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C-Bill Farming?

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#1 Rafael Velazquez


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 07:51 AM

Hi everybody! I've been off of MWO for a long time, when I finally launched game, I've seen a lot of new mechs, features, blablabl. But! Darn, what happend with income? Regarding to my last matches, I earn 70-80k C-Bills at average. So just to buy and try on a BLR type I have to play 100-110 matches (70k C-Bills per match, just as an example). OH GOOD LORD!!1

Any tips how to increase an income? Except those "Go buy a premium and hero mech, and evetually go buy it for MC".

Edited by Rafael Velazquez, 18 February 2014 - 07:55 AM.

#2 The Great Unwashed


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 07:56 AM


#3 Mycrus


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 07:58 AM

View PostRafael Velazquez, on 18 February 2014 - 07:51 AM, said:

Any tips how to increase an income? Except those "Go buy a premium and hero mech, and evetually go buy it for MC".

that kinda is the idea when they nerfed the reward system during 12v12 release...

they WANT you to hero mech...

they WANT you to premium time...

#4 Jody Von Jedi


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 08:10 AM

I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but......

When I'm grinding out C-Bills, I try to land damage on as many different enemy mechs as I can. Each kill assist is worth (IIRC) 6500 c-bills. I've actually had matches in Skirmish where I had 12 assists. Savior kills really rack up the earnings too. So help out your team mates if they appear to be in trouble. Stick with your team and focus fire, but if you have an opportunity, land a round or 2 on every enemy in sight.

Curious, what are you piloting?

My all time average is 85k per match. That includes every match I've ever played. Obviously you get better with practice so my more recent matches are more like a 120-130k average. I bought a CTF-IM so that boosted my earning considerably.

If your playing routinely, say 3 or 4 days a week, a couple hours a day, without any bonuses, you should be able to do 100k plus with a decent built mech.

Let us know what you're piloting.


edited for spelling

Edited by Jody Von Jedi, 18 February 2014 - 08:12 AM.

#5 Darwins Dog


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 08:20 AM

Rewards were "nerfed" to standardize them after removing repair & rearm costs. Most people are making about the same net income (according to PGI) as they were before.

Some newer things that help are the bonuses for using TAG and UAVs. Announce at the start of a match that you have a TAG, and is there are LRM mechs, they will know to look for your targets. If you pair up with a LRM mech (on teamspeak or something like that), the TAG bonus can be pretty sweet. UAVs cost cbills to run, but if you time them right, they can actually turn a profit (but they can also cost you money).

If you run with a regular unit, or just some friends on one of the public TS servers, you will see an increase in earnings. Teamwork is still OP. :)

There are a few sources for free premium time (a day here, a day there) that are nice if you know you will be playing for a fair chunk of time.

I will also throw in hero mechs, because they are the best way to get fast money. The light and medium ones are fairly cheap, and they make a lot of difference.

#6 Rafael Velazquez


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 08:28 AM

View PostJody Von Jedi, on 18 February 2014 - 08:10 AM, said:

I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but......

When I'm grinding out C-Bills, I try to land damage on as many different enemy mechs as I can. Each kill assist is worth (IIRC) 6500 c-bills. I've actually had matches in Skirmish where I had 12 assists. Savior kills really rack up the earnings too. So help out your team mates if they appear to be in trouble. Stick with your team and focus fire, but if you have an opportunity, land a round or 2 on every enemy in sight.

Curious, what are you piloting?

My all time average is 85k per match. That includes every match I've ever played. Obviously you get better with practice so my more recent matches are more like a 120-130k average. I bought a CTF-IM so that boosted my earning considerably.

If your playing routinely, say 3 or 4 days a week, a couple hours a day, without any bonuses, you should be able to do 100k plus with a decent built mech.

Let us know what you're piloting.


edited for spelling

Flamed? What for? For giving an advice? :) I gave it a like, so, thnx.

I have few accounts. First contains Spider5K and Yen-Lo and second is AS7-D, CPLT-K2, a brand new Locust (darn it was a waste of C-Bills) and also has 7days Premium in a stash :ph34r:

#7 TercieI


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 08:33 AM

View PostRafael Velazquez, on 18 February 2014 - 08:28 AM, said:

Flamed? What for? For giving an advice? :) I gave it a like, so, thnx.

For giving advice focused on making c-bills at least potentially at the expense of helping your team win.

Not a flame, just an observation, and why I didn't answer your thread initially.

For me, the answer is: Play. Try to win. Try to improve. C-bills will follow. And PT & heroes help.

#8 Redshift2k5

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Posted 18 February 2014 - 08:36 AM

Making sure you collect as many Assists as possible is key. Assists pay very well, and you can go and get 8, 10, 12 assists per match (presumably you are not getting 8 kills per match or you wouldn't be complaining about your )

Without using premium time or a hero mech, yes, you should take a lot of time invested to earn new mechs and their upgrades (My 3 shadowhawks, plus upgrades, cost me 25 million). You can pay either time or money, and for a free game, it will take longer to earn a new mech than you would otherwise see in a paid box title game or a subscription game.

The earnings were nerfed when we went to 12 vs 12 because you can easily collect more kills, assists, components, damage done, etc with 50% more targets on the field. I still easily make 100-120k per match without premium or a Hero.

Depending on your mech(s) you own, you should either focus on spotting and locking (try a TAG for spotting bonuses!) or racking up assists. Make getting as many assists per matcxh as possible part of your priority, which means sticking to your teammates.

#9 Rafael Velazquez


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 08:42 AM

View PostTerciel1976, on 18 February 2014 - 08:33 AM, said:

For me, the answer is: Play. Try to win. Try to improve. C-bills will follow. And PT & heroes help.

Yeah yeah I know it but I don't want to spend loads of time for this game just try on new stuff. 20 hours of gameplay just to play BLR? Omg no way. I guess I'd just wait 'till some mechs will get into trial's list.

Edited by Rafael Velazquez, 18 February 2014 - 08:46 AM.

#10 Jody Von Jedi


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 08:47 AM

C-Bill generation is tied to Damage, kills, kill assists, savior kills, salvage bonus for the winning team, spotting, and maybe a few more I'm missing. The light mechs, unless you're really good and survive until the end of the match aren't going to give you much damage potential, but if your spotting for an LRM buddy, you can rack up the spotting rewards.

For the Assualt and Heavy in your stable, I'd suggest staying with your lance/team and focus fire with your team. Hit the occasional target of oppurtunity and watch your team mates backs.


#11 TercieI


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 08:48 AM

View PostRafael Velazquez, on 18 February 2014 - 08:42 AM, said:

Yeah yeah I know it but I don't want to spend loads of time for this game just try on new stuff. 20 hours of gameplay just to play BLR? Omg no way. I guess I'd just wait 'till some mechs will get into trial's list.

Fair enough. Personally, I have enjoyed a wide variety of mechs and styles and played a lot of hours, enjoying most of them, so I don't feel much "rush."

#12 NRP


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 08:55 AM

Doing a lot of damage and getting a lot of assists seems to be the most straightforward way of increasing your income.

Aside from that, it's probably worth taking a TAG and a UAV on your smaller, faster mechs. There are a lot of LRM boats out there (and one of the Trial mechs is an LRM boat), so these will allow you to dramatically increase your income if you use them wisely.

Other than that, just win baby.

Edited by NRP, 18 February 2014 - 08:55 AM.

#13 Sug


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 09:03 AM

View PostDarwins Dog, on 18 February 2014 - 08:20 AM, said:

Rewards were "nerfed" to standardize them after removing repair & rearm costs. Most people are making about the same net income (according to PGI) as they were before.

Some newer things that help are the bonuses for using TAG and UAVs.

R&R nerf was ages ago. They nerfed rewards again when they introduced 12v12. The logic being that since there are more mechs in the match there are more opportunities to earn cbills. Didn't really work out that way and most people saw a large drop in their average match rewards.

If no one has LRMs TAG is worthless. You can't recoup the cost of a UAV with UAV assists. You'll lose like 35k for every UAV you pop.

The big money is in Assists and Savior Kills. You get Savior Kills if one of the mechs involved with the kill are below a certain % of mech health. I have seen people intentionally strip armor off their own mechs torso and arm so that they lose them fast and are easily under the threshold for Savior Kills. Just make sure you take a STD engine. Its the closest thing to a cbill cheat I've seen.

Edited by Sug, 18 February 2014 - 09:07 AM.

#14 Modo44


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 09:15 AM

Have fun. You are not required to buy and unlock everything to have a good time. If you focus on the grind, any FTP game will become frustrating in a hurry.

#15 kravkalash


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 09:18 AM

UAVs are not useful for farming C-Bills. Even if you pay for them with MC, you're better off investing the MC in something else (like premium time).

In my experience, farming C-Bills is not really an option. Play to win, otherwise the game becomes frustrating very quickly, and you don't earn anything if you're not playing at all. Tagging every enemy you see with your laser for assists is ok, tho. :)

#16 TercieI


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 09:18 AM

View PostModo44, on 18 February 2014 - 09:15 AM, said:

Have fun. You are not required to buy and unlock everything to have a good time. If you focus on the grind, any FTP game will become frustrating in a hurry.

Words to live (or at least F2P game) by.

#17 Sandpit


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 10:11 AM

Definitely work the assists. They will rack up quickly. When I see a group of enemy mechs I try to get a shot off on each of them at least once. It's a good way to earn some quick cbills. A hero mech on a flash sale is also a GREAT deal. You can get them for under 3k cbills and have a 30% boost which adds up quickly.

#18 Fuggles


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 10:28 AM

you get alot more money for winning, just play the game, have fun and try to win. the worst thing you can do is look at your cbill balance all the time. if you really want to make more money, a cheap hero mech like the deaths knell, oxide, ember or anything else thats on super sale that you like and perform well in will earn you just as much as a boars head or heavy metal will.

i only have the ember and heavy metal myself and ive never paid for premium time and ive been playing about a year and a half, the only other expenditures have been mechbays. average cbills / game is 85k for me.

#19 RiotHero


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 10:41 AM

View PostSug, on 18 February 2014 - 09:03 AM, said:

R&R nerf was ages ago. They nerfed rewards again when they introduced 12v12. The logic being that since there are more mechs in the match there are more opportunities to earn cbills. Didn't really work out that way and most people saw a large drop in their average match rewards.

If no one has LRMs TAG is worthless. You can't recoup the cost of a UAV with UAV assists. You'll lose like 35k for every UAV you pop.

The big money is in Assists and Savior Kills. You get Savior Kills if one of the mechs involved with the kill are below a certain % of mech health. I have seen people intentionally strip armor off their own mechs torso and arm so that they lose them fast and are easily under the threshold for Savior Kills. Just make sure you take a STD engine. Its the closest thing to a cbill cheat I've seen.

This is exactly right, looking at my screenshots Assists and savior kills is always way above everything else. Even games with 1000dmg I get more in assists. Spotting is a big one that adds up quickly too, 15-20k a game.

View PostModo44, on 18 February 2014 - 09:15 AM, said:

Have fun. You are not required to buy and unlock everything to have a good time. If you focus on the grind, any FTP game will become frustrating in a hurry.

This is true.

Really you don't need many mechs in this game at all. Some are just plain terrible and there are a lot of mechs that all do the same thing. Plus some just simply don't fit your play style criteria so they are no go from the start. I only have 7 different chassis and am currently considering selling off some that are outclassed by new mechs. When you have something like the shadow hawk that does basically everything well your hunchbacks look less and less useful. Or a firebrand that makes your k2 look silly, and the jager A that makes the C4 look bad with it's better lrm15 racks that are in tiny boxes and ability to mount LL's.

I don't see any "must have" mechs right now. Admittedly I'm not really interested in assault outside of my Victor so that might be a reason. Also that victor plays better than all of the other heavies I haven't bought yet. Right now I'm either going to save up for an XL325 to try new builds in the mechs I have or for when the griffin and wolverine hit the cbill shop.

#20 MavRCK


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 10:54 AM

1. Premium Time
2. Hero Mech
3. Stay alive - the longer you stay alive, the more damage you do, the more assists you obtain
4. Play effectively - if you focus on assists more than effective damage, you will actually do worse and get less assists - Don't DIE
5. Get critical hits - See #4 - blowing off components will give you extra rewards and hopefully a kill - removing a leg almost guarantees a kill - removing an arm removes weapons - both reduce the effectiveness of your enemy trying to KILL YOU
6. Get kills - yes assists are rewarded highly, but assists don't try to KILL YOU
7. Spend $ - buy an artillery strike and a cheap coolant shot - don't be cheap - see #4
8. Win - 3+4+5+6+7 = win the game -- that's the best way to maximize your earnings

I win on average 70% of my games solo-dropping -- one of the best players in the game, Kaffeangst, winner of many tournaments, once said to me, "I carry games by doing a lot of damage." He's right. Do the damage, get the kills and you'll carry the game.

Carry the game and farm lots of c-bills.

(With premium time and a hero mech.)

Edited by MavRCK, 18 February 2014 - 11:02 AM.

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