Posted 06 March 2014 - 07:12 PM
Does that make sense?
So to knock out 3 ECM mechs, you have to shoot all three ECM mechs separately. Three NARCs in 1 mech won't do the trick, nor will it extend the time.
Posted 10 March 2014 - 09:58 PM
- "Falls" off after 35points of missile damage hits the affected 'Mech
So I load up LRMs and run the same test. 3 LRM 5 volleys do 16.5 damage. . . but that doesn't knock the NARC out. Four LRM five volleys at 22 damage does knock it off.
So. . . How exactly is missile damage being applied? I ask because SRMs seem to be a bit underwhelming at the moment.
It's not just because they move at less than half the speed of the slowest auto cannon, or because they've got a lower damage per missile than streaks, or because they're one of the only weapons that retains the tabletop ammo per ton count, or because they're completely dumb-fire, or because they frequently do odd damage numbers . . .
Sorry, I forgot where I was going with this.
Edited by no one, 10 March 2014 - 09:59 PM.
Posted 11 March 2014 - 09:05 AM
no one, on 10 March 2014 - 09:58 PM, said:
- "Falls" off after 35points of missile damage hits the affected 'Mech
So I load up LRMs and run the same test. 3 LRM 5 volleys do 16.5 damage. . . but that doesn't knock the NARC out. Four LRM five volleys at 22 damage does knock it off.
So. . . How exactly is missile damage being applied? I ask because SRMs seem to be a bit underwhelming at the moment.
It's not just because they move at less than half the speed of the slowest auto cannon, or because they've got a lower damage per missile than streaks, or because they're one of the only weapons that retains the tabletop ammo per ton count, or because they're completely dumb-fire, or because they frequently do odd damage numbers . . .
Sorry, I forgot where I was going with this.
Wow, that IS weird. I got the same results in the testing ground, and also can confirm that 35 points of medium laser do not remove the beacon, but the instant any damage hits after that it is removed. SRMs seem to be the only weapon that causes problems with the NARC falling off early.
Posted 11 March 2014 - 09:07 AM
Posted 11 March 2014 - 09:11 AM
aniviron, on 11 March 2014 - 09:05 AM, said:
SRMs are OP!
Why oh why are they the problem child... never to be fixed or addressed after the Splatcat nerf of 2013?

Posted 11 March 2014 - 11:08 AM
Posted 11 March 2014 - 02:01 PM
Deathlike, on 11 March 2014 - 09:11 AM, said:
SRMs are OP!
Why oh why are they the problem child... never to be fixed or addressed after the Splatcat nerf of 2013?

I still remember the poll "Should we buff SRM's back to 2.0 damage? This will make them OP later!"
... I'm still waiting for "later"
Posted 11 March 2014 - 02:11 PM
Cimarb, on 11 March 2014 - 11:08 AM, said:
That would make sense, and I wish that were true, but right now you can shoot a narc into a 'Mechs left foot and then tickle his right arm with SRM fire and the NARC beacon will vanish. Also it apparently registers 8 SRMs or 8-10 LRMs as doing enough damage to knock off a NARC, so I suspect the game has some sort of disconnect between actual and reported damage values. Unfortunately, outside of taking my word for this or waiting for Wintersdark to make a video showcasing the hilarity, you'll just have to try it out for yourself in the training grounds.
Edited by no one, 11 March 2014 - 02:27 PM.
Posted 11 March 2014 - 03:34 PM
Nothing to see here.. move along....
Posted 11 March 2014 - 03:36 PM
Paul Inouye, on 11 March 2014 - 03:34 PM, said:
Good news everybody!

After getting a confirmed set of repro steps, the bug has been found. The fix has been put into a build and all things working out, you can expect the fix on the April 1st patch. (No this is not an April Fool's joke

Edited by FupDup, 11 March 2014 - 03:37 PM.
Posted 11 March 2014 - 03:42 PM
Now let me post the right info in the right thread... The NARC update is in the current build planned for the March 18th patch. It has been tested and is working as intended.
Posted 11 March 2014 - 05:12 PM
Paul Inouye, on 11 March 2014 - 03:38 PM, said:

I wouldn't call that one just yet, old bean. You're still talking about the NARC, after all.
Paul Inouye, on 11 March 2014 - 03:42 PM, said:
Excellent, thanks for the update. If you have any free time to debate the finer points of weapon balance or game play with us here on the forums, please do. We have so many ideas. So many beautiful, terrible ideas.
Edited by no one, 11 March 2014 - 05:23 PM.
Posted 12 March 2014 - 04:11 AM
Posted 12 March 2014 - 09:47 AM
Yeah, I'm not exactly thrilled with the condition of the game as is with as long as it's been in development and how much money has been put into it, but I'm not going to lower myself to an astonishingly low level of maturity as many others consistently have and continue to do.
Expressing your discontent about the content of the game is important, input is absolutely crucial to development. However, going off like an imbecile, ranting about this, that and the other while filling that TL:DR with as many insults as possible.. it does f-all to help with the games development and generally derails any topic that could have potentially been very beneficial.
I love MW just as much as anyone else, but seriously? This isn't MW2, 3, or 4, and it sure as hell wasn't intended to be just like them. Development is trial-and-error and they aren't custom tailoring the game just to suit YOU, the single individual.
I don't have to explain how changes can be brought about via communication with the community, but leave the personal attacks and other childish garbage in your crib. If you want change, express it, add details regarding your concern, share with us what changes you think would benefit the game, but do so like a respectable human being instead of a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.
Bashing the devs helps not at all.
Just plain whining without providing any real context regarding the issue helps not at all.
And devs.. community mods, etc.. don't even bother replying to folks like that, it doesn't do us any good, nor does it do you any good. Sure, you're addressing them, but what comes out of it? Stick to your guns.
That goes to the community, too. Don't fall in with the trendy whine-fest that has failed to provide us with any sort of progress, but instead, make your point, reinforce it, stand by it until it is changed. Do so in a respectful manner that includes any and all information that would be useful and I can almost guarantee you'll get better results than you would from just spewing on about how the devs are crap because the game has issues or how they've failed to meet deadlines, etc., etc. all that non-sense.
The development team may not be triple-A top of the line super-devs, but the community here can be pretty damned rancid, too.
I'm on the side of the community regarding most things, but the way many go about expressing their discontent.. just.. wow.
Posted 12 March 2014 - 09:52 AM
Paul Inouye, on 11 March 2014 - 03:42 PM, said:
Now let me post the right info in the right thread... The NARC update is in the current build planned for the March 18th patch. It has been tested and is working as intended.
Well thanks for the Update, even as we know, that "working as intended" can mean surprisingly Things.

Posted 12 March 2014 - 01:11 PM
Krigherren, on 12 March 2014 - 09:47 AM, said:
Yeah, I'm not exactly thrilled with the condition of the game as is with as long as it's been in development and how much money has been put into it, but I'm not going to lower myself to an astonishingly low level of maturity as many others consistently have and continue to do.
Expressing your discontent about the content of the game is important, input is absolutely crucial to development. However, going off like an imbecile, ranting about this, that and the other while filling that TL:DR with as many insults as possible.. it does f-all to help with the games development and generally derails any topic that could have potentially been very beneficial.
I love MW just as much as anyone else, but seriously? This isn't MW2, 3, or 4, and it sure as hell wasn't intended to be just like them. Development is trial-and-error and they aren't custom tailoring the game just to suit YOU, the single individual.
I don't have to explain how changes can be brought about via communication with the community, but leave the personal attacks and other childish garbage in your crib. If you want change, express it, add details regarding your concern, share with us what changes you think would benefit the game, but do so like a respectable human being instead of a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.
Bashing the devs helps not at all.
Just plain whining without providing any real context regarding the issue helps not at all.
And devs.. community mods, etc.. don't even bother replying to folks like that, it doesn't do us any good, nor does it do you any good. Sure, you're addressing them, but what comes out of it? Stick to your guns.
That goes to the community, too. Don't fall in with the trendy whine-fest that has failed to provide us with any sort of progress, but instead, make your point, reinforce it, stand by it until it is changed. Do so in a respectful manner that includes any and all information that would be useful and I can almost guarantee you'll get better results than you would from just spewing on about how the devs are crap because the game has issues or how they've failed to meet deadlines, etc., etc. all that non-sense.
The development team may not be triple-A top of the line super-devs, but the community here can be pretty damned rancid, too.
I'm on the side of the community regarding most things, but the way many go about expressing their discontent.. just.. wow.
Hahaha...when pages and pages of great suggestions get ignored and the devs decide to something ridiculous (like ECM), discontent grows...especially when there is no communication for long periods of time. PPCs were OP for the longest time...now its ACs. Deadlines get set and consistently missed...people aren't as naive as they were in Closed Beta. This isn't some random game like Hawken with no history behind it.
Posted 12 March 2014 - 03:23 PM
Lyoto Machida, on 12 March 2014 - 01:11 PM, said:
How are you so sure they're being ignored? Just because they aren't in development currently doesn't mean they're ignoring the suggestion. Of course there are tons of suggestions, both good and terrible, every topic sprinkled with a dash of rage, and that's fantastic. I'm sure they'd love to, and we'd love for them to be able to, but this isn't a huge dev' team and it's just not realistic nor really a good idea. We've all experienced how trying to shove loads of big changes into the game at once can effect it negatively. We all want this, this, this and we want it ASAP. All without breaking the game and fixing what's already broken or unviable in some way, all that the same time. More often than not while demanding that the devs are being insulted, people aren't really seeming all that grateful for what IS being put out, and there's some folks who seem almost impossible to please, doing more complaining on the forum than making actual suggestions or talking about the game.
I've been around for a bit on the forums but I don't often post due to the amount of negativity that often radiates from most topics. A good handful, at least. Maybe I just don't browse enough of the forums to find where there's more optimistic folks about. A good example of that is this very topic, a simple post about something somewhat small that could later become something bigger. I like the change. It's a start, and I can only hope that it won't somehow break something else. If it does, I'll find a topic/make one regarding the brokenness, include the details such as sys' specs, any error messages, etc. and leave it at that.
There are a lot of good people in this community, but there's also a lot of sillies that can't seem to grasp the previously mentioned concept and just continue to provide us with weak posts littered with insult. Is it really so difficult to express your dislike for something without having to attack them personally? There are a lot of aspects of the game that are meh, in my opinion, yet I don't feel this urge to insult the devs or anyone who disagrees with my opinion. Developing a game isn't exactly easy, and their target audience most certainly isn't a room full of people who are all agreeable and easy to satisfy.
Posted 12 March 2014 - 04:17 PM
Edited by DocBach, 12 March 2014 - 04:18 PM.
Posted 13 March 2014 - 02:19 AM

DocBach, on 12 March 2014 - 04:17 PM, said:
From the Feb project update: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__3120506
I guess if the narc gets the same EMP effect as PPCs, disableing ECM on the ecm mech would remove the whole bubble.
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