Joseph Mallan, on 06 March 2014 - 06:16 AM, said:
I didn't say take away aiming I said fix convergence. Fire one Weapon that should hit where you are aiming (most the time) Fire two weapons an you should not always hit the exact same spot with both. ire more and the ability to hit should get kinda shaky. I still have not seen a Pin Point Naval Broadside. Devastating, You Betcha, But 14 guns, all hitting the same 2 meter target? Don't see it.
exactly this:
hell i don't even need a weapon that is adjusted to hit the bullseye when fired allone - for acceptable performance all i need is the knowlege that the weapon in the left arm will hit the 8 tripple ring, the weapon in the right arm... the 10 tripple ring, the cannon at the hip of my atlas may hit shortly outside the bull...maybe a 17....
That means i can spread some damage... when alpha firing - or I (and not some "logical" modern targeting computer - because I'm allready the targeting computer of my Mech) adjust fire between all shots....
... writen in a other part:
i don't think that on the long run it was a good idea to understand balancing as an attemp to make all long range weapon behave similar...and short range weapons behave equal but with shorter range and more damage....You should never been able to compare a AC 5 with a PPC because both are so complete different in usage - average target and damage.
In my vision i see the AC 5 more as a fast marksman rifle - while the PPC is nothing short of a grenade launcher or RPG - maybe with the same range - but while the AC 5 is precise for low damage - the PPC is a brutal weapon that deals splash damage that rip a gigantic hole into the enemy.... and of course there should be synergy effects when combining both - >
after all that would be another kind of meta: constant AC pling pling damage - with short devasting blows of a PPC - but they should never ever have same v0, same range and the same kind of applied damage
Edited by Karl Streiger, 06 March 2014 - 06:52 AM.