Brian Buckton, on 13 April 2014 - 12:52 PM, said:
I'm always thinking about ways to improve the social interface and user experience and I would consider adding extra alert indicators, it's something that's been bugging me as well
lots can be done to improve social interface
first step would be a nice msg sound, it should be ignorable but also grab attention if you deep in mechlab dry tongue mode
it should also not play more than a few times per second, if you have 1 or 6 people messaging you at the same time with high frequency the sound would be enough to ruin lives (likely those in close proxy to me)
sound should also play to people who are alt tabbed ... likely looking at Reddit....
the social icon flashing is not good enough
either the flashing needs to be stronger, the button larger
but what i would prefer to see is a lite animation come from off screen to the right and hit the social button
a pulse of light, a string of LED's, a glowing envelope, a sci-fi esq data flow packet, any of these would fit i think
this should only play if the social tab has not been active for some time (a minute or so?)
when in a group getting ready should be ALOT EASIER!
especially for the group leader !
the primary launch button is awesome and MASSIVE ... so use it
for players in a group change the launch button to a ready switch
for the group leader, give the same option, however with a few more advanced options
when all players in a group are ready (excluding group leader) make group leaders ready button flash and play a tone or msg
when his/her ready button is flashing , make it operate exactly how the launch group button currently works (ie launch the game)
when a group is not ready and the leader clicks ready, ping players in the group with a ready up request
make their ready button flash and play a sound (get betty politely request their mech ready status or announce drop imminent, or just a hurry up beep)
in the group status window , have an option for "show group stats" (each grp member can toggle separately)
this would put an overlay in the top right corner of the screen (unused space) with all members of a group and a light next to their name indicating their ready status, this overlay would be transparent so it would not interfere with any current or future screens
if room permits include what mech each player is piloting
not social related but
get rid of the damn ok/confirmation boxes
ie, skills
after clicking on a skill you want
then clicking on what currency to buy it with
then clicking on yes i am sure i want to do this
we do not need to click OK on yet another window saying the item was received
the fact that it changes colour is enough, play a sound or throw particles if you must
but enough with the clicking ok to proceed stupidity
ill stop here before i write 500 pages