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Unable To Play Since The Last Patch

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#1 Snowdrop


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 04:34 AM

Hi, as the title says, I've been unable to play since the last patch.
I get the infamous CryEngine Error "Memory allocation for x bytes failed" every time I try to join a match, just before the game is supposed to show the scoreboard.
Yes, I get it all the times, even with all video settings set to low.
I used to get that error only once every 20 or 30 rounds before the patch.
After the introduction of UI2, I've managed to play exactly one round, noticed a significant FPS drop ( down to 15-20fps from a stable 60 ) I had to spend the whole round messing with the video settings trying to stabilize the fps, without success ), after that I tryed to join another round but got said memory error, so I tought to wait for the announced hotfix before trying to play again.
After the hotfix, I've been unable to play at all, I get the memory allocation error 100% of the times.
I tryed deleting the shader cache and updating my video drivers.
Then I tryed a clean install, and that's where the fun began ... because the new installer doesn't work for me! it just says "Installation Completed Successfully", but clicking the "Launch" button at the last screen does nothing, no shortcut has been created by the installer, neither is the target install directory.
So, after a few tryes, I downloaded the Repair Tool and tricked it into installing the whole game, bypassing the installer. I now have the game installed but I get the usuall error.
Here are my system specs:
WinXp 32bit ( yes, I know )
i7 2500k, Radeon HD6950 ( unlocked to 6970 shader count, and no, that can't possibly be the problem ), 4gb of ram ( OS sees only 3.5 ).
Yes, I do have Win7 64bit on a secondary HD and could try to run the game there, for the sake of argument.
No, it's there just for development and tests, I'm not switching OS just because you guys can't tell the CryEngine that, on 32bit WinXp, it can use AT MOST 2gb addressed memory space, regardless of installed ram.
Also yes, every other game works fine, including Crysis 2.
I'm short of options here and waiting your reply.EDIT:Ok, I've managed to get into a game ... apparently setting the detail to MEDIUM uses LESS memory than setting everything to LOW ... I checked the task manager twice to make sure, considering how weird is that.I'm still getting low fps, I'll see if there is a combination of settings that gives me stable framerate and doesn't make the game crash ...

Edited by Snowdrop, 08 February 2014 - 05:45 AM.

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