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Ui 2.0 Preview 3⅓ - Feedback Questionnaire

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#221 Hebdomas


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:21 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
The ability to sort mechs and assign weapon groups outside of a match.

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
Everything else. If I could only choose one thing it would have to be the mechlab. The UI 2.0 mechlab is too organized and sectioned off in a way that feels convoluted and unintuitive. Compared to the live UI it seemed to require more clicking and took more time. Having diagrams for pitch, torso twist, etc seemed somewhat useful, but I couldn't seem to find a list of hardpoints and equipped items that was as easily accessible. Overall navigating the mechlab felt like trying to navigate some (US) government agency website.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
Didn't mess with it much as no one on my friends list seemed to be on. From what I could tell it looked similar to the current one.

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
The purchase a mech/stuff for MC seemed fine from what I could tell, it was a basic store and seemed pretty simple.
In the "store" portions of the mechlab some items were marked as "invalid," I think it would be much more helpful if they provided the reason why.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
Did something change? The HUD looked the same to me.

6) Any other comments or concerns?
In settings some options have a slider, but only the minimum and maximum values have a number. A number or value should be provided no matter where you are on the slider.

#222 Baratus


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:24 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
Over all very nice lay out. I like the mech lab and ability to configure from the selection screen. Inventory is nicely done as well. Over all I am pretty happy.

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
I would like to be able to see my load out when a mech is selected. I would like to customize the order in which the mechs in the selection screen. Grouping interface is terrible.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?

Social interface is bad. Grouping is worse. It all needs to be seen from the main screen. How about a sound when you receive a group invite as well?

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
Meh. Its ok.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
As always the in-game stuff is excellent. Its what keeps me coming back. You guys do an awesome job with game play. You guys are terrible at meta game design and the social interface.

6) Any other comments or concerns?
Keep at it. This update is a step in the right direction. Just please dont stop there. You guys really need someone on your staff who can help with metagame design and interface wide social interaction. Your just missing the boat on all of that. Hire some new blood and get a fresh look at it. Good luck!

#223 Damon Howe


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:24 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish)

- It looks pretty.

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?

-Honestly, where do I begin? The entire system is so damn hard to navigate because you have to clickclickclickclickclick to get anything done. It's ClickWarrior, not Mechwarrior. Honestly, I could configure a mech quicker on pen and paper than in the mechlab system.
-Armor. WHY do I have to go to each torso to upgrade the armor? Why cant I just click the armor up or down from a central system like in the current UI? Cause if I screw up and don't have enough armor on one leg, I have to click BACK to the other leg, fix that armor, then BACK to the leg I was initially working on! Extra 10 seconds here, there and everywhere to get anything done, and its not even that big of an improvement!

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?

-Just as hard to use as the last one. No improvements to the old system, it just looks better.

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?

While its awesome to sell my gear (and buy it) out of mechlab, I'd still like to be able to sell it from the mechlab itself.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?

Absolutely SUCKED. The glare on the cockpit just kept panning around and not dissipating as I moved, creating a literally unplayable game. Terrain was completely screwed up (Crimson Strait's central mountain hardly looked like it was even there). Honestly, the game under UI 2.0 is simply unplayable for me. Mw4 was better. Mw3 was better.

Megamek is better.

Wait, I made a video for this.

Prior to this, I've had absolutely no problems with graphics. Framerate fine, etc. But this....you seriously expect me to play this? My computer I bought FOR THIS GAME far exceeds your minimum requirements, and this is the {Scrap} you give me.

6) Any other comments or concerns?

1) Why can't I hit "Esc" and get out of the game? Why do I have to log out and THEN close? Really?
2) How many HeatSinks do I have? Really? I can't figure that out without smurfy?
3) K.I.S.S.
4) Honestly, not going to play this game anymore if this is what I have to look forward to. And I want my money back. All 160 american dollars worth. I could invest that in a new ship in Star Citizen. Or get a couple oil changes. Or buy some toilet paper to clean myself off with after this spending venture.

Edited by Damon Howe, 16 January 2014 - 05:27 PM.

#224 CharlieBoy


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:24 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
  • The full screen aspect is very nice
  • Being able to see all my mechs on one area is good
  • Ability to see your mech in full view works well
  • The swapping between colors I like
2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
  • The sound on mouse over for everything
  • Not being able to see what is installed on each mech from the overall preview
  • Not being able to see what modules are on each mech from the overall preview
  • Owned Paints was not as easy to find
  • Not being able to double click on or off a part
3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
  • Did not try it
4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
  • Purchasing mechs are simple but it's confusing to see trial mechs in the Owned filter
  • It is nice having everything there in one area to make adjustments and then check out
  • Flow is good but maybe tool-tips for what certain icons mean (i.e. I had to try and figure out what a particular icon meant and later figured out that it was AMS.)
5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
  • I love the new font.
  • Looks cleaner
  • Glass effect looks nice but technically in lore it isn't glass right? :-P Also, if we are adding this type of effect, shouldn't heat/night vision only be projected on the glass?
6) Any other comments or concerns?
  • I'm sure that there are a lot of other things that need to be worked out and it all looks like it is going in the right direction. However, I think there is a lot of real estate on the overall UI that can still be used to display more info for each mech. If that can be worked out, that would be super.

#225 AndyHill


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:26 PM

Once more into the breach with this issue, I guess. I could write an exhaustive analysis of the UI, but it's so much easier to just show how 'mech configuration is done vastly better. Here you go, light years ahead of the UI 2.0: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...f28b926c497d855

I quite like the visual style, but I have to click something like 5 times more during configuration operation compared to doing the same thing with Smurfy. Just a small tip: the 'mech and its components need to be the main thing, visible at all times all parts at once and fill the screen. The list of hardware etc. is NOT the main thing in configuration view.

#226 drinniol


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:30 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)

It's a clean, well organised UI. A learning curve from the current one but elegant.

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?

The UI should scale a bit (some elements small on 1900x1200, especially the lower left hand side.

#227 N a p e s


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:31 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
-sleek look
-much crisper visuals (even in game text seems nicer)
-organisation of mechs
-inventory screen
-ability to rotate mech at almost any time

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
-so much more clicking and much less intuitive feel during configuration of a mech
-some elements such as the "checkout" are not immediately visible
-social elements still seem wonky (was not receiving messages from friends and difficulty making a group)

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
I like the addition of group chat when you form a group and the social tab seems discreet but manageable. Hopefully issues such as what I mentioned in the dislikes section will get sorted out.

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
Store tab is nice. Seems well integrated into the basic feel of the UI.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
Mechlab is the big issue. There is no way to see what the mech has equipped quickly and its a long process to modify a mech. Part of it may be the learning curve since its new but I would try to simplify the visual presentation or add a tab with an overview of the mech and its loadout. Also, a "strip equipment" button would be real useful.

6) Any other comments or concerns?
Nothing for now.

#228 Hoffenstein


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:31 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
- Very pretty!
- Large, spin-able Mech really gives the UI a MechWarrior feel
- The ability to cycle through colours in the Camo Spec screen in real time is a really nice feature
- Very easy to use
2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
- No preview of weapons currently installed on the selected Mech without configuring the Mech in the Mechlab
- Buttons and text are quite small at higher resolution (1680x1050)
- Unable to double-click items to remove them from a Mech in the Mechlab
- Chainfire isn't an option when setting weapons groupings in the Mechlab
- Might be too many tabs to click when adding items to your Mech (3 tab clicks to add AMS and AMS ammo to the same location)
- Not having mouse-hover text on the weapons while in the Loadout portion of Mechlab might be off-putting to new players
3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
- Did not use, N/A
4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
- BattleMechs in the Store tab need the same amount of filters as the Mechlab
- Needs more substance (Co-Op missions, anyone?)
5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
- In-Game interface seems exactly the same with the exception of a different font.
6) Any other comments or concerns?
- This is a step in the right direction, but how will Matchmaking fit into this UI? There doesn't seem to be a spot for it.

#229 firezx


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:31 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)


2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?


3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?


4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?


5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?


6) Any other comments or concerns?[color=#959595] [/color]


#230 Gyrefalcon


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:31 PM

Ok, more info this time.

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)

Looks nice and over all doesn't do too bad, once you figure out how to get to stuff.

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?

Mech lab: the color-coded hardpoints are nice, but there is no legend or pop-up when you hover. Maybe color code the items in the list ovf availables to match the hardpoints. Some of the colors are very close.

Weapons Groups: The wire frames make it hard to see where you are if you use the arrow keys and cntrl like in-game. Accidently found out you could use your mouse and it works real well.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?

Wasn't able to test it.

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?

Looks like a work in progress. Others here have critiqued it pretty well.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?

Personally I didn't notice much different, except the glass is nice but only worked in a couple maps.

6) Any other comments or concerns?

Nothing that hasn't been already mentioned. But I do kinda like it.

#231 Kaeb Odellas


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:35 PM

Okay, here goes

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)

-The aesthetics are definitely nicer than the old mechlab.
-The lighting in the mechbay is pretty nice
-The ability to rotate mechs is a good addition.

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?

The layout of the Mechlab Loadout screen is still a hot mess. I don't understand why you're dedicating half of your screen space to the inventory screen (with pointlessly large icons to boot!) and such a tiny 200x400 pixel space to what's actually in the mech you're configuring.

Posted Image

See this? This is what your Mechlab needs to look like. Every component of your mech on display. Every relevant aspect of your mech visible at a glance. Just shift some items around to add an inventory list and you're golden. If you shrink some UI elements down, you might even be able to squeeze a view of the mech model in there.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?

The social button is tiny. It absolutely needs to be bigger. You should probably send the settings and logout buttons to the top bar, and give the social button more space at the bottom of the screen. Or have the social button be a drop-down menu at the top-right or something.

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?

Battlemech menu needs sorting by weight class, and a way to look at the loadout and specs of the mech you're buying.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?

Cockpit glass needs to be toned down. It kinda gets in the way for some mechs. Also, zooming in should blur the scratches out on the glass.

6) Any other comments or concerns?

-The camo screen also needs a lot of work. This is the one section where a giant wall of icons would actually make sense. It needs a nice big color selection panel.

-Skill unlocking requires one too many clicks in the process. You could probably remove that unlock notification pop-up when you unlock a skill

Edited by Kaeb Odellas, 16 January 2014 - 05:38 PM.

#232 Ryoken


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:38 PM

View PostGaragano, on 16 January 2014 - 11:58 AM, said:


-Window FX
The angle dependant windows effects are VERY unrealistic. Even in the shadow on Torumaline Desert the window FX are so much that it is just a handicap to the player. I guess this is just another level of annoyance provided to the player, just like the movie grain is. We dont need this! It makes playing worse!


^ I second this. The cockpit glass effect is to strong. It is a handicap to the player. I also had to turn down grafic options to be able to play without hindering glass effects blocking my sight. Don't get me wrong, it is a nice effect and I like it. But it needs to be worked over to be a nice effect that gives a better immersion instead of rendering the game unplayable.

#233 Cpt Zaepp


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:42 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)

- Looks nice-ish

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?

- In general it's confusing, unintuitive and not very ergonomic
- Sounds while hovering over interactive elements, it's simply mind-numbing
- Camo and Color selection, it's horrible
- No way to rename Mechs
- Mech info is too small
- Number of rounds for Ballistics/Missiles is still not displayed
- No way to access hardpoints directly
- Huge Icons for nothing

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?

- confusing
- unclear
- Why are those trail-mechs there?
- Where is the mech ready list?

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?

6) Any other comments or concerns?

Seriously guys, stay with the old UI, this one is a trainwreck!

The old one is not the best piece of work, but this one, I'm speechless! I've never seen something so unintuitive and confusing like this! Where did you get all those bad ideas?

Please, if you want good inspiration for an intuitive user interface, do yourself and us a favour and look at smurfy-net!

#234 Nik Reaper


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:45 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)

The rendering, the style.

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?

The mech lab's lack of an easy overlook over the whole mech, the lack of information on engines and components untill I keep the mouse over it , so it becomes hard to compare components ( even if I know most of them by heart... ) , and most of all the lask of information on hardpoints when trying to buy a new nech. I need to know how many in all, where they are and/if how many missile tubes they have!

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?

It is a step in the right direction , 2 things though, let us chat with people that aren't our friends ( in the friends list ) by typing there name and they can accept or not the chat, and add separators in the friends list so we can group people by things like what unit they are from, ex. : My unit tab, The german friends tab ...

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?

Still lacking many upfront bits of information much like the mech lab otherwise easily navigatable.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?

Wasn't aware there had been any work done on it? Would like more No-signal screens to show more info , more so for mechs that don't evan have a heatsink dispay...

6) Any other comments or concerns?

One big one: That a smurfy-like mechlab that was mentioned as a future feature is not coming this year...

Edited by Nik Reaper, 16 January 2014 - 05:45 PM.

#235 AttackRabbit


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:49 PM

2) Choosing camo colors is confusing. Yous should be able to click directly on the color choice rather than having to scroll through them. This interface is inconsistent with the other interfaces - you should have the color palates on the left-hand side and then be able to drag & drop or click to assign to the active camo area. You should have a drop-down Filter menu here like you do in the other areas
On the inventory page you should be able to see how many of each item you have, as well as if it is installed (and in which mech). This will make it much less unpleasant to play the hunt-the-module meta-game.
Knowing which hardpoints a mech has is far more important than knowing the yaw speed. This must be included in the popup that displayes when selecting a mech to buy
It would be great if we could drag&drop from the inventory onto the mech model itself to assign weapons, or to click on the model to select which portion of the mech we would like to work on.
There should be a default filter to hide invalid engine types. This would make looking at the CT much more reasonable
The Logout button is small and in an unusual place. It should be in the top right (like close window button in Windows)

This looks very promising - this is much more of what I was expecting from the interface for MWO from the get-go.


#236 ChapDude


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:49 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)

Its so purty! Cosmetically the new UI is a huge improvement, the reduced save time on saving mechs, modules and the like is a HUGE plus, the less time i have to spend out of game waiting the more time i can have fun playing.

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?

There are a couple things that i think need to be addressed ASAP:
  • No way to tell what your mechs loadout is without entering 'configure'
  • Configure needs a smurfy style mode
  • Out of game as is can't be different resolution than ingame, i like to do other stuff between games from time to time, having the ability to set out of game as windowed 720p and ingame as fullscreen 1080p would be awesome!
  • mech colors/camos needs a (optional/toggle-able?) 'old' menu style option imo.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?

Same as before but with a fresh coat of paint, with many missing names ;) (as in i was missing alot of my friends list)
what i would really like to see is:
  • Give us the ability to group our friends!!!! a 'all friends' page is great and all but i would like to sort IRL, Unit, Initiates, and internet friends into respective groups.
  • Once that is in, group wide chat! Allows 4mans and 12mans to be formed without the jumping around TS channels and will help pull ppl solo pugging while off TS into TS to play 12mans. Which means in the long run a fuller 12man que!
4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?

over all i like it but there are several small tweaks that i think need to be added.
  • A Sort by tonnage feature, filters are great but a sort is also needed to quickly find what im looking for with minimal concentration.
  • Color code! i should be able to quickly identify what mechs i do and don't own as well as quickly find the tonnage range of the mech i am looking for. (heros, lights, mediums, heavies, and assaults should be quickly identifiable
I don't need a wall of mechs that blend together, i need a way to quickly find what i need, so the more filters,sorting options, color coding (within reason of course ;) ) the better!

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?

Besides the 'configure' or 'mechlab' part i like it over all, just add some color coding, sorting options, and smurfy style mechlab and it will be in every way better than the current UI.

6) Any other comments or concerns?

PLEASE add a text file than changes a character from 0 to 1 when in/out of game so that Streamers can use a simple program to switch between 'scenes' in obs/x-split. For the live version we created a program that detected resolution change in order to switch scenes, with the new ui that will not work anymore.

I did have one issue where i used an airstrike and it auto refiled when i went to the module screen but wasn't equipped the next game but other than that i like where its going!

#237 Kaeb Odellas


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:50 PM

Honestly, if you just copy smurfy's mechlab pixel by pixel you'd have a great starting point.

#238 Darwins Dog


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:52 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
-Checkboxes for mission types
-start music
-set weapon groups in mechlab

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
-sound for everything gets annoying after a while
-can't see hardpoints or loadout before purchasing a mech***
-paint and camo menu should have a scroll function, or a menu that lets you skip to what you want rather than ahve to scroll through red>blue>green etc.
-Have to set your game mode every match
- The color select in the mech bay was blocking my view of the mech. What's the point in playing with colors if I can't see what they look like?

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
-can't seem to add new friends
-no indicators of group invite or messages

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?

6) Any other comments or concerns?
-no strip all or max armor button
-Let us filter engines by XL and STD
-Have the menus "remember" last selection?
-let us set chain/group fine in mechlab
-no low ammo warnings
-should be able to sort as well as filter mechs

EDIT: thought of something else

Edited by Darwins Dog, 17 January 2014 - 04:29 AM.

#239 Pogomogo


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:52 PM

1) What is it that you like about the UI 2.0 Preview? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
- Screen resolution options for the mechbay/store rather than the old tiny one.
- Being able to swing my mechs around and look at them in 360.
- Clicking around is very fluid between the top tabs and left menu.
- Being able to see more mechs on the screen in the mechlab.
- Mouse over stats on weapons.
- Having both equipping and armor adjust for a location on one screen.

2) What do you like least about the UI 2.0 Preview?
- No longer double click to remove/add items in configure screen.
- Engine needs a pop up like weapons for stats (heatsinks/internal spots info).
- Not seeing where it shows weapons mounted on my mechs.
- Lost the identification of hardpoints on the mech in the info screen and the mouse over that showed you where on the mech they were located.
- Some filters are better than none, but maybe a numerical tonnage filter would be helpful in light of the coming changes and weight being a consideration in lance drops.
- Don't think the trial mechs should show up in the "Owned" filter.

3) What are your impressions of the Social system in the Front-End?
- Seemed fine, didn't strike me negatively or positively.

4) What are your impressions of the Store menus in the Front-End?
- Mechs in the store don't show any stats or hardpoints with locations. Would be nice to know ahead of time. Same comment as above though, the navigation was fluid.

5) What are your impressions of the in-game interface?
- The glass was neat, seemed to get foggy or dirty on different maps. Was the only thing that really stood out.

6) Any other comments or concerns?
- Nothing comes to mind.

#240 pbiggz


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:54 PM

I know i already posted my review, but I wanted to make sure I made it 100 % clear that if this mechlab gets done right the ENTIRE UI jumps leaps and bounds in quality.

Posted Image


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