Few things I seen recently:
People seeing through walls. Let's them see a light mech sneaking up.
Regenerative armor hacks. That's right you shoot them and over time their armor repairs itself slowly, so as not to be detected. Several players are using this hack at late night.
LRMS locking onto ECM mechs with NO BAP , NO TAG, NO UAV, NO friendly ECM Jamming. They been doing this one in stealth a lot so as players don't complain. No it's not direct fire either. The missiles follow the target moving at 150 kph behind cover with no tag on the target.
AUTO aimers. Had guy I sniped him he's in assault full run in crystalline desert I am beside a wedge (rock out cropping that forms overhead and side) he turns around and snap shots with gauss nearly instantly. Range 700 plus, at that range he cant see me or lock without visuals yet instant gauss snap shot. Got love that kind of real life fighter pilot reflexes charge turn and fire gauss perfectly all right as the shot registers.
Need to find solution to cheaters.
Start banning these people.

Cheating Present
Started by Wesxander, Feb 16 2014 04:48 AM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 16 February 2014 - 04:48 AM
Posted 16 February 2014 - 04:55 AM
If you suspect a player of cheating, you need to report that player to the support e-mail. Without player names, beyond making Devs aware that these sorts of hacks may exist you're not helping solve the issue all that much. The fixers need their evidence and data.

Posted 16 February 2014 - 05:02 AM
Yep, email support@mwomercs.com with player names, screenshots if possible, all the data you can remember/record about the match in question. Posting it publicly on the forums will only get you moderated for discussing exploits for the game.
Posted 16 February 2014 - 05:08 AM
Wesxander, on 16 February 2014 - 04:48 AM, said:
Few things I seen recently:
People seeing through walls. Let's them see a light mech sneaking up.
Regenerative armor hacks. That's right you shoot them and over time their armor repairs itself slowly, so as not to be detected. Several players are using this hack at late night.
LRMS locking onto ECM mechs with NO BAP , NO TAG, NO UAV, NO friendly ECM Jamming. They been doing this one in stealth a lot so as players don't complain. No it's not direct fire either. The missiles follow the target moving at 150 kph behind cover with no tag on the target.
AUTO aimers. Had guy I sniped him he's in assault full run in crystalline desert I am beside a wedge (rock out cropping that forms overhead and side) he turns around and snap shots with gauss nearly instantly. Range 700 plus, at that range he cant see me or lock without visuals yet instant gauss snap shot. Got love that kind of real life fighter pilot reflexes charge turn and fire gauss perfectly all right as the shot registers.
Need to find solution to cheaters.
Start banning these people.
People seeing through walls. Let's them see a light mech sneaking up.
Regenerative armor hacks. That's right you shoot them and over time their armor repairs itself slowly, so as not to be detected. Several players are using this hack at late night.
LRMS locking onto ECM mechs with NO BAP , NO TAG, NO UAV, NO friendly ECM Jamming. They been doing this one in stealth a lot so as players don't complain. No it's not direct fire either. The missiles follow the target moving at 150 kph behind cover with no tag on the target.
AUTO aimers. Had guy I sniped him he's in assault full run in crystalline desert I am beside a wedge (rock out cropping that forms overhead and side) he turns around and snap shots with gauss nearly instantly. Range 700 plus, at that range he cant see me or lock without visuals yet instant gauss snap shot. Got love that kind of real life fighter pilot reflexes charge turn and fire gauss perfectly all right as the shot registers.
Need to find solution to cheaters.
Start banning these people.
I've played this game for about just over 2000 hours. In all my time, I have perhaps seen 3 times the possibility of someone using an aimbot, POSSIBLY.
This might sound cliche's but are you sure you weren't just outplayed?
Edited by PanzerMagier, 16 February 2014 - 05:13 AM.
Posted 16 February 2014 - 06:42 AM
record the gameplay and email support
Posted 16 February 2014 - 09:47 AM
Oh, good lord. There's a lot of things you can blame PGI for, but their customer support through support@mwomercs.com is very good. I've dealt with them many times over the last year and a half, and they've always responded fast and resolved things well.
Posting about people cheating here is utterly pointless (and honestly makes you look kind of pathetic, as it lumps you into the "They're beating me so they must be cheating" camp.
I've got near 4000 drops now, and have been playing since closed beta. In that time, you know how many times I've seen something that's been clearly cheating?
Never. Not once.
I see posts like these on the forums, and every time it's something that the poster is just flat out wrong about. Usually it's something entirely stupid.
Now, I'm not saying nobody ever cheats, but there's a limited set of things you CAN cheat with. Yes, it's theoretically possible to see through walls (There's an existing bug with video settings that can make terrain transparent - but this isn't the advantage you'd think, as it's nearly impossible to play that way; you can't see a lot of obstacles at all). Due to the server-authorative structure of things, it's impossible to do a lot of the hacks people say are happening.
Other things have entirely reasonable non-cheating alternatives.
How do you know they are seeing through walls? Lets ignore what I said above. Seismic shows the light approaching. Maybe another friendly has LOS (or HAD LOS and was using Target Decay) causing him to show up on sensors. Maybe he saw the light moving previously and made an educated guess as to where he'd go.
Predicting enemy movements isn't rocket science, and is something any half decent player will do with regularity.
In short, you're assuming a very specific method of cheating as a response to something that's not unusual... When you couldn't possibly know they were doing that.
Server authorative. This is quite frankly impossible as the client doesn't maintain armor values.
There is a window where you can lock an ECM cloaked target. It's small, but it exists. Once you have that lock, with Target Decay you can hold it longer once it moves out of range. But an important part here is: How do you know there's no TAG etc? It's not impossible (or even difficult) to arrange that sort of thing.
I do this all the time. Sometimes it just works out well, landing a headshot that just kills outright. Usually it doesn't, but it's not at all unusual for me to snapshot and hit enemy targets. 700m is not long range, it's not hard at all to snapshot someone there. Particularly back when the Heavy Metal was first released and Gauss+PPC's were king, I'd typically get a headshot kill per match poptarting.
And I'm not amazingly good. I'm pretty experienced, though.
This complaint is 100% "I suck, therefore because someone else appears better than me he must be cheating."
Anyways, when all is said and done, if you care (and obviously you're whining here, so you do), then do something about it. FRAPS your matches, take screenshots, send it to support@mwomercs.com
Put up or shut up.
Screenshots or you're just complaining because you can't accept that others are better than you.
Oh, good lord. There's a lot of things you can blame PGI for, but their customer support through support@mwomercs.com is very good. I've dealt with them many times over the last year and a half, and they've always responded fast and resolved things well.
Posting about people cheating here is utterly pointless (and honestly makes you look kind of pathetic, as it lumps you into the "They're beating me so they must be cheating" camp.
I've got near 4000 drops now, and have been playing since closed beta. In that time, you know how many times I've seen something that's been clearly cheating?
Never. Not once.
I see posts like these on the forums, and every time it's something that the poster is just flat out wrong about. Usually it's something entirely stupid.
Now, I'm not saying nobody ever cheats, but there's a limited set of things you CAN cheat with. Yes, it's theoretically possible to see through walls (There's an existing bug with video settings that can make terrain transparent - but this isn't the advantage you'd think, as it's nearly impossible to play that way; you can't see a lot of obstacles at all). Due to the server-authorative structure of things, it's impossible to do a lot of the hacks people say are happening.
Other things have entirely reasonable non-cheating alternatives.
People seeing through walls. Let's them see a light mech sneaking up.
Predicting enemy movements isn't rocket science, and is something any half decent player will do with regularity.
In short, you're assuming a very specific method of cheating as a response to something that's not unusual... When you couldn't possibly know they were doing that.
Regenerative armor hacks. That's right you shoot them and over time their armor repairs itself slowly, so as not to be detected. Several players are using this hack at late night.
LRMS locking onto ECM mechs with NO BAP , NO TAG, NO UAV, NO friendly ECM Jamming. They been doing this one in stealth a lot so as players don't complain. No it's not direct fire either. The missiles follow the target moving at 150 kph behind cover with no tag on the target.
AUTO aimers. Had guy I sniped him he's in assault full run in crystalline desert I am beside a wedge (rock out cropping that forms overhead and side) he turns around and snap shots with gauss nearly instantly. Range 700 plus, at that range he cant see me or lock without visuals yet instant gauss snap shot. Got love that kind of real life fighter pilot reflexes charge turn and fire gauss perfectly all right as the shot registers.
I do this all the time. Sometimes it just works out well, landing a headshot that just kills outright. Usually it doesn't, but it's not at all unusual for me to snapshot and hit enemy targets. 700m is not long range, it's not hard at all to snapshot someone there. Particularly back when the Heavy Metal was first released and Gauss+PPC's were king, I'd typically get a headshot kill per match poptarting.
And I'm not amazingly good. I'm pretty experienced, though.
This complaint is 100% "I suck, therefore because someone else appears better than me he must be cheating."
Anyways, when all is said and done, if you care (and obviously you're whining here, so you do), then do something about it. FRAPS your matches, take screenshots, send it to support@mwomercs.com
Put up or shut up.
Screenshots or you're just complaining because you can't accept that others are better than you.
Edited by Egomane, 16 February 2014 - 10:01 AM.
responding to removed content
Posted 16 February 2014 - 10:00 AM
Discussing these things on the forums, real or not, will only advertise it, but will not provide a solution.
Removed one post for active advertising concerning the usage of cheats.
If you find someone who you suspect of cheating, please file e ticket with support to support@mwomercs.com or with the web-ticket system.
In your report include the following information, if available:
- name of player you suspect cheating
- type of cheat (aimbot, wallhack, etc.)
- map played
- date, time and timezone
- other players involved (witnesses)
- screenshots
- links to video or other material that might prove usefull to the GMs to solve tha case.
Thread closed!
Removed one post for active advertising concerning the usage of cheats.
If you find someone who you suspect of cheating, please file e ticket with support to support@mwomercs.com or with the web-ticket system.
In your report include the following information, if available:
- name of player you suspect cheating
- type of cheat (aimbot, wallhack, etc.)
- map played
- date, time and timezone
- other players involved (witnesses)
- screenshots
- links to video or other material that might prove usefull to the GMs to solve tha case.
Thread closed!
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