By 25 of July during first season 64315 people played. It means that number of players decreased 15,5%.
Steam stats:
Forum total members don't represent the total numbers of players (because in order to be counted as forum member you should login in the forum at least once), but these numbers correlate.
At least the dynamics of forum total members should represent the tendencies of actual player base, first of all, rate of growth. Needless to say, only forums members can be counted as "active players", because unlikely that those who don’t login in the forum are interested in the game (for sure, they don't buy MC, so they useless for PGI from economy point of view).
I found some info about changes in number of forum members since June of 2012:
June 2012 - 135,273
March 2013 - 454,476
June 2013 - 486,670
17 of January 2014 - 562,798
23 of January 2014 - 564,595
It shows us that since June 2012 to the end of Jan 2014 number of accounts increased almost 320%.
But since March the rate of growth slowed down. From March up to present day number of accounts increased only 110 000 or 25%.
Anyway, player base continues to grow (if we don't count those who leave). Recently in 5 days it increased almost 2 000.
Edited by drunkblackstar, 25 August 2016 - 02:54 PM.