MechB Kotare, on 12 February 2014 - 10:35 AM, said:
Amazing man.
It probably gonna sound stupid, but could you provide me with a quick guide as how to repaint concept art so beautifully?
I mean. I know you're probably using Photoshop lol...
But what tool are you using? What image adjustements etc etc.
Thanks in advice.
Yes, Photoshop.
Something like this:
1- remove the background. I do it with the Polygonal Lasso Tool. I zoom the image and start selecting the background out of the mech itself and then I delete it.
2- I clean up the mech, removing decals and stuff, usually with the Clone Stamp Tool.
3- I normalize the colors. That's tricky... normally I select one color and change the hue to look like the other (using Image/Adjustments/Replace Color) and them I desaturate the whole mech (turn it to grey), with Image/Adjustments/Desaturate.
4- I select the whole mech (Ctrl + left click on the mech layer) and copy. Them I paste this copy of the mech in a new layer. I turn this new layer to all black (by using Image/Adjustments/Hue-Saturation and setting the Lightness as -100).
5- This layer can be colored now with the Paint Bucket Tool. It will be the "paint layer".
6- In the paint layer, I set it as Overlay, Soft Light or Multiply to reach the desired coloring.
7- Now again with the Polygonal Lasso Tool I remove the parts I don't want to paint (usually the cockpit, the internal metal, etc.), leaving only the painted parts.
That's the very basic. I'm pretty sure there is a full tutorial somewhere here in the forums.
If you want to skip the first 5 steps, just grab a template made by the guys on the Repainted Concept Art thread.
Pariah Devalis, on 12 February 2014 - 10:37 AM, said:
Because he is referred to as The Stormcrow. Was this a test?

But for the life of me I cannot locate the other icon. Or rather, I suspect I know which icon I am looking for, but cannot find a match for it. :\
Very good!
The other one is hard indeed. Only those initiated will know...
One answer is better them none, so I will work on your Warhawk, but after I do my Firestarter repaint. (the concept art is so gorgeous...)
EDIT: typos.
Edited by Odanan, 13 February 2014 - 03:50 AM.