Phromethius, on 28 January 2014 - 11:06 AM, said:
I know you enjoy the fact that destruction of your mech does not mean player death, but I feel like there needs to be a resource added in, House cbills, House wealth, Merc wealth, something that adds an element of strategy to prolonged conflicts and planetary conquest. The kicker is that it should not be tied to PLAYER wealth, but more so for group activities. So that merc groups and houses that have more activity would have more territory. Smaller groups could contract out to larger groups and not feel left out etc.
I was thinking about this myself: how to incorporate logistics and represent the relationship between attacker resources and defender resources. It's difficult, since --as pointed out-- no one can have more than a company of mechs on the field at once, and it's assumed that there will, in fact, be tonnage limits (which I support).
What I came up with was using access to our extensive (and totally and in all ways beyond canon) garages/mechlabs. Say there's a campaign for a world. Say 8 battles have to be won (divided up among the different play-modes) to take the world. That's an arbitrary number I just threw out there... doesn't matter. Defenders will have full access to their garages for the duration of the campaign. Before every match, they can chose from their mechs based on map/game mode.
The attackers have a finite number of overall mechs they can bring to the campaign, based on the number and type of dropships committed to the assault by their faction (not sure how this decision will be made). Faction players will get to pick a few mechs to take along for the campaign, the number based on their loyalty rating with the attacking faction. Higher ranked players may get to bring 5 mechs to chose from, lower ranked players may only get one.
Mercs bring their own dropships, so they get to divvy up their mechbays as they see fit. If they bring an Overlord with 36 bays, each member of their company can bring 3 mechs, or whatever they decide. If they bring a Union with 12 bays, each member of the company can only use one mech for the duration of the campaign.
Lonewolves have no dropships or faction support. They must chose one mech for the duration of the campaign, whether defending or attacking Their garage isn't within the defending territory, like the faction defenders'; it's on Solaris or something. So the defending faction will only provide for transportation of a single lonewolf mech to the contested world, whether defending or attacking... Lonewolves shouldn't be contracted to take a dropship berth in a faction's attacking force until they've gotten a pretty high loyalty rating with said faction. Garrison duty only. I feel It should suck to be a lonewolf out in the cold...
Not only will this reflect the defenders' superior logistical position by allowing them unlimited access to their mechbays, it will add a deeper level of play in that attacking players with lower loyalty will have to make smart decisions in deciding which mechs to bring and how to build them. Big name merc companies will be able to bring the kitchen sink (and charge big name prices!) while rag-tag little merc units will also have to deploy smart, as well as have a reason to save up their money for more dropships. And lonewolves, well, it's always been a hard-knock life for us. No one's doing me any favors, and I ain't askin' for any, either

Finally, it gives our loyalty ratings a tangible in-game value beyond unlocking skins (which is cool and all, but I'd like to see it mean more).
I know it's not perfect, but how does this sound as a framework to build on?