Jaguar Prime, on 28 January 2014 - 01:23 PM, said:
And countering it is no more challenging.
Bulls***. As Jman noted if it was so easy to counter it wouldn't be the de facto strategy in the 12 man queue. It wouln't be the strongest build in all other games.
Why it's a Problem:
1) As noted by another poster - it is high (very high) reward for minimal risk. That alone is a game breaker. Period. Massive damage output with none to very little damage taken in return is big time bad balance. This is the primary #1 problem.
2) The fact that the weapons they carry can be just as powerful in a brawl and mid range combat, as they are in jump sniping. So they get the benefit of a whole additional tactical ability (a VERY powerful one at that) that non jump capable mechs do not.
3) This relegates almost all mechs without jump capability to having a serious disadvantage. A double one since they cant play high reward vs low risk damage trading, as well as not being able to enter or exit battle as easily (mobility and terrain).
4) The fact that a number of "assault" class mechs can do it so easily. Therefore bringing all that armor and heavier weaponry to the tactic, creating even more reward vs risk. Its actually an almost silly situation that this has been around so long.
Its a really crappy situation. Also as another player noted its not actually "hard" to jump snipe. If you have decent aim to begin with it translates just fine into jump sniping. In fact its a bit easier to jump snipe vs brawling. Lot less movement variables.
The only people claiming it takes skill are folks who've come to rely on it, and believe that their "skill" is what makes it work. But its the massive advantages the tactic delivers that makes it work.
Another thought is the idea about the mechs being less agile in the air, while it would help, it does not stop the core problem of the tactic at all. The assault mech might be slightly easier to kill, but its still a frickin assault mech (armor). Plus they are already taking much less damage from return fire (low risk part). So a fix along that line would be a minimal effect at best.
Its a weak arse tactic, that invalidated many elements of the game. Of course the saddest part is "that the devs have let this continue unabated for so long". The only fix (cockpit shake) to address this was basically removed.
If they continue to allow mechs to fire while in the air / jumping they need to really kill accuracy somehow:
1) That skittish shaky reticle should be in effect the ENTIRE time a mech is in the air (No contact with the ground, no ability for the mechs "musculature" to effectively stabilize it). That alone would have a HUGE effect.
2) The "random" hit element in effect now when mech is firing its jump jets should be in effect the ENTIRE time a mech is in the air (same reason as above - non counterable kickback). Again a HUGE effect.
* Either option or BOTH would be the ideal solutions here. You can still fire your weapons in air, but your chance to hit goes way down, therefore reflecting a LOWER REWARD to go along with the LOW RISK. Thats called balance.
Edit: Typos.
Edited by WarZ, 28 January 2014 - 07:42 PM.