Max Liao, on 15 November 2011 - 12:31 AM, said:
- ROUND 1: I blow your legs with my PPCs from 900 m. in 25 seconds: you lose.
- ROUND 2: I blow your legs with my PPCs from 900 m. in 25 seconds: you lose.
- ROUND 3: I blow your legs with my PPCs from 900 m. in 25 seconds: you Disconnect.
I postulate that this cycle of rounds would go quite a different way.
Round 1: You run out in the open with an infighting 'Mech, and your tactical-minded long-ranged opponent shoots your leg to prevent you from getting close.
Round 2: Same thing happens.
Round 3: You either approach with cover all sneaky-like or you decide to fight fire with fire.
If you disconnect out of frustration, that's your fault, not your opponent's. Adapt.
I'm not comfortable with dumbing the play down to the LCD. I'm seeing more and more games lately where the focus is taken away from hard work and skill. I'm going to ask a hard question here: Why is it so wrong for people to be successful? I'm told the legging/fairness issue isn't "about winning" - but if it's not about winning, what is it about? Fairness - You mean, your ability to win. Honor - You mean, your excuse for not winning.
Everyone is capable of playing the game, leg death or no leg death. Some choose not to, and then complain about those who do. I just don't understand it. Put me on record here: If it's not legs, it'll be something else.