Welcome to the recruitment outpost of the Black Wolves Mercenary Company.

Hunting is our expertise. And the Wolf never hunts alone. That is why we created the Black Wolves. We are a pack, we hunt together, we kill together, and we enjoy ourselves together. No drama.
Originally inspired by Clan Wolf, our company has some excellent battletech lore written by our fanatics. We might be mercs now, but once the invasion starts, that might change - but only time will tell.
For now, we are simply some of the best damn mercs money can buy in the Inner Sphere.
Are you a lone wolf looking for a pack? Don't hesitate to contact us.
All dramatic introductions aside, we're a lot of decent, if not a wee bit crazy lads.
We've got knights, we've got kickass martial artists, we've got battletech fanatics, we've got progamers, we've got casuals. We've got it all, to be exact. What keeps us together is the spirit of the Wolves - it doesn't matter what you like, what you do, what you play, as long as you treat your pack well and don't mind having a good laugh and epic moments on teamspeak on a regular basis.
Timezones, you ask?
We're all over the globe.
While the highest percentage of our members is from Northern America, we have alot of Europeans and some Africans onboard. But with people playing at all times, there are always enough Wolves online to get some games going.
Our competitive team is set in North America for now, but we are actively recruiting and setting up an European competitive team as I write this. And I'm the head of that.
Competitive play, you ask?
For those looking for a challenge, we have a full team of competitive players. That's the Assault Cluster for you. The members strive to be the best at the game. They are those who fight for us in tournaments and more, our glorious "few" - currently competing in RHOD.
Regular training, great skills, following orders and not panicking in the heat of battle are requirements to become a member of the Assault Cluster, which already crushed a many foes.
If you believe this is for you, check the "competitive" box in your application.
Casual, you say?
If you are not looking for a competitive enviroment, that's just fine. The main meat of our members is looking for a casual, fun experience with people they like. And even our competitive wolves need a bit of non-ranked fun! There is almost always someone online on teamspeak.
Just jump in, have a good chat, maybe play a few drops in Mechwarrior, or just play something entirely different. Hop on and enjoy the ride whenever you like.
It doesn't matter if you don't strive to be the best mech pilot out there. As long as you're a decent person, and not a drama queen, we're glad to have you with us. Promise!
Real life, you say?
We all have real lifes, and if you have to lay low for a while, play less due to whatever circumstances, that's alright. We will NOT judge anyone for not being able to play "as much". If **** goes down in real life, gaming is secondary. And even an overload of work can kill the motivation to get some games going. So if you can't dedicate alot of time to gaming, you're still very much welcome to join us whenever you can - no pressure, no drama. Did I mention the one kind of person we don't need? Drama queens. Because that collides with no pressure, no drama.
Where can I sign up?
You can sign up and fill out an application over at our forums: http://blackwolves.enjin.com/home
We'll get to you asap. Hop on TS for a few and find out if we're the right lot for you!
A word of warning, though: Once you dropped with us, you might not want to drop with anyone else anymore.
Well, that's about it!
If you have further questions, you can ask in this thread, send me a private message, or just head straight on to our forums.
I, we, are looking forward to meeting you!
All the best,
Elric von Rabenfels
Edited by Elric von Rabenfels, 18 December 2012 - 01:56 PM.