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Campaign Mode

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#1 HazyLazy


  • 8 posts

Posted 18 January 2014 - 07:06 PM

Campaign Mode
This is a wish list only; I do not expect any of this to actually be implemented in the game but in my Fantasy MWO world I'd like to see something similiar to this in the game.

KBills = campaign cbills, only exist for the duration of the campaign (Yeah I know another in game currancy, but don't see how you could use CBills and keep it fair).
Mechs chosen for the campaign will be reset to pre-campaign load out after campaign.

1.0) Each player can choose 2 mechs to bring to the campaign.
1.1) Can possibly limit amount of tonnage a player can bring. So for instance a player can bring a 100 + 50 (150) or they can bring an 80 + 70 (150) if a limit of a 150 tons exists.
1.2) Or can simplify by making assualts = 4, heavies = 3, mediums = 1, lights = 2 and saying your 2 mechs you bring can only total 5 or less. Yes mediums are 1 and lights 2 because mediums are supposed to be the more common battle mechs on the field.
1.3) Possiblity of a small MC payment to get certain amount of extra %tonnage limit or extra point. I'm talking about a true micro payments like 1-5 MC.
1.4) Trail mechs can be used and get a reduction to tonnage % or a point off depending what system is used (can maybe be changed based on the specific trail mech because we know the load outs and know X assualt trail mech is really garbage so it = 1 point for example)

2.0) Each campaign consists of 5 matches. Fought over potentially 5 maps (planets).
2.1) Planets are A1 - A2 - N - E2 - E1 (Allies, Neutral, Enemy), campaign starts on the Neutral planet (N) as you win or lose you advance or retreat. For example Team A wins the first match so the next match is fought on E2; If Team A loses the next match the next battle is fought on the planet N again.
2.2) Campaign ends after 5 matches or when one Team wins on the opposings teams home planet (A1 or E1)
2.2.1) If opposing team wins on the other teams home planet they win the campaign.
2.2.2) Which ever team finishes deeper into the enemies territory wins after the 5 match total.
2.2.3) If the last battle is fought on planet N which ever team wins is the winner.
2.2.4) Finally if the last battle is fought on A2 (or E2) and Team A wins (i.e. if there was a match six it would be fought on planet N) then the campaign is a draw.

3.0) After each battle a set amount of KBills is given to each pilot. These KBills are used to reload and fix your mechs; yes your mechs will not be brand new after each match.
3.1) Engines will always be fully repaired, and every part will have 1 point of armour (if your arm gets blown off you'll get it back but it will only have 1 point of armour). Maybe add heatsinks to the fully repaired list as well.
3.2) You'll have to spend KBills to re-armour, re-load and re-place any weapons lost. If you had a ML in your left arm that got blown off you'll have to re-buy that medium laser, and re-amour the left arm.
3.3) Depending on how you do during the match will determine a small bonus to KBills you get after the match.
3.4) Potential to allow small MC payment after every match to get a set amount more KBills so you can repair your mechs more if it really got trashed. (Might have to make this more like a module i.e. buy in advance use when you want. Solely to speed up the time between matches.)
3.5) If your Mech 1 is really trashed you can drop with your Mech 2, it's up to the pilot which of the 2 mechs they chose to drop with each match.
3.6) Planets provide a small bonus and reduction to KBills before it is fought over.
3.6.1) For Team A (A1 = +10%, A2 = +5%, N = 0, E2 = -5%, E1 = -10%)
3.6.2) For Team E (A1 = -10%, A2 = -%5, N = 0, E2 = +5%, E1 = +10%)
3.6.3) Think of it as a supply line the further away from your home planet the more difficult you are to supply. Will make it harder to win the deeper you go into the opposing teams territory as you'll get less KBills to repair your mechs.
3.7) Probably best to only allow mechs to be repaired and re-armed. i.e. you cannot change the load out of a mech you can only repair and re-arm it. Why you ask? Soley to reduce the amount of time players spend fiddling between matches.
3.8) Re-armament/Repair phase is given 1 minute max.

3.9) For an example: Team E wins the first match on planet N. So:
3.9.1) standard amount KBills given to each pilot
3.9.2) bouns KBills given to each pilot based on their performance in the match.
3.9.3) The total KBills is then given an adjustment based on the next planet to be fought over; in this case planet A2 so Team E pilots would have there KBills earned reduced by 5% while Team A pilots would get a 5% bonus to the KBills they earned. (This only applies to the KBills earned in the last match not already accumulated KBills)
3.9.4) Players can choose to make a small MC payment to get bonus amount of KBills (see 3.4).
3.9.5) Players get one minute to repair and re-arm.
3.9.6) next match starts.

3.10) The KBills given to a player after each match should not easily allow repair of their mechs. The idea is to make the players chose what mech to repair, re-arm, and use during the campaign. (i.e. mechs should be beat-up by the finally match)

4.0) Potential to allow home planets to be customizable if clans(guilds) ever exist. For MC they can put turrets, walls etc to put on their planet and then for a small MC payment can replace the random home planet with their custom one during the campaign. Whole other topic so won't expand on this.
4.1) Not sure how to handle a disconnect. Give more KBills per match to team that's a man short?
4.1.1) Can't really allow someone new to take their place as they'll be bring two new(un-damaged) Mechs in.
4.2) does not have to be 5 planets 5 matches, can do 3 planets 3 matches or 7 planets 7 matches etc.
4.3) If the campaign is played in CW the winning side would get whatever loot was up for grabs (planet?).

Anyway, As stated at the start I really don't expect anything from this, just throwing the idea out there in the 0.0001% chance PGI can take something from it.

Comments (might read them :blink:), Trolls (Yes I'll add a few more 0 after the decimal point ;)), Your suggestions on other modes of play.

Later MechWarriors

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