dots.

6) Any other comments or concerns?
Oh, you’ve had it, now, buddy… ;)
    • The large ‘Mechs look awesome, and gave me a full-on robot chubby, but I’m afraid you’re going to have to revisit these, again. See below…
    • The Invalid items, those that cannot go on the ‘Mech, should be toggle’able, so we cannot display anything other than what’s in our inventory. That being said, if we toggle invalid items off, and we remove something from our ‘Mech, say an energy weapon, then energy weapons capable of fitting in the available tonnage AND space should suddenly become valid and, thus, displayed;
    • I want to see all of the locations for my ‘Mech, at the same time. This {Scrap} where I have to go down the list and open various weapon, equipment, and engine types to see what I have is… well… {Scrap}. The current UI is far more intuitive in this regard, and if you can’t make it so I can see all of the locations on my ‘Mech, and be able to choose from drop-downs proceeding from the location slots themselves, at least re-skin the current process and put it into the new UI;
    • There are too many noises, period. Yes, they may be soft noises, but I don’t need to hear them. There are other locations, which I will get to, soon enough, that require noise, and don’t have any;
    • I want to be able to filter out the trial ‘Mechs, please? Currently, they are positioned on the Owned ‘Mechs list, and I don’t want them there, it makes life confusing. The only people who need to pilot trial ‘Mechs are new folks to the game, and those looking to try something new. Make it a choice on the drop-down menu, above, but remove them otherwise. It surprises me that you show the trial ‘Mechs, but not the empty new ‘Mech bays;
    • I will give you this design idea… the ‘Mech should show in the middle of the screen, using about one-half of the total screen area, and split into three sections. From left-to-right, the screen should be outfitted as follows…
      • The menu’s you have on the far left should remain as they are, they’re excellent, about one-fifth the width of the scree;
      • The Head, Right Arm, Right Torso, and Right Leg should be the next section, about one-fifth the width of the screen;
      • The chosen BattleMech should be displayed in the center, but in the background, so it underlaps the critical spaces of the ‘Mech on both the left and right side;
      • The Center Torso, Left Arm, Left Torso, and Left Leg should be the next section, about one-fifth the width of the screen;
      • The chat/social section should cover the right-fifth of the screen.
      • Each section of the ‘Mech (Right Torso, Left Leg, etc.) should have a listing for armor, on top, the hardpoints, below, and then the critical spaces. Each critical space that is Empty or Dynamic should have a drop-down menu with a text listing of each item capable of going into that space. As the item is scrolled over, it’s stats come up in your little pop-up information box, including statistics and inventory. If there are no drop-downs, or drop-downs containing nothing, for whatever reason, the MechWarrior would have to pull something from that section to get a drop-down containing items available for the current restrictions of that section.
    • Where? I finally went into selecting a ‘Mech in the Mechlab and found the images for these, but they’re not easy to decipher. Either put text back in, or a text pop-up, or at least give us a key to read them in that page somewhere. If you go with a full ‘Mech crit sheet, like from the tabletop game, and which should represent in this one, with the ‘Mech standing beautifully in the background, put armor points on top of a section, followed by hardpoints, below, and then the critical locations. Each critical location could have a drop-down as for what can possibly go in that location and, once the location is filled with something, the ability to get a drop-down goes away, unless/until the weapon/item/engine is removed, and then the drop down can return.
    • This is nice and easy to use, and it’s not packed to the gills with useless boxes I’m not going to thumb or scroll through to read. Most of the ‘Mech loadout is full of huge boxes that are unnecessary and get in the way.
    • The ‘Mech Tree selection list, where ALL of the ‘Mechs are listed, should default to the ‘Mech you have chosen in the ‘Mechlab or Home;
    • The ‘Mech Tree selection list should show ONLY the ‘Mechs you have put experience points on, whether trial or owned.
    • These are tolerable, but again a bunch of large boxes, no images even inside the boxes, and they’re sort of useless. Pretty, but not functional in the intuitive sense, like much of this UI.
    • I LOVE the way this was done, but would also like to be able to choose from a list of the things I own straight away.
    • Not enough light in the cockpit to see what I’m mounting where. My oldest son pointed out… ‘that’s because we’re in a hangar’ …but if I were mounting something in my ‘Mech’s cockpit, I would have turned on the dome light, for heaven’s sake;
    • Others have pointed out the lack of the mounted items in the cockpit, and it’s true these are not present, but then there are none present, to the best of my knowledge in the current UI, either. However, it would be nice to see some of these things, please?
    • You should come up with a name other than Boosters. Augments or Enhancements, or something else along those lines would work, but we’re not dealing in drugs, here, nor immunity, so something else would be better;
    • The text across all headers, across all of the UI, at the top of each box, is way too small.
    • I don’t want to see the empty ‘Mech bay off to the side, in a little box to the lower left, I want to see it at the end of my ‘Mech list in the store and the Loadout area. I like the way the current UI does things, it’s intuitive and, if you have too many ‘Mechs, you get to look through them all before you get to that bay.
    • Why don’t the BattleMechs filter by a dropdown for ‘Mech types and classes? You do the drop-downs in the Loadout ‘Mech Bay, why not here, too? (Trial, Light, Medium, Heavy, Assault, Hero, Champion, AND Owned)
    • The Social tab has plenty of room on that bottom row, and it SHOULD be larger;
    • The Social tab should flicker AND give the noise you have typically associated with mousing over an item throughout the rest of the UI. Get rid of the mouse over for most of the UI, and make it into something useful for the social tab. This should have been common sense…
    • As I said in the beginning of this post, the Social are should be prominent across the entire UI, as if it were a separate frame on a web page. The menu’s and queue’s to the far left of the UI are intuitive and good, but to the right of those, you have a humongous area for parts, supplies, weapons, etc., which is wholly unnecessary, and could easily be cut by a full third. The BattleMech should be shown behind all of the menu’s but should have about a third smaller left-right area as well, and then you could fit in a chat box.

Put the friends list on top, put the chat box on the bottom. If you’re in a group, you automatically chat with the group and, if you need to chat with a friend, you select the friend you want to chat with, which automatically switches away from the group, and remains such until you switch back to group. This is not rocket science, and you have completely screwed up chat since the game was announced in Closed Beta. Make it so if a person is not chatting, they can minimize the box, as a side bar that can easily be expanded when it starts flashing when someone’s trying to talk to you, and you get the sound, as well, so you can have larger portions of your screen back for customization and inventory. The Chat section should be the HIGHEST priority of the entire UI, as it’s an ACTIVE portion, with the rest being passive; right now, especially since so much is interrupted if someone starts typing when you are, or drops into a game, or comes out of a game, the chat is amazingly horrible.

  • This is very intuitive, and it’s good. I don’t suppose there’s anyway to sync up the in-game list with the on-forum list, is there?
    • Why is this not open for between 2 and 12, yet?
    • Can you make a way where we can check-mark friends that are online and available to invite them into the group. Yellow and Red would not have the check-mark, but the group leader could check a box in front of any Green name, up to 4 for now, and up to 12 down the road, to invite them. This one’s not a high priority, even for me, but it would be nice to see while we’re waiting for Phase One.
    • I was unable to actually group with anyone, or chat with them, because not enough of my friends were on, though I assume it will work much like the regular chat in the new UI, if the old UI problems have now been fixed.
    • I had not performed in the tutorial, before, as I had already mastered movement before I even came to MWO, but this was an excellent tutorial. Each card that came up was succinct for reading, and gave explicit instructions. Well done.
    • The Launch mechanism, from Group, was excellent, intuitive, and I found it very easy to use;
    • I also noticed there are some sweet changes coming down the pipe, such as my Capture Accelerator and Target Decay actually working as advertised. These were EXTREMELY noticeable straight out of the gate, and I appreciate it.

Now, for notes not covered in the other sections…

1) I share my computer with my oldest son, as it’s the only computer in the house capable of running this game. Would it be possible to have separate account logins available to match the separate profiles we have in Windows, please?

2) You have yet to change your Copyright on either UI opening screen to 2014, they still read ©2012 to 2013.

3) This is an amazing pet peave of mine, but the store updating every few minutes… NOT COOL! It stops everything, and it’s garbage. Put that on the back end, because I don’t care if they’re updating or not. I especially dislike it, though, when I’m working on something, and the entirety of the background goes dark and I can’t do anything for 10-15 seconds while the stupid store is updating. ENOUGH, already.

4) Your module prices are ENTIRELY too high. I can understand paying between 2,500 and 15,000 XP to be able to unlock a module, but I’ll be damned if I’m paying 6,000,000 C-Bills for a SINGLE module. That’s ignorant!!! If I’m going to pay 6,000,000 C-Bills for a SINGLE module, you better be equipping all of my ‘Mechs with that one module, on that one C-Bill load. These should cost no more than 50,000 to 100,000 C-Bills each, if I have to go ‘Mech-by-‘Mech, and especially because I can only fit a limited number of them on my ‘Mech. This is… wow (shakes head).


6) I love what you’ve done with the inventory, it looks pretty nice, and gives me a list of what I own, not everything that’s in the game, and the remainder of the UI, where you’re not trying to purchase new items, or new items are not available for purchase, as per current restrictions on your ‘Mech or for lack of money or item availability, should mimic this.

7) A lot of the buttons in the UI and in the Launch are unnecessarily small, such as when you’re exiting a game; please size these up so they can be read and easily tapped with a mouse?

Okay, that does it for my design ideas. Have fun with these.

#191 Glaive-


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:25 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
The sounds when mousing over and clicking buttons are a good addition (in most cases--see below). Fullscreen is great. Displaying the player's mech in the home screen instead of just ads and promotions is a welcome change. I really like the overall style of the UI as well. And of course the extra information in the mechlab for mechs and weapons is great.

Finally, BIG thumbs up for the cockpit glass!

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
If I had to name just one thing, I would say the lack of weapons loadout information when initially selecting/viewing a mech is what I dislik the most. All the extra pop-up information is great, but I am more interested first in my weapons loadout.

In regards to mechlab usage and navigation, I found it to be cumbersome and especially confusing compared to the old version.
Cumbersome because everything is tucked under sub menus and such. Things could be stream-lined a bit.

And confusing because of the following reasons:
  • Selected mech sections are not highlighted on the actual model -- Maybe I'm just used to the old mechlab, but I think it was a mistake to remove this feature. Highlighting the selected mech section was very helpful for seeing what was going on in the mechlab
  • The names of weapons and components in the list are relatively hard to see -- I think part of the problem here is that the actual image of the weapon/component is so much larger than the text, so the weapon names kinda get drowned out by the images. I am hoping that the list view will help in this area.
  • Everything sorta blended together -- Each entry/card/square for an item weapon need to be better defined I think. Also some color coding would be nice ;)
Finally, hearing the same sound every time I mouse over the many buttons and items in the mechlab got old real fast. As I said earlier, the addition of button sounds is great, but I think you need a quieter sound for most of the mechlab buttons.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
Looking nice from what I can tell. I forgot to test this out when my friends were online. :P When I finally did open up the social window everyone was offline.

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
Seems solid. I do wish that the list view mode worked though.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
Works fine from what I could tell.

6) Any other comments or concerns?
Exclusive cockpit items (i.e. Phoenix medallion) can not be unmounted from the cockpit normally. This is because the list entry for the item is removed upon mounting the item, effectively removing the "unmount" button. It is still possible to unmount the item by switching to another hanging item, so this isn't a huge issue, but I do hope it is looked at.

#192 Warrior UK


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:31 PM

I am not going to dither around with all that 1,2,3, etc malarkey and just give you what I thought about UI2.0/3, but first I must ask what you have done with your old coding crew for they did not come up with what I was playing based on passed performance, unless someone gave them a kick up the rear, but getting back to what this is about, the Mech bay is sweet, as much as I just wanted to drop and play I had to take five minuets out just to find my way around the mech bay, yes it is a bit long winded but cool looking than what we have now, it is a shame I have to go back to the rubbish we have now. The things I like about UI2.0 is all of it, once I had worked out my way around the mech bay and rebuilt mechs to how I have them in game now and reset all my options plus keyboard commands, I then dropped as many times as I could which left me with a big grin that went from ear to ear, to be honest I have not had as much fun as this since closed beta, what a blast.

On a further note I am playing both the tester and norm game on a Pc that was built in 2011 and never over clocked both games give me no trouble now and from what I have seen tonight on testing 2.0 leaves me with no doubt that you should release the full version ASAP

#193 DirePhoenix


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:33 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)

- Fullscreen

- Multisource Lighting in MechLab

- General UI "look"

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?

- Mechlab models using extremely low-rez textures. Some models seem to have parts that are floating in space (Cataphract) and others seem to have components embedded inside other components (Catapult cockpit misaligned with torso)

- Cosmetic customization (pattern/colors) selection seems awkward: placement of the upward arrow and descriptor text seems to indicate that when you click on the arrow it will take you to the selection described when the descriptor text is describing the current selection. Side arrows may be better served on the outside of the selection row instead of on either side of the current selection; although preferably I would want a palette grid with all selections to pop up when you select the color to be changed instead of this sliding row system.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?

- There's a Social System? Oh, the Buddy List? None of my Buddies were on, so I didn't get to test it in the first round. Maybe in the afternoon test someone will be on

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?

- did not test it in the first round. Will look at it in the second round.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
6) Any other comments or concerns?

Edited by DirePhoenix, 16 January 2014 - 01:54 PM.

#194 T9FURY


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:35 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview?
- Improved graphics
- Full screen, oh yeah, full screen
- Improved social system, but still a long way to go
- Mech selection, but still needs improvement

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
- Mech loadout screen

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
- A lot better but still needs work, would like to be able to chat to someone while I am configuring a mech, so in the mechlab there is a flashing indicator to say I have had a replay to a message, I click the indicator and the social overlay comes up over the to of the mechlab, I should then be able to minimise it to continue working on my mech.
- Other point shave already been mentioned.

4) What are you impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
- I had no issues with the menu system, but would like details of the mechs such as hardpoints, current loadout etc.

6) Any other comments or concerns?
Following are comments more specific to each area of the new interface.

Home Tab
- No need for a mech selection tab when you already have the mech lab tab at the top
- Testing grounds and tutorial buttons should be next to the Play Now buttons as they have similar functions.
- The Statistics and Redeem Code buttons lead to browsers that say "Thi page cannot be displayed", not sure if this was intentional.
- My currently selected mech does not rotate like in the mech lab and Camo spec screen, I would like this for screen shot purposes. If not then see mechlab later in this post.
- Does not show GXP

- Currently all Hero, Champion and Prime mechs are displayed at the top of any given class, why separate them? You already have a filter to the left. I would prefer ALL mechs of a given type to be together, so ALL Atlas' or ALL Stlkers.
- Filters should be Trial Mechs, Owned Mechs, Hero, Champion, Assault etc, also under each class I should have a drop down menu allowing me to select which of those class' I want, like Cats or Phracts. With the amount of mechs I own I am currently looking at a mass of images with hard to read text.
- When mousing over an owned mech the full specs should be shown on the right, stock loadout, including engine size, speed, speed + tweek, hardpoints, slots etc.
- On the display all screen, it should show me that I alreay have this mech by a colour code or a quantity. Plus when browsing the mechs it should show specs as already mentioned above.
- When configuring a mech I want to be able to see my mech with ALL slots, hardpoints and equipment. All I can say here is Smurphy's Mechlab.
- All weapons and equipment should be separated by class, currently they are all mixed in no particular order, I want all Energy weapon class' together and in alphabetical order, Something along the lines of;
ER large Laser
Large Laser
Large Pulse Laser
Followed by Ballistics, The missile then mods
- The above applies to ammo as well with a check box to select ammo for equipped weapons only.
- When configuring a mech there doesn't seem to be a cancel button or reset button, after I configured a mech I did not purchase anything but still saved the loadout, on another occasion I had to click the back button twice to actually cancel what I had done. Would b easier to have a reset or undo button.
- When mousing over an engine it should tell you the speed you will get from that engine along with tweek if you have unlocked it. Also engines need to be visually separated between std and XL.
- Need a strip all armour button
- Need a strip mech button.
- Ned a load stock equipment button
- need a load stock armour button (again......... Smurphy's Mechlab)

Camo Spec
- Move the colour seletion and pattern election to the left or right and not on top of the mech, I love getting screen shots of my mechs from multiple angles with their camo.
- Colour selection and pattern selection should be a palette not a scroller, with filters to select premium standard etc.

- Wen purchasing a mech there is no safety net that tells me I already own this mech "Do you really want to buy it?", I had to send a support ticket to reverse a purchase.
- Maybe include a filter for showing only mechs I don't own.
- When mousing over a mech it should show full specs as per mechlab screen above.
Overall I like the direction the new UI is going but still some way to go before I am dazzled.


Edited by T9FURY, 16 January 2014 - 01:36 PM.

#195 Will9761


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:51 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
  • The style looks good
  • I like some of the new revamps
  • The dragging system is a welcome change to UI 2.0
  • The annoying clicking sound is gone, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
  • It's too dependent using the left side.
  • Some of the weapons and equipment still look cluttered.
  • Their is no option to click the limbs, instead you can only click buttons. This feels like a downgrade compared to the other UI.
3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
  • Haven't used it yet
4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
  • It looks nice, except for the mech purchasing. Their should be filters to look at and buy mechs depending on their weight class or type instead of being bunched up.
5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
  • Not bad, not bad but it still needs some sprucing up.
6) Any other comments or concerns?

Here are my comments and concerns:

Suggestion Comments:
  • Social- It would be great if you guys could add an in-game e-mail function for the social system. It's a good way to contact lone wolf players or faction/merc corps players whether they are online or offline. To add on this feature, give players an in-game inbox so they can view their messages when they come back online or finish a match.
  • Decals- I love using camospecs, but after a while, it gets boring. Decals really need to show up in UI 2.0 since it makes a great feature for the camospecs system. Their are tons of amazing artist around the forums who have been remaking unit logos or their own. This would be an excellent opportunity to show off the artistic style of unit creation. Mixing, rotating and sizing decals would be great tools for this. I don't care what decals are made or if some decals cost MC, as long as the creation system is not generic-style like the Halo series. Decal creation should give you freedom in what decal you want to make in a similar manner to Chromehounds or Black Ops 2 (you'll understand what I'm talking about if you played either of them). A Camo Spec system without decals is like a bakery without sprinkles, it doesn't look that good. While where on the on topic of decals, WE PHOENIX OWNERS DEMAND OUR PHOENIX DECALS NOW!!!(Not right now, I do hope you put them in soon ;) ):Posted Image
  • Mechlab- We need an option to either click on the mech's limbs or use smurfy's mechlab. Either one will suffice, but please remove the buttons; it just make this UI feel like a downgrade.

My concern is that this UI will be doomed to fail. Even though this UI looks good, It still needs to be polished a bit more. I know that this is for feedback, but if you launch this UI 2.0 next month in its current state right now. It will hurt this game. You have to go big or go home, but I hope you take this feedback into consideration and go big with this progress.

Edited by Will9761, 17 January 2014 - 07:22 AM.

#196 XtremWarrior


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:51 PM

For those who didn't notice: "escape" let you skip the intros.

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview?
- Weapons assignement.
- The global inventory.
- 3D view of any Mech.
- The overall feeling when cruising through the menus.
- The Mechlab cart.

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
- Being unable to see the Mechs loadout without entering the Mechlab.
- Even in the Mechlab, there's no simple board summarizing total loadout (number of HS, engine, weapons)
- Being unable to click on a Mech's part to select it in the Mechlab.
- No double-click to add/remove items in the Mechlab.
- Not enough displays for valuable informations in the Mechlab, like items' tonnage.
- Clicking on any menu makes you quit Mechlab and lose all your changes without any "confirm" button.
- Global Inventory doesn't include Modules.
- Camo Specs menu is very unpleasant to use, having to choose your colors by skipping them one at a time is irritating.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
It's still a little box in a big screen.
There's still no global live chat.

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
- Looks very fine, with space for the current sales pictures.
- No informations on Mechs or anything.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
- Cockpit glass looks really good.

6) Any other comments or concerns?
- Mech's section in the Mechlab shouldn't be so limited about informations displayed. Some filters instead of switches would help a lot when navigating through Missiles/Lasers/Accessories/...
- Upgrades could be put somewhere in the loadout menu.

#197 BladeXXL


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:52 PM

- We do not need the mech-quirks being shown every time hovering over owned mechs in mechlab/hangar - we need them once we'll buy a new mech (also shop only! - maybe a special button "Info")
- What we need is the summary about equipped items and modules like the right side in UI1.5 in mechlab (maybe also cockpit items)
- please split the shop and the mechlab/hangar... show only owned mechs in mechlab/hangar with filtering capabilities (light, medium,..., hero, champ, special[founder,phoenix])
- show the used/max tonage in hangar/mechlab directly on each owned mech - so we can see which ones are ready2use!
- "checkout" (in loadout) should be called "save changes" and being BIGGER!

#198 BigTaeng


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 02:01 PM

- Please bring back a paper doll to display the armor values on the entire 'Mech by component, rather than having to select each component individually. Also, including remaining free slots would be helpful.

- For engines, please list the tonnage on the icon. I do not only need to know which engines will fit my current unallocated tonnage. I would like to know which engines I can select and still have room left for more ammo or heat sinks.

- What happened to the icons that indicated why a particular piece of equipment was invalid? (Not enough tonnage, no remaining hard points, not enough critical slots, not enough c-bills)

- There is no indicator of the number of heat sinks currently installed, nor does the message which alerts you that you do not have enough heat sinks let you know how many more you need for a valid configuration.

- The 'Mech information in the lower right-hand corner needs to be bigger. It can be hard to read at higher resolutions.

- Camo and color customization is clunky. Why do we have to use arrow buttons to scroll through each color set? Please bring back the clickable palette view.

- There is currently no way to tell which modules or cockpit items are installed on which 'Mech. If you can at least include that information in the lower right-hand summary when selecting 'Mechs, that would be helpful.

- A current loadout summary (weapons, engine size, ammo tonnage) from the main screen would also be helpful. Some people save money by moving weapons, it would be nice to be able to tell at a glance which weapons are installed without having to open the configuration section.

-A list of hardpoints and default loadout (weapons, engine size, ammo tonnage) would be helpful when viewing a 'Mech prior to purchase. As it is, there is no information that differentiates each variant.

-Why are the Owned and All options a drop-down menu rather than just a toggle button? One click is preferable to two.

- The Social button needs to be bigger and needs to stand out more. If I did not figure that it was probably in the same corner as the current UI, I would not have seen it.

- Why do we have to select a launch mode every time? Please bring back the selector option that allows you to choose and displays the option to your entire group.

#199 Navy Sixes


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 02:20 PM

I liked:
The conceptual design is great! I like things to be a little complex (I know, crazy person) so that I actually have to read the screen instead of just pushing the biggest, glowiest buttons. Nice to get a good, 360-degree look at the mechs. They're what the game is all about, sport 'em! I'm really happy about being able to set my weapon groups pre-drop.

I liked least:
Had some trouble double-clicking to change my keyboard settings in the "Options" menu. They registered after a while, but sometimes they took more than 2 clicks.

I didn't get a chance to try out the social features (you guys have got to give us more time!) but the in-game experience was good. I myself didn't crash.

All in all, I'm saying, "Nice work PGI. Get the kinks out and get the UI out ASAP. Let's get on with everything log jammed behind it!"

#200 Kasechemui


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 02:23 PM

I like the design and I LOVE the new cockpit window effects.
But I consider the "sort" function to be useless, because I still can't find stuff. Everything looks the same and I lose focus of what I'm looking at.
The menu is far from being intuitive.

Sorting after tonnage is a nice sentiment but it doesn't help at all.
When I own 10 Assaults and they are all shown in the same window, I miss the wood for the trees.
This gets even worse with equipment, for example with reactors. Because they _ALL_ have the same icon, it's hard to find the one I want, even with labels.

I can imagine that it would help if you reduced the number of simultaneously shown items and, in return, increased their size.
Also, I would like to have the possibility back to select specific 'Mech parts (arms, torso, etc). It would be best if that part of current UI was kept without changes.

The dropdown solution is far too complicated and so is the fact that I have to click through several sublevels to use different weapon types in my built. How about using something similar to how smurfy-net does it?

Build in an option to seperately deactivate the menu sounds. They get extremely annoying after a while. Oo
A button to cancel the search for games would be very nice, too.
But please add the possibility to turn off said effects, because they make the shooting of (promo) videos like ours (Tamar-Jäger) essentially impossible.

When I was in the Testing Grounds and switched to full screen through the options menu, a CTD occurred.
Mouseover informations on reactors did not appear for a friend of mine (weight etc)

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