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Can Someone Explain This "strategy" Of Running To The Middle Of The Map....

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#81 Vanguard319


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 02:24 PM

Sounds less like botting, and more like lack of creative thinking on the part of the parties involved. Inevitably they get slaughtered because somebody on the other team realized the importance of battlefield flexibility, and convinced enough of his team mates to follow his lead. For example, knowing when to divide your forces, and knowing when not to, or knowing when to fold your cards and attempt to cap.

#82 juxstapo


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 04:39 PM

Denominationalism already? The Church of The White Knights of MWO is in for some rough times ahead. :D

very well:

The Online MechWarrior's Blessing (revised edition)
May your ping be low and your framerate high.
May your teammates be competent, and your matches satisfying.
May you never turf your shots nor fire within minimum range.
May your alphas perfectly converge.

So be it... <Salute>

#83 JigglyMoobs


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Posted 31 January 2014 - 04:44 PM

View PostMott, on 30 January 2014 - 06:48 AM, said:

Ended up playing Terra Therma and Caustic Valley for 17 of my 23 matches last night (KILL ME!).

And this rush for the middle strategy was in full effect every time.

I was so bored after the 5th time on each map that i'd just sit back and not even get involved until after the first mech had dropped. By that point a few groups on both sides would be splintering off and the real game would begin.

You have to actively communicate with your team in team chat. I won 6 out of 6 of my solo drops this afternoon, and it was mostly by talking and rallying or coordinating with the team.

When talking to the team, don't be arrogant. Make suggestions and not commands at the start of the round:

Right: Guys, I suggest not going into center and hunting for isolated groups of them around the sides.
Wrong: You are going center again aren't you miserable maggots? Trolololol you are all so stupid.

Then when the fight starts, relay information to them as best as you can, call out clearly what you are doing. Call out focus fire targets and positions, and if you have an idea, communicated it quickly and succinctly.

Don't move off somewhere by yourself without supporting the team. Support when you can, lead when you need to. If team isn't going your way, go back to the team and support their push in another direction.

It doesn't always work but it will get better with experience and with better Elo.

An example of when things go right from last night :P

Edited by JigglyMoobs, 31 January 2014 - 04:44 PM.

#84 Nick Makiaveli


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Posted 01 February 2014 - 11:58 AM

View PostDoctor Proctor, on 20 January 2014 - 11:41 AM, said:

No, that is the definition of the word "Skirmish" as you would find in a dictionary. In the context of the game, Skrirmish is a just a name that they picked and then applied to a specific ruleset. They could've called it "Bleezelgarb" and it wouldn't matter, as long as we understood that Bleezelgarb was the mode where there were no bases and the only win condition was to kill all the enemy. As such, saying that due to it's name it should be lighter units is meaningless, since it's very name is simply arbitrary.

As you noted, Skirmish is largely becoming "Bring an Assault or go home" all on it's own due to the lack of weight limits. This is because with no base to defend, people don't see a need to bring a faster mech and would therefore just prefer to throw as much armor and firepower at the enemy as they can. EVERY mode is becoming this to an extent though, Skirmish is just the worst offender. I frequently drop into Assault and Conquest matches where 6-8 members of my team are running Assault mechs, so the variety is already quite gone from the game.

I'm also not sure if you understand how the new weight system will work.

In the order above:

1. Technically yes. However, it applies here since a skirmish is just that, a battle that has no over all objective than kill the enemy. So Skirmish is based on the idea of a skirmish, or even a set battle. Just as Conquest and Assault are based (loosely, very loosely) on the idea of capturing valuable resources or a command center. So I feel my point holds.

2. Exactly why it is occurring. It's spreading since the majority play Death Ball Online, you can prepare for Skirmish, and leave it set to Any and get almost the same results. Which is why I will base cap when I realize the enemy force is over 900 tons or so. The extra XP for a cap win and the whining/crying/cussing it generates are just the icing on the cake of win!!

3. I do understand it's a team cap or possibly a group limit etc. I look forward to it, but I also expect to see issues. IE say we are allowed to load 4 mechs into the "dropship" to choose from to make the weight limits. I see people taking 2 Stalkers, an Atlas and a Victor. Pretty much forces someone else to bring a Light or Medium to balance things out.

#85 JC Daxion


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Posted 03 February 2014 - 09:48 PM

I have no clue.... and only second in my most hated strategies or running directly across the entire map for the first battle... Like a match i had on the snow city map last night... the entire team ran into that little cavern only to get slaughtered from above and bellow by a well coordinated attacked.. Only to be called an idiot, because i was trying to work with our scout, and help direct.. Don't ya just love being yelled at by someone that is already dead?

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