View Follow The Aimpoint & Hud Glass Option (Off) Please
Posted 21 January 2014 - 04:51 PM
The new glass feature may be cool in your minds but you apparently, once again (and not surprising) forgot about the players that are color blind.
How does the glass (a transparent effect) affect us? Simple: Since you refuse to remove the film grain.
To clarify, this film grain is *THE* source of color vision problems.. it literally blurs image pattern recognition for those who have troubles with reds/greens/yellows. It was hard to follow/see the red target box in a mostly greens/browns background of maps to begin with... the film grain distorted them even further which makes the making out the SHAPE of a mech just 500m ahead of you extremely difficult.
Now the cockpit glass adds a further pattern distortion problem. The scratches in the glass squiggle the image more plus while on the move it scrambles SHORT range visibility due to the colors being distorted as they go over the glass scratches.
PLEASE make film grain and Cockpit glass a video setting on/off feature.
Could you please add a toggle feature: Lock head movement to arm aimpoint?
This would add a lot of immersiveness as the arm aimpoint will have the head of the pilot following it.
Posted 21 January 2014 - 05:41 PM
Posted 21 January 2014 - 09:08 PM
Skyfaller, on 21 January 2014 - 04:51 PM, said:
This would add a lot of immersiveness as the arm aimpoint will have the head of the pilot following it.
How would this improve anything? You wouldn't aim any faster or more accurately. Your torso aim point would still follow along behind just like it does now, because it traverses more slowly. Your (the player's) eyes already follow the arm aim point (if they don't, you're doing it wrong), so it wouldn't change anything at all.
Posted 22 January 2014 - 06:37 AM
Durant Carlyle, on 21 January 2014 - 09:08 PM, said:
How would this improve anything? You wouldn't aim any faster or more accurately. Your torso aim point would still follow along behind just like it does now, because it traverses more slowly. Your (the player's) eyes already follow the arm aim point (if they don't, you're doing it wrong), so it wouldn't change anything at all.
Its not a change. Its an added feature.
Personally it would improve my gameplay because in mechs with arms having my pilot's head follow the arm aimpoint increases my FOV in that direction (dependent on cockpit design of course) and it feels more immersive.
Flight sims do this by 'locking head' to locked target.... you can be dogfighting and maneuvering hard yet still toggle your head-lock-on-target follow the enemy aircraft. The immersion factor from that little feature alone is huge.
Posted 22 January 2014 - 08:10 AM
Posted 22 January 2014 - 11:36 AM
Skyfaller, on 22 January 2014 - 06:37 AM, said:
Its not a change. Its an added feature.
Personally it would improve my gameplay because in mechs with arms having my pilot's head follow the arm aimpoint increases my FOV in that direction (dependent on cockpit design of course) and it feels more immersive.
Flight sims do this by 'locking head' to locked target.... you can be dogfighting and maneuvering hard yet still toggle your head-lock-on-target follow the enemy aircraft. The immersion factor from that little feature alone is huge.
I'm still not following how this would be an improvement. When I swivel the freeview around the main limiting factor for my FOV is the huge mass of metal surounding my character--the cockpit isn't dramatically wider at its widest point than my field of view, at least not in any mech I regularly play. This is true vertically as well as horizontally. Basically even if you were really in the mech your view would be limited by torso traversing more than anything else.
Could you maybe use freelook to simulate the effect you're looking for, MS Painting the crosshair in if you have to? That might help me (and presumably others) visualize.
Also, I've often wondered whether the oppressively monochrome color palette in this and so many other games causes difficulty for people with vision problems. I guess I have my answer. Sorry to hear that. If nothing else it always surprises me when, in the year of our lord 2014, there are still games with crosshair and targeting boxes that you can't recolor.
Edited by Blue Footed Booby, 22 January 2014 - 11:37 AM.
Posted 22 January 2014 - 12:44 PM
Blue Footed Booby, on 22 January 2014 - 11:36 AM, said:
I'm still not following how this would be an improvement. When I swivel the freeview around the main limiting factor for my FOV is the huge mass of metal surounding my character--the cockpit isn't dramatically wider at its widest point than my field of view, at least not in any mech I regularly play. This is true vertically as well as horizontally. Basically even if you were really in the mech your view would be limited by torso traversing more than anything else.
Could you maybe use freelook to simulate the effect you're looking for, MS Painting the crosshair in if you have to? That might help me (and presumably others) visualize.
Freelook does not do it since the moment you toggle it on you can't control your mech. Literally its freelook that glues the head of the pilot to the arm aimpoint and you can still control your mech.
This is now, with arm unlocked:

The CT aimpoint started at the rear CT of the enemy mech and i pushed the mouse as quickly as I could to the hill to the right.
This is with freelook:

Since Freelook disables your controls, the CT aimpoint stayed where it was. You can see however, how much better a view of WHERE my mech would be turning to you would have if the head tracking was linked to the arm aimpoint.
If the head-tracking-to-arm-aimpoint was enabled in this second pic, the CT would've moved to where you see the aimpoint in the first pic... and it would've become the first pic in a second or so. But it is in that second that the torso takes to turn that the head tracking becomes critical for the situational awareness of where you're shooting at.
In mechs with no left/right arm movement this would not function and things would be identical to how they are now. Mechs with arms receive the better view of where their arms are pointing at while still seeing their CT aimpoint.
Blue Footed Booby, on 22 January 2014 - 11:36 AM, said:
Thing is, the crosshair color can be worked out with some color blind support programs. Some in fact can give you a silly edge in seeing mechs and cockpits because the cockpits are red/orange hued and the color blind programs can let you switch red tones to bright pink (or some other very visible color) so literally you get 'shoot me here!!' billboards on mechs.
..the terrain however looks like an acid trip.
The film grain distorts the colors at the background level. Before the glass scratches it was hard to tell movement / shape discrimination because the very background to us looks like its already shifting nonstop. Now the glass scratches adds a further distortion layer up front and it makes the already shifting color background look almost as if someone was pulling a rug and making/flattening out wrinkles (if that makes sense to you..its hard to explain).
Posted 22 January 2014 - 12:46 PM
Skyfaller, on 21 January 2014 - 04:51 PM, said:
Could you please add a toggle feature: Lock head movement to arm aimpoint?
This would add a lot of immersiveness as the arm aimpoint will have the head of the pilot following it.
This would actually be quite nice.
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