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Battle Academy Online: The Ultimate Mech And Strategy Guide!

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#1 990Dreams


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 02:23 PM

Welcome to Battle Academy: Online!

Here you can find everything relating to Mech builds and tactical strategies!

Feel free to make requests/suggestions!

New and can't post here? Try the Battle Academy Online Request thread!

Basic Q&A (updated 2/18/2014, 4:34 EST)

All builds posted in this thread:
Last updated: 12:07 PM EST, 3/7/14

First post includes 3 builds and a bit of advice.

Smackdown VTR-9S
This Mech will smack down its opponents with ease. Designed for CQC (Close Quarters Combat i.e Brawling) it comes equipped with an AC/20, 2 Medium Lasers and 2 SSRM 2s to deal a heavy hit.


Gaussback HBK-4G
This Mech is designed for sniper functionality. A single Gauss with 4 tons of ammo gives this Mech astonishing damage at an appreciable range. 3 Medium lasers can bear down for the kill, or to defend when an ally isn't around.


Jagerbow JM6-A
This Mech is designed for LRM boating functionality. A 40 LRM salvo allows an optimal number of LRMs to be fired and 1800 LRMs are ready to be loaded into the tubes. 2 Medium Lasers can be used for defense.


Tactical advice: The radar doesn't lie!

You'd be surprised how many times my radar has saved my life. I almost always look at it when I am not in a battle and even in a battle I check it every now and then. I've gotten many radar flashes for just a brief second, but those flashes let me know that something is nearby and that I should be prepared. Never, ever, ever neglect your radar.

I spent a decent amount of time typing this up, so any and all feedback is welcome! And don't forget, I can answer questions you may have (I could even build you a Smurfy based on the way you like to play!)

Edited by DavidHurricane, 08 March 2014 - 06:39 AM.

#2 ginger


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 03:06 PM

This thread looks promising to me, as I have really only seriously piloted mechs 45T and under so far. Looking forward to seeing more from the OP, and I like the additional Tactics section to help put each build in context.

Request: RVN and CDA builds and tactics!

the ginger

#3 990Dreams


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 04:43 PM

View Postginger, on 18 February 2014 - 03:06 PM, said:

Request: RVN and CDA builds and tactics!

Yessir, I can get that done.

Any specific style of piloting I should keep in mind when I'm building them? Or just an example of the chassis options?

Also, any specific chassis I should build off over (ex RVN-3L vs RVN-4X)?

#4 ginger


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 07:00 PM

I really only consistently use the 3L and 3M right meow, and they are both great chassis but I know the other variants are capable of great things as well. I don't know about everyone else but my play style is really heavy on flanking and distracting, and I rely heavily on energy weapons. (Not a fan of having no ammo for killing at the end of a match). I'm doing very well right now solo pugging and 4 man dropping, but feel like I need to expand my horizons a little.

Do whatever it is you do man I'll be following this thread regardless!

the ginger

#5 Blue Hymn


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 07:32 PM

Here's some extra tips for your tactics section.

Common Tactics:
  • "Q" is your best friend to gauge general health of friendlies - and enemies - as well as what kind of mechs they are. Good for intel.
  • "B" is your best tool to gauge and predict where enemies are. Any grid that isn't occupied by friendlies are potential locations for enemy troops. Learn to predict enemy movement, and you can prepare proper positioning to engage them at your discretion.
Advanced Tactics:
  • Torso twist to spread damage when under fire.
  • Disengaging combat is a valid tactic if facing superior opposition.
  • Plan your routes accordingly. Vital if you're a slow mech. Last thing you need is walk into a horde of enemy firepower and not have enough speed to take cover or get out of the way.
  • Help your team with focus fire. The quicker you take down a mech means one less mech shooting at you or your ally.
  • Suppressing enemy movement with weapon fire helps gives time for friendlies to maneuver into position or flanking. Doesn't matter if you're just shooting at the general area where the enemy is located - most pilots tend to back away from incoming fire.
  • If your aim is good, try targeting the enemy's right torso. Most mech designs have the bulk of their firepower perched either on the right torso, or the right arm. Destroying that section would at the very least cripple the firepower they can wield against you or your team.
  • When targeting light mechs, aim for their legs, as a general rule of thumb.
Unorthodox Tactics:
  • Shutting down is a great tool for ambushing unsuspecting mechs.
  • Providing intel on enemy movement is generally appreciated. Also, providing said info also gives your team - if they are competent - enough time to respond to enemy aggression, or take cover if need be.
  • Better to focus your efforts on targets that can still shoot back, rather than weaponless enemies.
Hope this helps.

#6 990Dreams


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 04:46 AM

View PostBlue Hymn, on 18 February 2014 - 07:32 PM, said:

Here's some extra tips for your tactics section.

To minimize the quote size I put spoiler tags.

Yes, I planned to write an article about the Battlegrid, but I think targeting should be the next one. I also should talk about viable targets (moving, armed ones). If I have time I'll do one today.

#7 990Dreams


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 04:32 PM

Pyro FS9-K
For an all energy build with good heat dissipation and containment abilities we bring you the Pyro. Six Medium Lasers can sizle an enemy like an egg on a stove.


ALC(Annoyingly Loud Cicada) CDA-3M
Although this Mech seems like a big joke (and it kinda is) it is something to beware of on the field. An AC/20 at these speeds makes distracting and flanking an easy job.


Crow RVN-3L
This Mech is a pest, similar to an actual Crow eating your garden. It is very fast, has ECM and BAP for electronic warfare, and is a very useful asset when deployed correctly. An SRM 4 and SSRM 2 can bear down on an enemy unit's armor and a Medium Laser can make it glow. A TAG is useful for getting information on a target before engaging.


Tactical advice: Use R to see the enemy!

Ever wonder how to see what an enemy has before you get in range of that AC/20 you just realized it had? Just target! Ever wonder how to target? Just press 'R' (by default)! Targeting can aid LRM boats in locking on and can give you valuable data on the enemy unit's health. Who knows, maybe he is close to dying? Target to find out! Also, NARC can provide LRM support and act as a short ranged tracking beacon. TAG can target units it is hitting from 720m, so if you have a spare ton and energy hard point but don't want those hot lasers, use a TAG instead!

Edited by DavidHurricane, 19 February 2014 - 04:38 PM.

#8 990Dreams


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 04:34 PM

Sentry ON1-P
This is an all around Mech with powerful all-ranged capabilities. Twin Medium Pulse Lasers can help defend at short ranges. A Large Laser is capable of dealing Medium ranged damage. An LRM 15 can give a long ranged volley with an AC/2 providing support at almost any range.


Tactical Advice: Big radar & command screen!

Pressing 'B' by default will bring up the "Battlegrid." From here you can take command and see everything on the field!. I have often used the Battlegrid to see what my distant allies were seeing and to call out sectors using that. By left-clicking you can also issue commands and right-clicking removes them. The Battlegrid is a very advanced tool for information gathering, and you can find a full list of controls inside the Battlegrid itself in-game!

Edited by DavidHurricane, 21 February 2014 - 01:13 PM.

#9 luxebo


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 08:38 PM

Some of these builds are actually really good, thanks for starting up this guide DavidHurricane! Just gonna say as well you may want to put some links linking to all your builds or some order or fashion in making things organized, makes it easier that way.

#10 990Dreams


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Posted 21 February 2014 - 01:23 PM

Gladioli CN9-A( C)
This Mech isn't the biggest gun in the arsenal. It compensates for this by being fast and deadly like a dagger. An AC/2 can keep the enemy off their feet while Twin LRM 5s rain on them. An SRM 4, Medium Laser and Medium Pulse Laser can bear down on the exposed parts when it gets into range.


Thread update 2/21/2014, 4:09 EST:

I have added a field that contains all Mechs that I have posted in this thread.

Edited by DavidHurricane, 22 February 2014 - 11:59 AM.

#11 990Dreams


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Posted 22 February 2014 - 11:59 AM

ARAU (All Ranged Attack Unit) JM6-A
As the name would suggest this Mech is capable of attacking enemy units on any front. Twin SRM 4s and twin SRM 6s can deal a short ranged punch while twin Medium Lasers can lase at up to 400 meters. For sniping jobs dual AC/2s can be useful.


Edited by DavidHurricane, 28 February 2014 - 08:54 AM.

#12 990Dreams


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Posted 23 February 2014 - 11:04 AM

Tactical advice: What to do when you're pinned down in combat: Charging

AC/20s are blazing overhead and missiles rain from the heavens. You and your units are scratched up, but not too badly off. What do you do? There are four options:
  • Charge
  • Flank
  • Retreat
  • Choke
In this post we will discuss the first one. Usage of these tactics varies depending on the situation. Charging is good when you are able to rush into the fire with a devastating salvo of weapon fire. You need absolute agreement of all your units when you are going to charge. Legged units are best off distracting or providing fire support. Charging does not always work, but has a devastating effect when it does. On a designated signal (i.e "GO!"), all units should rush out of cover at maximum speed and focus fire on one specific target. Boats and Snipers are first priority*. ECM is second priority* (unless it is blocking your LRMs in which case you should take the ECM out first). You cannot stop moving and should often follow a curved path to make ballistic fire harder. If LRMs are a large problem it is recommended to take cover every 10-15 seconds if possible. When executed properly charges can completely brake an enemy group to shreds. Even the slightest flaw can destroy your charge though, making this a highly risky tactic.

*Note that this is simply an observation of what has had the best results for me. Actual high-priority targets may vary.

Edited by DavidHurricane, 23 February 2014 - 11:07 AM.

#13 990Dreams


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Posted 24 February 2014 - 01:39 PM

Tactical advice: What to do when you're pinned down in combat: Flanking

AC/20s are blazing overhead and missiles rain from the heavens. You and your units are scratched up, but not too badly off. What do you do? There are four options:
  • Charge
  • Flank
  • Retreat
  • Choke
Now we will discuss Flanking. Flanking is getting on one side of the enemy (besides the front) and rapidly attacking them. In MW:O it is best to hit them on the rear flank, as most Mechs have less rear armor than side/front armor. Execution of flanking is the hardest part. When flanking you should always attempt to go unnoticed and be as fast as possible. Some units must stay behind to keep their attention away from your flanking units. You must be wary if the enemy has decided to take this tactic as well. It is best to have units that deal high pinpoint damage but still move quickly flank, as they will have the highest damage and will hit the hardest. If you don't intend to kill by flanking but just want to draw attention away lights work well. Flanking is much easier than charging and has a higher success rate, but it is still, risky and requires practice.

#14 990Dreams


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Posted 26 February 2014 - 02:38 PM

Tactical advice: What to do when you're pinned down in combat: Retreating

AC/20s are blazing overhead and missiles rain from the heavens. You and your units are scratched up, but not too badly off. What do you do? There are four options:
  • Charge
  • Flank
  • Retreat
  • Choke
Now we will discuss Retreating. Retreating is be by far the easiest. All you need to do is run as fast as possible. The problem is that the enemy will be shooting all the way and the fastest Mech will most likely survive. If possible, take a route that obscures Line-of-Sight. Make sure the enemy does not follow you or see you and kill scouts as fast as possible so they cannot report your position. Where you retreat varies based on your game mode, in Skirmish you should retreat to an easy to defend area. In conquest you should retreat to a tactically valuable resource station. In assault you would most likely want to retreat near your base in-case they decide to cap rush instead of hunt. Regardless I cannot stress how important it is for slower units to stay out of sight and together. Should you spread out too much you will only become easier to pick off.

#15 990Dreams


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 08:15 AM

Tactical advice: What to do when you're pinned down in combat: Choking

AC/20s are blazing overhead and missiles rain from the heavens. You and your units are scratched up, but not too badly off. What do you do? There are four options:
  • Charge
  • Flank
  • Retreat
  • Choke
Now we will discuss Choking. Choking is easy to do in the right place. We will use Crimson Straight in this example, although you will note the location I use is present in many stages (in some form or another). This also actually happened and we gained a huge advantage because of it (although not all of the enemy was there we would have lost many of our units if we didn't choke them out). So at "The Pass" between the two mountains on Crimson Straight the area is very narrow. This makes it ideal for a killzone (The Battle of Thermopylae, 300 Spartans). If you're enemy hasn't heard this advice (since almost no one reads this they probably haven't) then you will most likely win. Due to the narrow space only so many units can go through at once, meaning you can hit them with heavily focused fire and thus kill them off very quickly. All you have to do is wait them out till they come through (once again, since they probably don't know about this tactic they won't understand the price of going through).

#16 MizarPanzer


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 02:00 PM

storing ammos in your leg slows you down?

#17 990Dreams


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 02:18 PM

View PostMizarPanzer, on 27 February 2014 - 02:00 PM, said:

storing ammos in your leg slows you down?

No. But CASEing ammo gives a 100% chance of ammo explosion protection (I run an AC/40 Jaeger and I never die of ammo explosions even if the ammo is destroyed).

Also, in fast Mechs you might get legged, you lose the ammo if the leg is destroyed. And if the ammo in the leg is destroyed and you have an XL it carries into the shoulder (happened in the SPD-5K( C) to me).

Edited by DavidHurricane, 04 March 2014 - 12:37 PM.

#18 990Dreams


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Posted 28 February 2014 - 11:23 AM

Olympus Custos AS7-D-DC
This Mech is designed for longer ranged attacks, although it can function at short ranges. Twin Large Lasers are designed to sizzle armor off an enemy while a UAC/5 rapidly fires steel into the enemy. Twin LRM 10s substitute for an LRM 20 and allow more fire control. Should an enemy get too close an SRM 4 allows for close range defense. ECM protects you along with other sentries, snipers and boats from LRMs.



Edited by DavidHurricane, 04 March 2014 - 12:28 PM.

#19 990Dreams


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Posted 04 March 2014 - 12:40 PM

Scream BNC-3S
You seem a bit surprised I already have a build. The Scream mounts 5 Medium Lasers to shear off enemy armor and a Large Laser to assist at longer ranges. An LRM 10 can provide missile support and an AC/10 can destroy enemy components. It is surprisingly cheap as well.



#20 990Dreams


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Posted 06 March 2014 - 01:02 PM

"Punch" Improved SHD-2D2

OpUD participants may fondly remember this. Since UD is sinking I will post this here. A single AC/20 with 42 rounds of ammo makes this Mech seem like a stupendous failure of the highest magnitude. Then you realize that it has full armor on all (useful) part of the Mech and still moves at 83.9 KPH with an Standard Engine. Skillful piloting makes this Mech deadly.



Edited by DavidHurricane, 06 March 2014 - 01:02 PM.

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