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Æos, Adult Multi-Gaming Guild

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#1 Pander Beers


  • Liquid Metal
  • 3 posts
  • LocationDallas, TX

Posted 23 February 2014 - 04:59 PM

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Guild website: http://www.aeosgaming.com

Geography: International - Majority US/Canada

VoIP: Mumble

Æos is a multi-gaming guild. We have intentionally organized ourselves in a way that enables people to have the resources of a guild that they'll need to play the games they want, with the kind of people they want, without a strict hierarchy of ranks and rules.

Generally people who enjoy challenge and competition, whether it's PvP or PvE, gravitate towards us. For the roleplayers out there, we align ourselves as a Chaotic Neutral guild, steering clear from authority and holding fast to our freedom and individualism.

We would prefer to play with an inexperienced player who wants to get better and is fun to play with... rather than a "pro" so full of themselves that it stops being fun for everyone else.

If you've got an ego you can't control or like to troll -- move along, we've got nothing for you. As such, we have a zero-tolerance policy on unsportsmanlike conduct in the form of: intentional exploiting, lag switching, aim-botting, combat logging, etc.

Key Requirements to Join
1. No Whining/Trolling
2. Desire to Play Better
3. Mumble (with working mic)
4. 18+ years old

In the context of MWO, we won't force you to play a certain mech or build. That's hardly fun.

Edited by Pander Beers, 23 February 2014 - 05:00 PM.

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