Craig Steele, on 22 February 2014 - 08:16 PM, said:
So what's the point here?
Virtually every product / service has a significantly larger sales force than the production of it. Cars, toasters, restuarants, clubs. It's business 101 to reduce your production cost and increase your market penetration.
So the maths has deduced that PGI is apparently no different to virtually every other company in the world.
A business is set to thrive and keep on thriving. Many companies erected with a great product but the,failed to keep performing like that. One of the main reasons for the many bankruptcies is the massive short term profits that are expected, and maximum profits. The same goes for video games. How many studios dint brought out instant classics, only then to **** the community in the back by releasing a dumbed down, lamed up sequel wich is intended for "a broader audience?"Many of those studios, are now bankrupt.
In the Free MMO genre, if you release solely money orientated items, then you alienate your community wich will turn their backs to you in the LONG run. PGI is one massive example of this. Everything that is released, is money orientated first, then after a long time, Maybe for the community.
-Hero mechs are okay, every MMO has their type. PGI makes the first mistake here in overpricing them
-Releasing new content: Paying players first, then after a while non paying players. As it stands now, you pay alot, and then get exclusive acces to a mech chassis for 2-3 weeks, even longer. All this time, Free players are getting this rubbed in their nose. It would be better, to lower the price as an 'exclusive discount purchase" and then release the new content 2 weeks later, at most.
-Events. They are all money related once more. Discounts on MC...Patterns and sometimes mechs. Yet again no love for non-paying players. World of tanks, name it. These games ALL released events wich suits both Paying as non paying players. KV-5 tank 2500 gold reduced in price! And Silver discounts for all these tanks!
Or war thunder with their amazing events. Win X amounts of matches, recieve That amount of gold. Man i LOVED those events. X amounts of wins= THIS epic cool plane for free! Now it seems PGI did caught up to that..The free Champion Centurion mech? That was one great move
All these things, are long term investments. Games like WoT and WT..They all did this. The massive community support then quickly follows. I helped many players into WOT and WT. I have only felt the need to help one person in MWO.
One of my friends owns a buisiness. And he applied that long term investment thingy. He owns a coffee bar in antwerp. He did things like discounts, Double morning coffee mondays. Free muffin friday if you buy a coffee with 2 people. Things like that. His revenue Doubled to tripled. After 7 years, he passed on the bar to his friend because of health problems, but he made ALOT of money doing this
So PGI. putting all that people on MONEY income....Not good in the long term.You might be a monopoly now. But as Wargaming/WOT found out, that does not stop other companies. War thunder came, with a much better game, and they are the ones making fortunes now.