It's also had me rethinking my controls as a whole. Looking at mice, they seem to cover a broad range - from the basic 5 buttons up to 20+ buttons. So before I buy, I'm looking at what commands in MWO that I would want at my fingertips, to make sure that I get a mouse that covers it all.
My current setup:
Joystick buttons:
- Hat switch - zoom, advanced zoom, thermal and night visions
- Trigger - weapons group 3
- Thumb1 - weapons group 4
- Thumb2 - jump jets
- Thumb3 - target lock
- LMB - weapons group 1
- RMB - weapons group 2
- show target overlay ('q')
- free look (left ctrl)
- override shutdown ('o')
- weapons group 5
- toggle ECM ('j')
- show battlemap ('b')
- show scoreboard ('tab')
- artillery strike
- air strike
- weapon door toggle
- weapons group 6
So it looks like I really need a minimum of 10 buttons, but there's a part of me that feels that's overkill. What are other people doing? Any commands that you feel are invaluable? What's a good mouse?
Edited by Buckminster, 28 January 2014 - 05:39 AM.