After your strip away the armor you are left with internal health. Sadly, there is no exact guideline to tell you how much damage you need to do prepare someone on their way to destruction.
Here is a helpful guideline so you don't waste firepower and create excess heat.
I suggest you create "magic number" weapons groupings for efficient killing.
Internal Color after armor is gone:
(too damn similar to tell apart)
(50 tons and below) = ~30
(70 tons and below) = ~ 40 damage to destroy any part.
(100 tons and below) = 55 - 60 damage to destroy any part.
Deep orange (ALL MECHS) = 20-30 damage to destroy any part.
Any Shade of red (ALL MECHS) = 15 damage to destroy any part.
Laser Slashing
Generally 4 laser slashes, (if target is painted for a least .30 of a second?)
where laser damage is spread
just One Full beam duration (medium laser tested).
So for example if you where facing down a 35 ton mech, if no center torso armor and only 1 medium laser,
you would shoot him directly him 30/5 = 6 times.
you would have to laser slash him = 6 * 4 = 24 times.
If you where laser slashing him with 4 medium lasers at a time you would only have to slash ~6 times.
In more extreme cases such as in the awesome , where a armorless mech dies with 10 +1 medium laser shots, it took 25 sweeps with 4 medium lasers combined to kill it.
It should only have taken 11 * 4 = 44 /4 = 11 slashes.
In Conclusion = Laser slashing generally sucks balls unless the target is already heavily damaged.
If you are going to slash, slash downwards from head to crotch, not should to shoulder, to maximize paint time.
Edited by ManDaisy, 26 April 2014 - 07:42 PM.