Toong, on 12 April 2014 - 08:36 AM, said:
There is absolutely no need for your toxic attitude. Insults? Really?
Yes, really. You're trying to subvert the whole argument by dismissing the ability to communicate quickly and clearly as "not vital", your words.
That's insulting to those of us who know better.
You can disagree with me if you wish, but where do you get off acting as if you're superior? I don't care how wrong you think I am or how right you think you are, you should learn to be civil. Also no, I am not a terrible player, and I play regularly.
Screw being civil. PGI lost the right to have a civil discussion after multiple years of lies to the community and failure to produce promised product.
You want us to be civil, PGI better get on the ball and start actually producing, and stop intentionally misleading us.
And yes, given the actual discontinuity between your opinion and actual in game experience, I can comfortably say that I have a "superior" view point on the subject than you do.
I would like to gently correct you by pointing out I didn't say reaction time was unimportant; rather, I said it was not "vitally important." Of course reaction time is important; this is a realtime game. What I meant was, its importance is diminished from a game like Starcraft. Mechwarrior Online is a pretty forgiving game when it comes to small mistakes. Games are won by positioning and group tactics, not an individual's split second reaction time. Having a shot come a half second earlier or later will, for the most part, not affect the outcome of the game. If you decide to reply to this please note that I am saying usually, not always.
And if you believe that, then you and I are playing at different levels. I can't think of a single game, that was comprised mostly of random pugs, where being able to communicate instantly and without having to completely stop what I was doing wouldn't have made SIGNIFICANT difference. Those games where there was one or more pre-mades per side, well... There you go, VOIP solution, limited to individual groups, but you can see the EXTREME difference it makes in strategy and reaction.
It's not just ONE untimely/incomplete communication that loses the game, no. It's the cumulative affect of MANY late/incomplete/UN-VOICED communications that causes a battle to be lost.
Also, the second half to your post seems biased, and driven by personal grievances. How can it be said that lack of in-game VOIP has destroyed 12-man groups when virtually every 12-man uses third party VOIP?
You yourself use VOIP without the in-game option. The 12-man community has VOIP, so I don't understand how you can honestly say the lack of it has destroyed the game mode. Much more likely culprits are the lower overall population of 12-mans, the current premade meta (which, from my understanding, no one finds terribly fun, or at least not as fun as the old brawling meta from way back when), or tonnage mismatches.
Please point out the sentence where I indicate that 12-man groups have been destroyed. [redacted] I stated that the lack of integrated VOIP has degraded the PRE-MADE community. That comprises MOSTLY groups of 2-4 (and before the bullshit limitations, 2-8). However, the degradation of the PRE-MADE community has had its adverse affects on the 12 man competitive scene too, as a matter of fact.
I don't know how often YOU play in 12 man groups, but when I actually get to do so, at least half the drop attempts fail to find a match, and that's during North American PRIME TIME hours.
How can you easily build up a group of 12 when the largest group you can field in random pug matches is 4? How can maintain interest in doing 12 man groups if you can only drop 4 at a time while waiting for the rest of the 12 man to fill out?
It's damned difficult, let me tell you.
In any case, this discussion has become moot! In NGNG podcast #108, Russ Bullock said they're adding a command wheel and VOIP, so we're getting the best of both worlds! I'm excited that they decided to do both because I prefer being inclusive, although I'm not looking forward to angry children screaming at me on their $20 microphones.
We'll see, we've had loads of promises from Russ Bullock that as of yet, haven't materialized.
I'll believe it when I see it, and in the mean time, I'll continue to stress the importance of having it, until it arrives.
Being so afraid of children with mics, and listing it as a reason against including VOIP I find silly.
One last note: You should seriously consider doing some deep introspection, dude. You are way too angry about this video game, and it's making you think you can "[redacted]" this and "[redacted]" that to anyone who doesn't agree with you.
No, I use those terms when the arguments are "[redacted]" and "[redacted]". They are extremely useful as expressive terms and provide no mistranslation of the point of view they employed with.
I have done nothing to wrong you yet you insult me as a "noob"
Your reasoning was invalid, and absolutely contrary to ACTUAL game experience. Either you just don't know, or you're intentionally ignoring what you see in the game.
You know, before the 2-4 and 12 system, this game was only fun for big groups. I remember playing on both sides of the fence. Limiting group sizes didn't destroy the game, it saved it.
[redacted] Maximum group size at the time was 8, for both sides, that meant you and up to 7 of your friends could drop together. According to PGI at the time, MOST PEOPLE DROPPING WERE DROPPING IN GROUPS. If you stubbornly refused to find yourself a group, in a game that was intended to be a TEAM BASED COMMUNITY warfare sim, well, in PGI's own words, [redacted].
ALSO, according to PGI's own words, 9 out of 10 "PUG STOMPS" (that thing that probably made it un-fun for you) were being meted out by PUGS, >>>NOT PRE-MADES<<<.
So if PGI wasn't lying to us at the time, the need for smaller groups WAS NOT THERE. Yet, they changed it.
If you can't see the good matchmaking has done for the game (And I am by no means saying matchmaking is perfect; it needs work),...then that tells me you can only enjoy this game if you're mercilessly crushing others into the dirt. You're acting like a bully. Try to work on that.
As soon as you show me some actual "good" matchmaking, I may concede that point, but EVEN NOW, the match maker is MAJOR LEAGUE MALFED.
Drop after drop after drop, when I PUG, I'm stuck with multiple people who are obviously VERY new to this game, playing in mechs with (C) in the name, playing in 3rd person view, launching LRMS at 1000+ meter targets, and -180meter targets. Trying to fire PPCs at targets under 90 meters. Unable to launch gauss rounds, not pressing R to target what they're firing at. Shooting the team member in front of them as soon as the match starts.
Or, the other side of that alternative, getting a team with people who are vets of the game, but at the end of the match we find we were playing with either 600 ton deficit or advantage vs. the other team.
SINCE ITS INCEPTION, the match maker and ELO system HAS NOT WORKED.
Historically, PGI blamed it on a small gaming population.
Perhaps... I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of players are required to make it work, but, be that as it may, it REALLY hasn't worked at all well.
It's the absolute MINORITY of matches that you find both teams are matched in mech weight AND actual skill.
So... Again, your point is wrong.
You just need to re-read the previous statement on that.
Sometimes the truth hurts, brutally.
I admit, I'm blunt to the point of vulgarity, and after I make my statements you have NO EXCUSE for misunderstanding what I've said, [redacted]
Edited by Egomane, 14 April 2014 - 07:22 AM.
insults / language