Heavy Metal Missile Tubes Still Bugged!
Posted 27 February 2014 - 11:17 PM
What? the lab shows before launch lrm/20 -10 (20 in the chest, 10 riding side saddle) but I launch and it swaps itself to 10 - 10x2 (10 in the chest, 20 condensed to a 10 rack side saddle during twice). What the frack? they still haven't fixed this? more surprisingly, why am I even surprised! ?
is it too much to ask for a single lrm volley?
I'm also 90% sure the Victor's suffer from this still as well. Fail. ....
Posted 27 February 2014 - 11:21 PM
Suppose to be 2 x 10 (arms) + 2 x 6 (side torsos).
Mounting 3 x srm6 = Swoosh...swoosh

Edited by Profiteer, 27 February 2014 - 11:22 PM.
Posted 27 February 2014 - 11:23 PM

But on a more serious note,
Someone found out if you sell all of the weapon you are trying to put in a specific location, and then rebuy it in the place you want it and then save it, that somehow works.
Posted 27 February 2014 - 11:47 PM
Posted 28 February 2014 - 03:59 AM
Amsro, on 27 February 2014 - 11:23 PM, said:

But on a more serious note,
Someone found out if you sell all of the weapon you are trying to put in a specific location, and then rebuy it in the place you want it and then save it, that somehow works.
There's more to it than just that, as I found out personally.
You need to strip ALL the launchers from the HM, save it, go to Inventory and sell ALL the LRM launchers you own....even the ones you weren't going to put in there. Even the ones with/without Artemis. You can't have any LRM launchers of any flavor sitting in your inventory.
Then go back to the mechlab, buy the 20 first, then the 10. You'll end up with 30 tubes total.
As for the Stalker...nothing you can do there. Go to Smurfy's and check your variant. It'll tell you how many tubes you have available. You can still put an LRM20 in a slot, but if it's got 6 tubes....it's only going to come out 6 at a time.
Posted 28 February 2014 - 05:04 AM
It seems as though weapons that come with the 'mech are invisibly tagged with what slot they're supposed to be in; this invisible tag cannot be seen in any way by the player, and the only way you realize a weapon has it is when it swaps location when you save your load-out.
The solution is to put a non-tagged weapon in; that way it will stay where you put it.
How will you know which one is the tagged weapon though? That's why people are saying "sell all your launchers", even though that is a guaranteed way to lose CB.
I recently had the same issue on one of my Griffins; a LRM-15 put in the "tube" shoulder launcher swapped places with a SRM-6 I put in the chest slot. It looked (and worked) ridiculous when the launcher fired 6+6+3 missiles... Anyway, selling all my LRM-15s and SRM-6s, buying one fresh of each, and putting them in made them stick to the proper places.
Posted 28 February 2014 - 05:10 AM
stjobe, on 28 February 2014 - 05:04 AM, said:
It seems as though weapons that come with the 'mech are invisibly tagged with what slot they're supposed to be in; this invisible tag cannot be seen in any way by the player, and the only way you realize a weapon has it is when it swaps location when you save your load-out.
The solution is to put a non-tagged weapon in; that way it will stay where you put it.
How will you know which one is the tagged weapon though? That's why people are saying "sell all your launchers", even though that is a guaranteed way to lose CB.
I recently had the same issue on one of my Griffins; a LRM-15 put in the "tube" shoulder launcher swapped places with a SRM-6 I put in the chest slot. It looked (and worked) ridiculous when the launcher fired 6+6+3 missiles... Anyway, selling all my LRM-15s and SRM-6s, buying one fresh of each, and putting them in made them stick to the proper places.
It's not just the ones that came with the mech...I think they might get "tagged" once they've been put in and saved, as well.
My HM build (laugh all you want) is 1 ALRM20, 1ALRM10, 3ML and 2MGs. At one point, I pulled it all off and went for the whole "jumpsniper" meta build, just to check it out. When I decided to go back, I put the ALRM20 and ALRM10 back in....only to discover I had 2 launchers with 10 tubes each. It was kind of frustrating.
So, I pulled them off and sold all the LRM20s and LRM10s in inventory. I still had a couple LRM15s and LRM5s in there (note that I never put them on the HM). Went to the mechlab, bought another 20 and 10 and ended up with the same problem as before.
Pulled them off, went to inventory and sold EVERY LRM launcher I had. Went back to the lab, put in the 20 and 10....and viola, it's fixed.
The moral of this story: If you manage to get a loadout you like, don't mess with it. You may not enjoy the consequences.
Posted 28 February 2014 - 06:50 AM

Posted 28 February 2014 - 07:00 AM

Posted 28 February 2014 - 07:18 AM
Amsro, on 28 February 2014 - 06:50 AM, said:

I have several million CB worth of equipment stockpiled in my MechLab... Perhaps I should just sell it all, but with the sell prices being so low, I have a hard time justifying it to my inner Scotsman

Who knows, some day I might really *need* eleven STD200 engines - and that's a whole lot of CB to buy new

Posted 28 February 2014 - 09:17 AM
Posted 28 February 2014 - 09:32 AM
Posted 28 February 2014 - 11:18 AM

But after I saved the loadout, the MechLab decided the SRM-6 should fire out of the 20-tube launcher, and the LRM-15 out of the 10-tube launcher (derp!):

I managed to get it the right way around by selling all my LRM-15s and SRM-6s and repurchasing one of each, but man what a waste of CB...
Devs, if you're reading, please fix this. It affects all kinds of weapons, not just missiles.
Posted 28 February 2014 - 12:57 PM
stjobe, on 28 February 2014 - 11:18 AM, said:

But after I saved the loadout, the MechLab decided the SRM-6 should fire out of the 20-tube launcher, and the LRM-15 out of the 10-tube launcher (derp!):

I managed to get it the right way around by selling all my LRM-15s and SRM-6s and repurchasing one of each, but man what a waste of CB...
Devs, if you're reading, please fix this. It affects all kinds of weapons, not just missiles.
that's EXACTLY the same thing with the Highlanders. I'm telling you, if you strip the launchers, save the mech then go sell EVERY LRM and SRM launcher you own, it'll let you do it. Load the LRM15 first, then the SRM6. It'll fix it.
Sure, you get about 30% on the stuff you sell, but hey....it is what it is.
Posted 28 February 2014 - 03:02 PM
stjobe, on 28 February 2014 - 01:05 PM, said:
You don't need to sell ALL your launchers, just the ones of the type you're trying to put in.
You see, I dunno about that. Granted, my situation didn't involve SRMs at all.
I was trying to put an LRM20 and an LRM10 in a Highlander. I eventually ended up having to sell all my LRMs in stock..including 15s and 5s, and they weren't even part of the build. It was the only way I could get it to work. Granted, I didn't sell off my 15s...I stuck them in some empty mechs I had laying around, but still, you get the idea.
I'm only guessing it applies to SRMs as well.
Posted 28 February 2014 - 03:35 PM
My protector LRM boat with ALRM20/10 sticks to the right tubes, the 20 rack goes right into the upper torso rack, and the 10 into the pop-out pocket 10 rack.
Yet the Highlander mechs ALL have this issue. Its not just the HM which is my fave mech and I sometimes just want to swap it up and put in some LRMs (and its fun). The toso mounted Missile rack can handle up to LRM 20's in one volley, but all other pods on the mechs (733 ect ect) have LRM10 tubes. So an "optimal" 733 build is an LRM20 and 3 LRM 10's, if things would stay put that would be great.....but they don't.......
I have reported this issue a long long long time ago to PGI and got a response that it was working as intended, but I got the feeling the support guy who replied didn't understand what I was saying.
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