- The homepage it all seems to be fine no problems here although you could put all the information of the selected mech on screen.
- The UI sounds need a seperate on/off
- C-bills, MC and premium time info should easily be seen from here instead of being tucked away in the corner with small font.
- ESC should brng you back a page
- The social section could be easier to access and more prominent.
- The two boxes could be combined and centered into one if it disables on the fly mechlab modifications possibly but it’s not too bad.
- Larger font / buttons.
- On the fly social tab would be nice
- Selected game mode stays selected by default.
- When going from home to mechlab selected mech and class type should open by deafult so you can go straight to that mech
- Hero/Champion mechs of any given chassis should be with the rest of that chassis type.
- Trial Mechs should only be in the Trial or All section.
- The need to know info on the mech is not clear it was very clear in old UI perhaps needs a box to contrast and larger font it is in the wrong place.
- Modules, weapons, engine etc. The detailed info should be in a sub menu with a button as i do not need to know torso twist etc.
- Configure button is too small should be Replaced with double clicks as in previous UI.
- C-bills/MC again small buttons bad position.
- No need for the mech to take up all the screen here, in Camo spec and Homepage thats ok.
- Buttons too small.
- Quick release module button.
- Tonnage/Heat/Speed info pane is in a bad position needs to be higher needs contrasting box.
- Needs same infor as before. Engine, Modules, Empty lots etc etc.
- Here the mech needs to be centered and by clicking on the body parts you open the section for modding.
- Needs tonnage info on engines/weapons
- Needs list view
- Needs fiilter for owned engines
- Needs ability to sell items from here
- Needs a save button up high no need for a checkout its not amazon no mc engines/weapons.
- Double click is really needed to remove add and purchace these tiny buttons are just annoying.
- Again button position needs to be changed.
- Needs to be as easy as before.
- Main configuration options need to be accesible from same page ie: loadout to modules, modules to camo, camo to upgrades and one save button up high.
- Camo screen is under utilzed it could take up half of screen so you can see more colors/camo options on screen instead of small slider window.
- Slider constantly resets.
- Not that bad but needs double click and use of ESC.
- Cockpit items are Ok.
- Quick Release cockpit items.
9. Rename mech OK.
- Navigation needs to be more friendly Double click, ESC key.
- Mech configuration needs to be 1 page and seamless
- Old style assembly or Smurfy Style
- Information needs to be better on Mech/engines/weapons.
- Disable UI sound.
- Larger buttons font.
- Save button high instead of checkout.
- Quick release module button.
- Quick Release cockpit items.
Edited by omegagun, 09 February 2014 - 12:58 PM.