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My Light Battlemechs Loadout

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#1 Countess


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 02:01 PM

I've been thinking most of them for a while (except the Spider) and these are the results. What do you guys think?

My Raven-3L Loadout

Explanation: Since it has no jump jets, I use it to stay close to the team and, since a light mech is a low priority when there are heavies and assaults shooting at you, I circle the enemies and shoot them with the Pulse lasers and ST SRM. Also have TAG for great distances. This mech works well for me against every type of weight.

My Spider-5D Loadout

Explanation: I use it to get to high grounds and snipe. I have Advanced Zoom Module and Adv. Sensor, which in combination with the Beagle gives a total of 1200m sensor range, instead of 800.

Also guys, I'm looking for a good loadout for a Commando-2D (the one with ECM). Do you guys have any advice?

Thanks in advance!

#2 The Silent Protagonist


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 02:34 PM

1st off, epic sig, I want one for my com-2d loadout I'm about to send you :D


Feel free to drop the ER to a standard LL if you find that the heat neutrality doesn't quite work (should be heat neutral though)

Also a fun swap I did was rip out one SSRM and have a ERPPC. That was hilarious.

*edit had to swap out the SSRM for a SRM, forgot that

*Disclaimer* this build is stupid, but works damn well for me

Edited by Lt XKalibur, 30 January 2014 - 02:39 PM.

#3 Past


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 07:08 PM


I would go for this for your raven. I moved the BaP to the same segment as the ECM as more components in the same segment means better chances of not losing a component when the armor is gone from crits. The 2 free tons from changing the pulses to normal medium laser allows for 0.5 tons more armor having full the legs at 32/32 is essential and the extra on the cockpit and arms doesnt hurt either. 1.5 tons gets you from an XL255 to an XL280 and that extra speed can boost your survival and damage.
You do lose 2 damage from downgradng the lasers but you will do full damage out to 270 metres you will find this fact more than makes up for the damage lost.

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